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Posted by Ozrina, Shaara, Mena on September 7, 2000 at 14:13:28:

Got into CF at the end of the first age and then kicked the habit 4 years ago. Got back on about three weeks ago and let’s just say that the addiction scared me. CF doesn’t cause cancer, but I would say that for folks like us, it’s far more addictive than nicotine and thus I’m treating it as such. It is an escapism addiction. In the end, between a job, relationship, and the desire to kick off a writing career (expect a fantasy novel, possibly with some CF elements at some point…Imms, I’ll be in touch). In the end, there just isn’t time to dedicate the 60+ days of actual time to effectively hero a character.

Imms, thanks for an amazing game. Ironically, I have to leave because you’ve done too good of a job.
Aurya – sorry you had to put up with a character whose role was essentially just irreverant

As for these most recent chars…

Mena – an attempt to recreate Fee, a ranger Arbiter from ’95…then found out that rangers can no longer be Arbiters – Doh!
Shaara – my favorite role to date…a rager wanna-be who was planned to get progressively sicker from the effect of the taint of magic on her (threw up during fights with mages, etc.) – in the end the plan was to reveal that the taint was actually the result of the magic within her reacting similar to magnets repelling each other – in the end she would have realized this and thrown herself upon the “justice” of the village. As she con died it would be revealed [with serious Imm help if even possible] that all the mage hunting was for souls for Nazmorghul’s return to Thera and she was just a pawn in it all. Oh well, would have been fun to play as far as ragers go.
Ozrina – same name as a Nazmorghul disciple from ’95, but different role. This time a chaos gal, she dismisses her former calling, “Naz basically lost control once he tought us that pain equals bliss…yup, pretty much screwed himself from a leverage point of view.” For those of you who travelled with Oz…sorry about the poo.

Any way, it’s back to full time real life for me…I’ll close with one for Shokai:

I know life is getting shorter
Can’t bring myself to set the scene
Even when it’s approaching torture
I’ve got my routine

Momentum – from the Magnolia soundtrack
Aimee Mann

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