I hated you after you falsely flagged me based on one witness, I offered a bounty of 100k for everytime you where killed. n/t:

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Posted by Riaoz on September 19, 2000 at 13:11:49:

In Reply to: Grislan's farewell...take 3 *sigh* posted by Shokai(IMM) on September 18, 2000 at 21:19:45:

> As I stated in the first two (if you didn't read them, I'll rehash), it was fun...with a few exceptions. It had been awhile since I had played an Arbiter, and was the first giant I've played. I deleted mainly because I didn't really have the time anymore to devote to a mortal leader and to Shok's ever-so-healthy religion. My biggest complaint about Arbiters isn't with the arbies, or thier players...it's with the instant reaction people give you when they see [ARBITER]...it's like any attempt to roleplay a unique position is ignored and you're slotted instantly into a stereotypical character. The same is true for other cabals as well...but it seemed with me that it's even harder to break it in Arbiter for the simple fact that most people only interact with Arbies when they're flagged, or trying to get someone flagged....and that's a pretty narrow window for roleplay. Anyway, I gave it a shot..but as it's been said before, at times being an Arbiter is a bit too much like being an immortal...with less to do. Standing around Galadon gets pretty old after awhile and as a player you keep praying for someone to break the law while your character is content and glad that the peace is restored. I do think a lot of the arbiter bashing and the anti-arbiter mentality would change if more people gave the cabal a shot...but that's just my opinion.

> As far as thanks, and special mentions...there were a lot of players out there that I had fairly spiff interactions with...oh Kennan, I still had the badge when I deleted..probably should've added it's signifigance in the role somewhere...anyway, it was fun...hope I didn't disappoint too many people.

> now for the role and desc:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> desc:
> Dark blue eyes peer out from his face with a hard gaze. His pale white
> hair is tied with a thick piece of blue leather, except for four thick
> white braids which neatly frame his massive face. The left braids end
> with a bead of red coral and a bead of blue-green. The right braids
> end with one pale-green bead and pale-blue. Even for a giant his frame
> is stocky, yet well muscled and his movements are precise and even
> graceful. As he speaks, his voice seems both harsh and on the verge of
> a deep laugh, all at once. As he stares back at you he looks vaugly
> like a pale-green statue, and were it not for the constant swinging of
> his braids, and the ever present glint of intelligence in his eyes, you
> might mistake him for one. His huge hands never stray far from the hilts
> of his weapons, and his eyes never stray far from yours.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> role:
> (btw...the words in caps are places I edited the role...after having posted it before without remembering those parts were in there..)
> Added Thu Jun 22 16:46:11 2000 at level 8:
> Grislan Silvermane believes that life "started" the day he was squired into the warrior's
> guild. His birth and youth meant little to him, as they were things done because of the
> natural order of things, not things he himself chose. His apprenticeship, and basic
> study of combat were the beginnings of life, in his eyes. The more he studied weapons
> and warfare, the more he realised the true path to defeat lay within chaos of battle, and
> poor leadership. Any leader unable to calmly direct a battle, was doomed to fail. Chaos
> he realised, was a threat even to those not on a battlefield, and began to look around
> the cities he visited while being a messagenger for the guild. Chaos, he realised was a
> plague, to combat, to the Light, to everything...if the Light were every going to triumph
> it would need not only steady leaders, but Order. Leaders who knew thier men would
> attack as directed, obey thier commands....again he realised that outside of the battles
> Order was needed. Slowly as he worked his way up to a true ranking in the guild, his
> view of why he fought, and what he fought for began to change. No longer was he the
> white-haired "child" with bubbly notions of swordplay, and glory for the Light. Instead
> he had become a calm, steady warrior's apprentice, his hair wearing the braids of the
> warrior. The green bead to remind him of peace, and that he fought to one day see it.
> The red bead to remind him that blood must be shed to accomplish his goal. He looked
> around him, as he stepped foot out of the Academy...and decided that his calling was
> to the Light, but that first Order must prevail...with this set firmly in his heart, and his
> hair braided and beaded, he begins.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> [Hit Return to continue]

> the deal with the beads: Coming from a very ritualistic community of storm giants
> the beads are used to not only mark warriors, but to tell of thier deeds, and to remind
> warriors why they fought, and other such things along the way. Each bead is made
> from coral, and dyed a color that has some meaning tied to the ocean. (green for
> peace due to the color of calm oceans, white for large battles due to the foam on
> waves in times of turmoil...etc)
> other bead colors that he may or may not adapt:
> PALE BLUE: brotherhood (only if he makes close ties with another storm giant)
> GREY: enemy (if one paticular person clashes with him constantly, for multiple
> enemies, new beads would be added to the same braid)
> WHITE: a major battle
> SILVER: a major victory
> BLUE-GREEN: a bead given to leaders.

