Posted by Iolanthe on September 29, 2000 at 04:49:30:
In Reply to: I'm gone, at long last! posted by Flontinot on September 28, 2000 at 12:03:53:
> Boy, where to start? > Over 600 hours of life, and I enjoyed every minute of it. God, I love roleplaying. Yes, it's true, Sylvan powers are overwhelming, at times... but if you think that's why most are in the Cabal, I truly hope you are wrong. An amazing collection of characters. With my past character, I started to look down on the quality of roleplay in CF, but perhaps I was just looking in the wrong places. Everyone I interacted with a good bit... thank you... you made this character unbelievably special to me. > I tried to roleplay, never to PK. Don't bother with the PK criticisms, I know exactly what I did wrong, but really didn't care. Unless I was defending the bear, I never took advantage of what Sylvan Powers can offer. Almost without exception, I never summoned a beast, used insect swarm, or set walls of thorns, away from the Cabal. > IMM's, if any of you wondered why a character of my... errr, caliber... had no long role, well... I spent a day adding tremendously to it, after I became Lieutenant... the MUD crashed, I lost it all, and never tried again, sort of to my regret. > Okay, I lived so long, I'm not even going to bother trying to mention everybody... it's just not possible. Some, I simply forget their names, so, in advance, I'm sorry. > Empire - Riaoz, Drindremre, Riebold... I had interesting interactions, and conversations with all of you. I slew Gharik, and I slew Khayr, which goes to show how old I was. (Not alone mind you, I was a terrible coward) > Master - Rendak, Xeren, had interesting talks with the both of you. Hifflio, you snuck up on me and beat the snot out of me more times than I care to remember. Narlock... I hate to bash folks, and I didn't know you well... but your overnight transformation from an intelligent elf, to Doctor Evil was laughable. > Battle - Vizarsh, you're gonna do a great job. Adrhesa, thanks for taking time to flatter an old cat. Pintose, don't get too cocky! > Arbiter - Kennan I had a few interesting interactions with, but for the most part, I never interacted with them, cause I avoided cities like the plague. > Dawn - Solian, Feiriel, Chaldaie, thanks for the cookies, and the interactions. > Troupe - Cerleis, our adventures were possibly the most fun I had with this character, and it was all the better if Arvam was along. > Marans - Flontinot always said.. be wary of the Marans... they are your friends, but only when it is convenient for them. This does not apply to all of you... but the idea of judging evil by a red or golden glow has simply never made any sense to me... with any character. > Sylvan - Wow. I inducted so many of you, and only messed up once, I think. Well, twice... Uller knows what I'm talking about, we'll leave it at that... errr, sorry again, Uller. From the first I met, Brakolin, to the last I inducted... errr, whoever that was... I enjoyed every single one of you. Malaglen, Delanathean, Zverev, Hilaego, Yueim, Shalvend, Auri, Nafalin, and all the older ones I spent a lot of time with, thank you. Pikel, you can be a riot, but whack me on the ass with that axe again, and I'm coming back from the grave for ya. As for the younger ones, I wish I had time to get to know you better, but the demands on my time were rather intense when I was in Thera. > Uller - Thanks again, and thanks for always listening to me pestering for advice, no matter how stupid the questions. > Sebeok - Thanks for giving me the opportunities, from induction, to Lieutenant, to Captain, to the Tattoo. Every time I interacted with you, I had a great time. I'd heard so much about what a hard ass you could be, but all I saw was big ass giant, serious at times, but with a pretty damn good sense of humor. > I tried like hell to do my best with interviews, and took pride in taking time getting to know applicants. I know I blew a lot of folks off, and I'm sorry... but as anyone who has ever led a cabal knows, it can be brutal the amount of tells per minute you get. I'd sit back, try prepare myself... vis... then 3 seconds later they start pouring in. Sorry to anyone I seemed rude to, such was not my intention. > It was definitely my time, I mean, 600 hours is a hell of a long time. And quite frankly, it was very difficult to be Flontinot. Being funny (if i was), happy, and an all around frolicsome fellow all the time, takes a hell of a lot of effort. I said after my last character, I was going to cut down on CF, but I figured I had one big one left in me... so that was Flontinot. Thanks again to everyone. > Again, my apologies to those I didn't mention. No offense. I'm always glad to hear comments, positive or otherwise, so bring it on. > Flontinot, Quinthen, and a hell of a lot of other idiots