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Posted by Laios on September 30, 2000 at 11:25:49:

In Reply to: The difference between stupid flame humor and the real thing. posted by Hifflio on September 30, 2000 at 03:08:15:

> It was a joke, and just a little poking fun at Minalcar
> when I said that in my goodbye note. He took it seriously and
> flamed me, so I flamed him back. Its all in good humor.
> I guess you didn't get it, sorry Laios.

Most of this doesn't even make sense... it's all in good humor, he took it seriously, you flamed back... go back and read the note, than tell me what it is I don't get. I'm sorry if I don't get it, perhaps it's the sort of thing you learn emoting by yourself for hours on end in some lonely tower.

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