Posted by Aristreide on September 23, 2000 at 09:47:16:
Aristreide is my first character of good alignment. I started playing him regularly after deleting an imperial hero out of frustration (with the empire itself about as much as dieing all the time) , but there were a lot of evils in the mid ranks so i figured it would be somewhat balanced by the time I heroed, but it was not. Has not been anything very significant about this character to this point. Just another of the Hoard of hero lightwalkers Shokai followers (no where near enough kills to be a Maran they always get away, though in bad shape). I have been playing this character less and less mainly because of boredom. With the lack of opposition (my hours of play are pretty fixed so dont know how it looks at other times), my activities when I logged on tended to be locating items, going to get them, then hitting eq repeatedly and saying "Damn I look good". Although for the most part my equipment was not ultra elite, this is the best dressed character I've ever had. However, Ive put a lot of time in this character and still enjoy him a lot when i have someone to fight in a somewhat even matchup. Didnt want to hold my eq so logged on this morning to sac it and luckily enough (i guess) zorsaul was on, so i went to be quickly dispatched, said goodbye to garenth and quit. I plan on playing aristreide again at some point, probably when i start reading post about how imperials have no skill and only fight when they have a 5 to one advantage, so ill have some idication of how this character actually stacks up. Hopefully i dont let him autodelete. Until then have fun.