> Added Mon Jun 26 18:19:21 2000 at level 11:
> Searching for Zulghinlour's shrine

> Grislan's first attempt to find the shrine of his Lord, was to venture to SOMEWHERE
> HE THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE, based mostly on the assumption that this would be where a fire giant god
> would chose to inhabit. After finding ANOTHER SHRINE NEARBY WHERE HE WAS LOOKING, he
> began to have doubts, but explored a tiny part OF THE PLACE...only to be thwarted by
> [Hit Return to continue]

> a band of NASTY MOBS that he narrowly escaped. Seeking to reflect on this, he
> ventured to Balator, where he prayed at the shrine of neutrality to his Lord. (Chosing this
> shirne as opposed to Light of Dark..not wanting to offend Zulghinlour by praying at the
> Light shirne, yet not wishing to call upon other Dark gods at the other). He prayed seeking
> a hint as to the where abouts of the shrine...coincidence perhaps (though Grislan does not
> believe so) a cloud giant (who's name eludes me) showed up and talked with Grislan, when
> Grislan asked if he knew of Zulghinlour's shrine....the cloud smiled, and hinted at a land of
> frost and ice. Grislan thought about it for quite some time, but after being warned of the
> harsh conditions, decided to grow stronger a bit. As he ventured to Udgaard, he felt the
> presence of Zulghinlour...so raced to a holy spot to pray to the Lord, chosing the burned out
> guildhouse (again as a neutral point of Light and Darkness)...he then set off to test himself
> in SOME PLACE. As he crossed the ANOTHER PLACE, he came down with chicken pox and began coughing
> not letting this stop him, he set off for A PLACE . After a brief meeting with some
> rather quiet MORE MOBS...he eventually found the shrine. As he saw A SHRINE MOB, he felt
> loathing rise up...but remained calm, though Grislan has already wondered if THE MOB will be
> the first grey bead he wears.
> The importance of finding the shrine, and all that he went through to Grislan's future is not
> only the chance for Zulghinlour's mark...but also that he ranged wide and far to find the shrine
> and learned that assumptions from vauge hints are rarely to be chased after based on first instinct.
> Also A MOB's presence, and if he does garner the grey bead, has given Grislan an even greater
> reason to prove himself, and to bring Order to the Light.

> [Hit Return to continue]
> Added Mon Jul 3 21:44:46 2000 at level 18:
> The Arbiters

> After speaking with Zulghinlour, and being told to prove himself with actions
> and not just words, Grislan sought out to join the Hall. Penning first a
> scroll of intent, he then hurried to learn enough to rise swiftly through the
> guild. Shortly after achieving the 16th rank he found Elder Imbrogno and spoke
> at length in Galadon, about the Hall. Shortly after speaking to the Elder, the
> Elder left the realm, never to return. Not knowing this when later he spoke to
> Lord Quintius...he realised he had been the last new recruit to the Hall under
> the Elder's recomendation. This set him even firmer in his resolve to be the
> best he could. Shortly upon speaking to Lord Quintius, he was accepted into
> the Hall. Not much longer after this, Lord Quintius was raised to Asgaard
> making yet another impact on proving himself...since he was now the last
> recruit into the Hall under Lord Quintius's lordship.
> [Hit Return to continue]

