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Posted by Elgadon on February 24, 2000 at 19:54:46:

Clad in the attire of a true minstrel, birght red clothing drapes about the young man's body. Long blonde hair breaches forth from beneath a silver hood which sits atop his head, it sways side to side gently, as the restless wind blows agasint it. YouNotice him gazing off into the horizon, beneath the silver hood, deep blue eyes, as beautiful as sapphires, sparkle gently, reminding you of the beauties of Thera.
Though strangely you sense a deep rage, flaring and burning free of the taints of humanity, you notice that the minstrel is motionless as a sentry, awaiting combat at any moment, you see his hand grip the hilts of the sword, sheathed at his side, eternally awating battle, the minstrel is no mucician of peace..

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