It's ok, I killed him. NT:

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Posted by Hiding in the shadows.. on September 8, 2000 at 10:28:09:

In Reply to: You killed me, you prick! :P n/t posted by Imperial Conjurer on September 8, 2000 at 10:23:36:

> >
> > Well I had fun with him but I needed to delete him for two reasons. One I was straying from my roleplay of the charcter that I saught from the beganning and I just couldn't have it like that. And two some real life problems I must take care of before I can play again. I hoped with him to one day be the flame, yet us the character grew I spent the majority of the time speaking of the cult and leaning more towards the voice part. I hope I didn't dissapoint you Cyradia and was worth your mark. I was also wondering if when I took the the book of law if you were pleased that I did it alone and at such a low level it seemed you were. Goodbyes go out to the following..
> > Masters -Most of my life I journeyed with your lot since he had a fond respect of your studies ways.
> > Keep up the good work Owaddyn, Rywald, Barid..

> > Sasarisa I enjoyed your company as well
> > Vlladrikar and Qxorlarran keep the temple free
> > Korun wished you never deleted..

> > List of past characters..Cant remember all there levels and such..

> > Balasundar, Bug Man, Druid of the Sun
> > Eisheth, Servant of the Dawn..Paladin
> > Jhaedrek, Imperial assassin
> > Ksathra, My fouled attempt at making a nuetral necromancer of troupe..She planned to use her zombies for plays
> > Ieodaeshea, Imperial assassin way back when Judon was War Master
> > Kanthalesa, Imperial Magus..Conjurer
> > had countless others that dont stick out in the mind

> > I might return after I get the game of life taken care of..Until then Farewell

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