> Grislan firmly believes that Order must come before the Light can prevail,
> yet takes no pleasure in killing a Lightwalker, yet he would rather do it
> himself than allow one of the dark to do so. Fellow lightwalking Arbiters he
> sees as near-kin, and will aid them in any way he can. To some extent all
> LG's. NG's he sees as helpful, and as long as they are not criminal, he
> tolerates them, seeing them as merely misguided. CG's he will not actively
> hunt (unless Entropy or flagged), but will try to instruct them on thier
> errors any chance he gets. (other bits of good related stuff) storm giants
> are refered to as wave-kin, and occasionally LG paladins as law-blades, and
> neutral paladins as grey-blades.
> LN's he sees much in the same light as NG's, correct in their aim, yet
> misguided. CN's he will hunt if there are none other to hunt. NN's he
> tolerates believing them to be mere watchers, waiting to see if Order or
> Chaos is stronger and to see if Light or Dark is. He intends to show them
> that Light and Order are the strongest by far. (other neutral notes) non-
> chaotic druids he holds in high regard, as they understand the order inherent
> in nature. Cloud-giants are refered to as wave-kin. Neutral Arbiters he works
> with...and has little qualms, will probably try to preach the Light to them.
> No evil is not tolerated. Evil Arbiters he will work with ONLY when needed,
> [Hit Return to continue]
> prefering instead to ignore them and prevent them from killing one of the
> Light if he or a grey are able to do it. If Grislan does make Lord or Elder
> it's highly unlikely he would speak to an evil candidate. Fire giants are
> dark-kin...and are pretty much the next best thing to kill after anything
> chaotic.

> Added Thu Jul 6 17:11:48 2000 at level 22:
> Grislan has added the pale-blue bead in honor of the storm giant grey-
> blade of the Phoenix, Holuson. A very noble fighter in Grislan's eyes
> and while he admires the wave-kin's dedication to the victory that is
> to come when the Light triumphs, he sees him as a bit niave in his
> thinking that even chaotic lightwalkers can help bring about the victory.
> As a near-brother to him, should Holuson ever find himself warranted,
> Grislan will do everything he can to make sure it is his blade that
> brings Holuson to justice, if only to make sure that it is as swift and
> painless as possible. Grislan also believes he can convert Holuson into
> seeing chaotics as detriments, and hopes to have Holuson see the need
> for Order.

> Added Fri Aug 18 16:56:30 2000 at level 42:
> After being made Elder, Grislan began to feel that he was making swift
> [Hit Return to continue]

> progress towards his goals. When Bria asked him to meet her in the
> Hall, he knew that his time of Leadership was truely near. After being
> raised to the position of Lord, he sought his Lord again. After many
> days of waiting, and glaring at Thukdur he was finally granted an
> audience, and the mark of his Lord. After looking around the Hall, and
> deciding that all was well at least for the moment he continued his
> travels, and duties.

> After chasing the criminal dark-kin, Raudruk for several days, and finding
> constantly hiding in his Village, (and knowing from previous encounters
> he would only come out if another Villager woke and left his hut) Grislan
> stood near the giant and taunted the dark-kin, trying to get the criminal to
> come forth, to no avail. After two weeks of this Grislan returned to Galadon
> to keep an eye on the town.
> Soon more of the Hall entered the realm, and Grislan decided to attempt again
> to rattle out the criminal. When he came to the village, with Gachricar and
> Kennan...he was met by many ragers and the anti-paladin Hildebran, who gave
> the choice between dueling the dark-kin one on one, or being treated as a
> party of raiders. Knowing his duty, Grislan stood firm...later Hildebran came to
> Hall. Where Grislan tried to make him see that Raudruk was a coward, and that
> peace between the Hall and Village would never exist if such things happened.
> Hildebran, alas, didn't hear his words. For rememberance if nothing else, he
> [Hit Return to continue]

> placed the first white bead on his braids. After raised to the position of Lord,
> he sought his Lord again. After many months of being the sole Lord, Gachricar,
> a wind-kin that he had hunted with was raised to Lord. Knowing they shared the same
> goals, and that the wind-kin was strong in the law, Grislan accepted him
> as an equal. After naming Shemlak as his Elder, Grislan was called (unexpectedly)
> to return home.
> When he returned to shore, and the Hall, he found that in his absence chaos
> had grown unchecked and rampant. As he sorted through his scrolls, he
> reflected on his talk with Hildebran...and realised that the war he had grown up
> hearing about may soon be replayed. Coming to the conclusion that madness had
> taking it's toll on the elven leader Barsimmon, Grislan began preparing for war.
> Wondering the whole time how many silver, white, and grey beads will swing from
> his braids before he rests again under the waves.
> -----------------------------------------------------

> "Standing on the shoulders of giants
> leaves me cold
> leaves me cold
> a main idea to call my own"

> - REM

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