It was always fun avoiding you. *grin* Well played. (n.txt):

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Posted by Zepachu on September 24, 2000 at 21:59:43:

In Reply to: [DEAD] posted by Vrain on September 24, 2000 at 21:04:28:

> Well, what can I say...
> Rangers are, in my newly enlightened vision, a badass
> class. If you know how to prepare and all the nifty
> little tricks of the lands. (I'm sure I don't know ALL
> of them) then you can kick ass with just about anyone.
> Just seems that ranger's are better at it.

> Anyhow, I'd like to think that I kicked some ass with this character...well, I know I did on several occasions. My last bungling death was at the hands of a Paladin and his group...though it was my fault, forgot to take off my ring of courage (DOH!!)
> Playing a follower of Scarabaeus was, as with Jahzul, a
> hard thing to do at times. But I always find it rewarding to attempt the difficult rather than follow
> the beaten path of ...let's say...and Elf Master Conjurer? *shrugs* (No offense old friend, ya you know who.)

> Vrain's mentallity was one of a self-empowered, reightous psycho. Quite the anti-social type. And no, it wasn't for lack of intelligence, if you read his role (below) you'll see that he was actually envisioned as quite the of those reclusive types that becomes so disgusted with the world that he revolts against it.
> Anyhow, I'd like to know who, if anyone, had any sort of interest in this character (Especially Scarabaeus).
> A Critique of sorts.
> Hope you enjoy the role.

> Well, here is my description, role, and practice screen at my time of death.

> description:

> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

> Before you is a man, a savage, of human descent, though
> his brutal features would lead one to believe he is more closely related to some kind of simian sub-species. Shaggy, black eyebrows suit the tanned skin of what looksto have been a handsome face, but which is now permanently tainted with several ragged scars. Though the face may be barbaric, the true ferocity lies within the smoldering hazel cyclones that
> mark his eyes. No empathy, no emotion whatsoever can you you gleen from them, just the simple and frightening truth that this man is dangerous...
> His physique is impressive, like an olympian or a titan of old, seemingly flawless save for the few scars you can make out on his bare arms. A wicked, spiked axe hangs loosly from the broad belt around his waist, and from the way his hands seem to grip the handle at every possible moment, itseems he is eager to use it.

> Role:

> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

> Methicus birth name, that which my mother gave to me when I first came upon this ignorant world. A name I have cast off like a snake casts off dead, useless skin... Skin that has become more cumbersome than it is worth. Growing up in a densely populated city, such as New Thalos, which is now known as Hamsah Mu'tazz, was the cause of all the suffering in my life...but I see now that it had to happen that way for me to achieve enlightenment. It did not come easy, however. Many years did I study at dimly lit libraries in hopes of 'bettering' myself, and my
> reputation in the eyes of the ones I now know as the Bound. I always felt 'it', though I could never place a name or even exactly what the feeling was, just simply that my life as it was false...corrupted...and blind. I sought the council of the clergy and found nothing except an even stronger belief that those around me were even more false than myself. No answers could they give, only diversions. What was this 'thing' then, that I felt? Something that was always there from the first rule I was was made to follow, something that grew stronger and more blinding each time I suppressed the urges that I once called
> perverse, or cruel, or simply insane.

> On one of the many hot, moonlit nights that I wandered the deserts not caring whether I lived or died in this false world, I came upon the answer in a most mysterious way... As I was coming over a dune I saw a nomad boy on the next rise. And I realized that I was starving, I did not even notice it as I had wandered in hopelessness. I saw the beast and my first impulse was to kill satiate my hunger with his life. Of course I had brought my own provisions of jerky and such...even a stout knife I had been given in my youth. Revulsion at the urges I had came to me and I reached for my pack. Yet, in that moment I felt I had injured myself by denying what was in me...

> As the boy fell before me I grinned in satisfaction.
> I had found the name for the sickness that had Bound
> man-kind and freed myself in the process.The name was Fear. Fear of being one's true self, fear of rejection, fear of make great cities, and marvelous things, yet they cower in a prison of fear. A prison that has become so ingrained into their lives that it is nearly impossible to see...

> No longer does fear lead me by it's invisible arm, I
> have heard the Call and it has saved me from imprisonment. But no call do I heed that is not my own...I shall hunt those who poison this realm with their hippocritical and ignorant retoric. A beast I have, a beast I have always been, now I sharpen my claws. And I will don a new name, the Ancient name for the beast which lurks in the shadows of the wilds, Vrain, a true savage...A free soul.

> ...My wanderings have borne fruit at last it seems. I met with one who knows my heart...who is one and the same. He told me of this Call that has liberated me, and him as well. He goes by the name of Thalen Nightbringer. It is refreshing to finally
> encounter one who has broken the shackles of bondage as I have. I must find more like him...

> After speaking with yet another of the Father's chosen, Cirianna, I am even more given to believe that it was His words which have and continue to liberate me...I grow more and more disgusted with most I come across...I am tired...oh so tired of preaching to
> undeserving virus's whom I once called comrades...I prefer to eliminate them now...destroy any chance they have of infecting another. The stench of them is stifling at times, so that I can hardly only peace is the Hunt. I must seek the Father...

> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

> I haven't played Vrain in a while so I forgot the names
> of most of my compadres...though I recall Thalen, Cirianna, and...damn, that's all I remember. Well, anyhow...see ya in the fields!

> Khaken.

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