Re: Just a question to the Imms about the char board.:

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Posted by Resrc on October 4, 2000 at 07:42:56:

In Reply to: Just a question to the Imms about the char board. posted by Some newbie... on October 4, 2000 at 00:10:02:

I think that it is unlikely that an immortal would remember a description that someone wrote on the char board, as for the most part they would simply skim them.

And even if they did happen to recognize it, I think that they would rather have a good description from a guy that asked others' opinions than a mediocre (or downright bad) description, something which is unfortunately amazingly common.

Of course, the optimal is to write your own good description, but asking others' opinions is the way you learn to do that.

btw, posting your role before your death might not be such a great idea, for obvious reasons.


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