Posted by SB on September 23, 2000 at 20:00:32:
In Reply to: [DELETED] Scorbus Elsador, Protector of the Inn posted by Scorbus(VIP) on September 20, 2000 at 19:02:02:
Wow, I didnt think anyone from Trenou's time was still around.. Very good job I must say. > I don't know what to say. I have always loved the Inn and will never forget my memorable moments in it. I was born right after the fall of the knights and wanted to delete when they came back but that never happened. I know my time is well over due. I was in 7th grade when I started this character and never dreamed how well he would have turned out. There were so many who I knew, some for the good some for the bad. I don't think I need to list everyone who impacted Scorbus life but here are a few I can remember, Lady Lyria, Rasia, Andaren, Vella, Laellanna, Arkebelias, Neria, Graddar, Tathlyn, Taerin, Amaltheia, Daedric, Celebeleni, Gobnait, Jacynth, Moli, Thror and many other I know I forgot. I am interested in how you guy felt I did for only being in 7th grade when I started Scorbus. > These states are not up to date but you get the idea. > You are Scorbus Elsador, Protector of the Inn, level 51, 927 years old (475 hours).
> You are old.
> Race: elf Sex: male Class: bard Hometown: Darsylon
> You have 920/920 hit, 847/847 mana, 795/795 movement.
> You have 0 practices and 2 training sessions.
> You are carrying 33/35 items with weight 208/327 pounds.
> Str: 18(18) Int: 25(25) Wis: 21(21) Dex: 23(23) Con: 16(16) Chr: 14(18)
> You have scored 680916 exp, and have 190444 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 250 hit points.
> You are standing.
> Armor: pierce: -280 bash: -281 slash: -278 magic: -197
> You are divinely armored against piercing.
> You are divinely armored against bashing.
> You are divinely armored against slashing.
> You are divinely armored against magic.
> Hitroll: 35 Damroll: 39.
> You are good. You have a lawful ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Protection.
> You are affected by:
> Song: 'resisting' modifies none by 0 for 13 hours.
> Song: 'dance with jak o the shadows' modifies armor class by -30 for 12 hours.
> Song: 'dance with jak o the shadows' modifies hp by 112 for 12 hours.
> Song: 'dance with jak o the shadows' modifies save vs breath by -13 for 12 hours.
> Song: 'dance with jak o the shadows' modifies save vs paralysis by -13 for 12 hours.
> Song: 'we come we come' modifies damage roll by 9 for 11 hours.
> Song: 'we come we come' modifies hit roll by 9 for 11 hours.
> Song: 'shield of words' modifies armor class by -20 for 44 hours.
> Song: 'galadriel' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 36 hours.
> Song: 'galadriel' modifies hit roll by 9 for 36 hours.
--920? Nice amount of hp for an elf..