So are you trying to say i deleted because i died? n/t:

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Posted by Liola on September 8, 2000 at 13:53:48:

In Reply to: There's no malice posted by Imbrogno(VIP) on September 8, 2000 at 12:30:49:

> I don't see how that post you directed me to relates to taking it as a badge of honor to have somebody delete because of you, but I'll continue the line of discussion if you so choose.

> Most of my deletions yes, come from frustration, but it's generally frustration at cabal politics or frustration at not being able to do what I want to do(get Nepenthe's tattoo dammit!). The only time I delete because of a pk is when I'm in my teens and thus have nothing but 2 hours of play time to lose.

> I, and a few others that I know, just find it funny when somebody deletes a high-level char because they die. I remember Matraien ICQ'ing me several times and telling me that another person deleted because they died to his falcon again(which is more a testament to his liking to repeat-kill people, but I digress). I don't necessarily get off on making such an "impact" on other players, but there is that slight tingle of pride deep down when you know you've driven the last nail in the coffin of one of your "enemies". Two of my proudest moments were con-deathing Ayame(who hadn't logged in in some time and was probably only at 4 con when she did during the Arb/Rager war and being a part of Ioanis' "last stand" wherein he left numerous corpses as a result of the arb/master alliance). I don't hate either of these players, hell I get along with Ioanis' player fairly well.

> I don't hold grudges, it's not about that. It's about being the last "face" the person sees while they're taking their last breaths in Thera.

> *shrug*

> and telling me to take a step back is like telling George W. to fuck up every time he talks, it has already happened. I'm going on 3 weeks sans CF.

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