Posted by Crack on March 6, 2000 at 23:51:37:
In Reply to: Hrm sorryif i pissed people off with my responses, just exlaining myself. (n/t) posted by Kenneth on March 6, 2000 at 13:40:20:
> > Role: > > When his true training in the knightly arts began, he ventured beyond the city's walls for the first time since his childhood. That first night there was a fierce Storm. He and his companions were trapped at the mercy of nature. Though his friends fled away, he could not help but stay, struck in awe by the awesome power and beauty of the Storm. He watched as it charged across the land, unleashing its wrath on anything that stood in its way. Till this time he had always been fond of nature but he was inspired by what he saw. > > The next day he returned to home, pretending as if nothing had ever happened but he was never the same. After witnessing the freedom of the Storm, he could never again conform to the ways of the city. Whenever he heard the sound of thunder he would sneak from his home, escaping the bounds of the city before it was shut tight. He could never forgive those of the city for what they had done, keeping him from seeing the true power of the Storm. His love for the Storm would never end, it having shown him the true way. > > > > On your final inspection, you take no that:
> > Vallar'kal was born the son of a rich merchant in the lake city south of Galadon. He was raised a gentile and law abiding citizen like any other. His father, wanting him to grow to be a leader among his people, brought him one day to the city of New Thalos. There Evanlaar, the Paladin guildmaster took him under his wing. Wanting him to fit in, the guildmaster had Vallar'kal's name changed to Kenneth and so has he been called ever since.
> > Description:
> > A kind and noble giant stands in the grass before you. More accurately, he
> > stands in the ground, his huge feet having pushed deep into the soil. He
> > is perhaps the height of a small tree, or two brownies, one standing upon
> > the other. He has blue eyes, the color of the Aryth Ocean on a sunny spring
> > day. They are so beautiful you almost seem hypnotized by them. His head is
> > large and his face rather square. You notice a bit of stubble on his chin,
> > but other than that he seems to groom himself well. His hair is the color
> > of the afternoon sky, a deep purple that almost blends with his skin. His
> > hide is rough and wrinkled. It is obvious that it has taken a beating in
> > its time. Each of his arms hangs at a slight angle from his body, his huge
> > muscles keep him from pulling them all the way in.