Posted by Drekten on September 12, 2000 at 13:50:02:
In Reply to: Farewells (longish) posted by [Old Age] Drindremre the Assassin of the Flaming Crown, Imperial Soldier on September 10, 2000 at 09:56:10:
> It's really nice to have a character you enjoy playing so much that you can take it all the way to the end, be it age or con death. This was one of them. And while I am sorry to let him go, I can knowing I achieved (almost) all the goals I had with this character. I say almost, because one of my early goals was to become War Master, but I wasn't on enough back then to warrent giving me the job. And when I could play more, the position was always in someone else's hands. Which worked out for the best, because as War Master I would have had to be a lot more visible than I would have liked, which would have made it hard to hunt. So I modified my role and actions somewhat, and focused on hunting rather than on Cabal politics. > Empire: Jorin, thanks for the Bloodoath, Gharik for the induction. I didn't really have a whole lot of interaction with the rest of you that sticks out in my mind, except for Havilahd and an Anti-Paladin whose name I can't remember and an incident with an unfortunate death of mine and a pair of the Blademaster's gloves. Only time I let the player get through to the character, and I have to apologize for that. But both of you handled it well. > Masters: I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I grouped with you guys. Only to raid Battle, and those times infrequently. I never hunted you, although I really wanted to, but Drindremre was a creature of habit, and had grown used to not hunting Masters so I couldn't justify doing so later in his life. > Scarab: Cirianna, you are the only one I ever spoke with. And you showed me a nuance of my character in respect to the Scarab religion that I had not seen before. I might have made a good Scarab, actually, if I wasn't sphere Victory. As such, I had a bit of the fog of illusion on me, and was bound by a sort of code of action that I had chosen (because of my history). That might have made it difficult. > Entropy: Kleptrec, you were designed for killing assassins, and you did that to me quite well. Whatever happened to you? Zorszaul, I only saw you in the realms once when you were in range. I would have loved to try my hand at you (although, since assassinating was out of the question, I would have had to try out some different strategies). I am pretty sure I wouldn't have been successful, but I know a thing or two about fighting Liches that might have made it interesting. > Battle: Minalcar, you frightened me. So did Iolanthe. Leradok, both times you killed me I learned two valuable lessons, so thanks. I enjoyed fighting the rest of you (that I was able to). I'll post a few logs. > Dawn: Man, there were a lot of you guys around! Sladin, Solian (whom I named Stretlin), Nicolette, Cartherlen, I enjoyed our talks. There were lots of others but I am terrible with names. Really heavy at the Hero ranks. I tried not to hunt you guys too much when you were just sitting in the Haven, but every now and then I would get bored. > Arbiter: I played Lawful to the hilt, and I never once broke Imperial Law (except one time I attacked a bloodoath, Yoethe (or something) but never got punished for it). I always tried to point out criminals to you guys, but beyond that, I really didn't do much with you. Your job is tough enough as it is. > Troupe: I never hunted in the Inn, except for Anathema and Gadinias (and he Imm'd before I could take advantage of my willingness to do so). Way too easy. Even if I was hunting someone and they went to the Inn, I would break it off. I made sure I had an in-character reason for it, though. I still hunted Troupers when they were out and about, but I never managed to bring the hunt to fruition. Astillian, if I had ever gotten you, I would have let you keep your shoes. > Sylvan: My arch-enemies! Flontinot, you were the best friend (as he defined them) Drindremre had in Thera, and one of my most enjoyable foes. You really should have insect swarmed me more (it prevents all sorts of travel). I really, really hated raiding you guys for the Codex, but I had some of my best fights there. > Marans: Svyatopolk, you taught me everything I needed to know about fighting Paladins with an evil assassin. If they are storm giants, wielding Defiance, and I don't have another assassin around (thanks Devlel), I learned to not even bother. I used a bunch of tactics, some seemed promising, but they always seemed to end up with my corpse on the floor after 2-3 wraths. Those experiences tainted all other fights I had with paladins, and I tended to avoid direct confrontation with them like the plague. The other Marans I fought seemed to be pretty well played, and I certainly never found them to be overpowered, although Phoenix Fire is a bitch from my standpoint. > Anathema: Kryssis and Vilkokin, well done! Kryssis, I would have really liked for you to stick around longer. Duergar shamans...didn't like them at all. Vilkokin, keep up the good work. More anathema should stick around, it makes the game a lot more interesting for Empire. I guarantee I would have stuck around just as long if I had been ousted as well. Wouldn't have become a Maran, though. > Immortals: Zulghinlour, thanks for the tattoo and our interactions, as brief as they were. I hit your shrine all the time during the first half of my life, but I only talked to you a handfull of times. Our times probably just didn't mesh very well. To the Immortal Who Didn't Anathema Me...well, I must have been doing something right to avoid the boot during the "purge". I always thought I had a pretty good grasp on what I was doing as an Imperial...or maybe I was just lucky. Assassins are the one of the most versitile characters I have ever played, able to go toe to toe with pretty much anyone. Well coded, I used every skill at one time or another, and all of them proved useful. Thanks again for the MUD! > Leika, thanks as well for the conversations. I really, really wanted to take you up on your offer, because I honestly thought I could beat you. But it was just not in character for me to do so, so I couldn't. When you did finally get me, I was so surprised I just tried to vanish. When it didn't work the first time, I tried again (Duh!). That's all it took. My wimpy was pretty much always set at 0, which is why I didn't autoflee. > If I didn't mention you above, sorry. I interacted with a lot of people, and my memory is not the best. > There are a some things as a player I dislike, because I think they can reduce somewhat the enjoyment others get out of the game. Full corpse looting and gang-banging (when not involved in raids) are the two that come to mind, and I managed to come up with a philosophy for my character that enabled me to not do these things. I only took my "due" from my opponents corpses, unless there were a lot of others around who I knew would full loot. And I hunted alone. Raids/retrievals were part of the "battles" I fought, and for that, all bets were off. To all those people I killed, or lessened your enjoyment of the game, I apologize. It was never my intention. I hope I made up for it in one way or another. > I never minded being the underdog, and recently that's what Empire has been. It makes it hard, but you become a much better player (in my opinion). Hopefully things will start to turn around. No more evils for a while for me, though; I haven't played a good since the second age! See you in the Fields.