Re: yeah, but...:

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Posted by Hifflio on September 29, 2000 at 10:27:00:

In Reply to: yeah, but... posted by Cathoir on September 29, 2000 at 04:03:49:

> > Perhaps I am taking this a little hard, and perhaps not.
> > The point is no one even hinted at Hifflio getting a restrung
> > form or anything.

> I'd say the conversation you had with Tiamat about what forms to choose combined with the fact you'd just completed a hard quest and become the dragon tower's apprentice hinted pretty strongly at it. At least, that's what I would have assumed.

The conversation was wonderful, I enjoyed it so much. 200 hours later, there was hardly if any contact from her again. Is there frustration involved, obviously yes. Is there anger involved no. When you spend 500 + hours roleplaying your eyes out and then look around and see others getting quest powers for being leader, or a leader item, or this or that for doing half what I did, I think frustration is a natural response. Frustration is definately one of my feelings. Anger or hatred at anyone, no. I got a big mixture of frustration, enjoyment and happiness. If this is the wrong way, well goodness, so be it! woho.

> > My God seemed to ignore me, even when he was
> > around (and he usually talked to me quite a bit) he did not return
> > prayers or direct contact.
> > Nepenthe's post just gave me a good reason why things were going
> > that way. Did I stop playing when that post came out? No, I spent
> > another 60 some hours of playtime looking for Zulghinlour, at different
> > times of the day, one day for 18 hours straight (wince). Hifflio was
> > my only character until he reached 510 hours old and at that point
> > , with me being old and probably close to death, I thought I would complete
> > my roleplay with plan B instead of sitting around. (I'm not a sitting
> > around kind of person as Zulghinlour knows.)
> > Should I have stuck it out for those last 15 hours of play, maybe.
> > Should a god, any god give me a hint at all after all I have done, maybe
> > or maybe not.
> > If I was a God and knew one of my followers had put that much work into
> > something, I would have at least alerted them of their good work and not
> > ignore (harsh word, Zulghinlour you did an amazing job) for a long time.
> > Last I looked there was a note system in place... *sigh* now I'm ranting.

> > Hif
> I just don't think you should be mad over it, you clearly caught them at a bad time and had a run of bad luck when you clearly deserved a quest form. More bad luck with missing Zulghinlour so much... i'm just saying don't take it the wrong way, it happens and sometimes just can't be avoided.

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