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Posted by Sirhilmas on September 10, 2000 at 10:13:18:

In Reply to: Farewells (longish) posted by [Old Age] Drindremre the Assassin of the Flaming Crown, Imperial Soldier on September 10, 2000 at 09:56:10:

Well..you were the only person I had any sort of fear for. I wasn't so much afraid of you..but I never liked going out too much when you were around..I was always expecting an attack from you. You were most definatly the hardest opponent I fought. And you were really the only one who would actually fight me on a regular basis.

That time when we were fighting in the battle fields, I had just worded my group when one of them saw you, so I figured you would be looking for me so I walked around a bit and then you attacked. You vanished away I guess when your health was low, and if you didn't..I was pretty much dead.. I had only 500-600 hp left and 36 mana.

And then a few days later, I saw you in the dwarf forest, but I thought (damn me and my trusting nature heh) that we kind of had a truce for a little while. And then *BAM!* assassinated. heh. You were my first assassination out of ALL my characters. *aplaud*

For the first while we fought when I would clear out cents for younger people stuck places, I could handle you alone with out too much difficulty, then you got together with Riaoz who always managed to hold me while you would wittle me down. *mutter* Then another time Violanda worldbound me..and you were there kicking my ass again. *chuckle* After that I didn't see you for a while, from then on you were a much greater challange one on one.

You seemed to be a good char all around. I was fairly impressed. *smile* Good luck with the next one.


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