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Posted by Nivek on March 12, 2000 at 23:39:30:

In Reply to: My description and role (part I)... posted by Viscrinth on March 11, 2000 at 15:26:50:

> Description:

> Large, dark flowing robes are draped around this creature's figure. It moves
> in a motion that is not easily described... jerkily, but with sickening fluidity.
> A cold, milky-green light fills the otherwise empty cavities that once housed its
> eyes, shedding a pale glow upon its face, if one could even call it a face. The
> light has a strange glint of inhuman wisdom or tormented knowledge... something
> about it could quickly hurl a mortal into the depths of insanity. The skin that
> still manages to cling to its skull is torn, and looks a bit like withered and
> browned parchment. Bits of dark bone are visible through the jagged holes in its
> facial flesh. There seems to be a slight glow emanating from the depths of its
> skull that is different from the one behind its eyes, showing through its mouth
> and the crater that is half-clogged with rotting brown flesh where its nose should
> be. It is not as much of a glow as it is a sparkle, similar to what you would see
> reflecting off of the shell of a black beetle under the light of a flickering torch.

> Its composure is surprisingly confident for a being that seems so frail, and
> as it hovers by, small charms of assorted stones and minerals jingle softly
> from within its elegent yet sour-smelling silk robes. Menacing, quiet whispers
> emanate from this terrible display of undeath, cutting through the stale air
> that surrounds it like the sharp blade that it wields. Its arms protrude from
> the robes it wears, almost free from the grip of the dead flesh that clings
> desperately to the dark bones. The rigid skeletal structure of its hands are
> completely fleshless and wrapped tightly around an ancient blade of fine make
> that is tarnished with the burden of years and notched slightly at the edges.
> Viscrinth, a male undead, is in perfect health.

> Role:

> Viscrinth Intrakhus was born in a small village near Galadon, just off the
> South Alindaer road in the plains. The village was rather self-sufficient and
> tried not to, on most occasions, interact with the larger cities. Of course,
> some things such as trade (and law enforcement, should a known criminal be spotted
> within the village) worked their ways into the quiet village. During his early youth,
> Viscrinth never associated himself with any true moral alignment, but he understood
> that a certain degree of order was necessary to achieve his goals (which at that
> time were rather simple, and were usually somewhere between completing his chores
> and seducing the pretty girl he saw in Galadon during the last meat sale.)
> At the age of eighteen, life as he knew it was shattered in two quick, powerful blows.

> Viscrinth's parents dabbled in the arts of Magic... Although they were not true
> mages, they knew some of the more basic spells of the school of invocation. They
> put on shows from time to time, firing off a few balls of fire into the air on
> special occasions and such. On the thirtieth anniversary of the village's founding,
> they had decided to try something new. They began to study certain creatures and
> things in the elemental canyon and within the guilds of Galadon (which is strange,
> as they rarely ventured there). They rushed in their studies, to meet the deadline,
> the date of the anniversary festival, and in their foolish, uncontrollable and childish
> eagerness, they studied only the basics of what had needed to be known. The festival came,
> and the very beginning of the festival marked the very end of all happiness for the village.
> Any competant invoker beyond the earliest of ranks would have been able to perform
> the spell correctly. Viscrinth's parents attempted to make a massive wall of fire
> dance about the outskirts of the village, causing no harm to anyone or anything.
> The wall of fire closed in upon the festival, not upon everyone, but a good deal of
> people were scarred, houses, farms and crops burned and livestock destroyed.
> Three people were killed. In a village consisting of few more than eighty, this was a
> devastation. They were almost immediately sentenced to death by the town council,
> and although Viscrinth was emotionally destroyed, he felt that no injustice had been done.

> Not long after this event, a plague overtook most of Thera. The village fell within
> a matter of months, and Viscrinth was of the few survivors. Although this did not
> drive him into insanity, it is safe to say that he was never quite right again. He
> had watched everyone that was left of the village deteriorate into rotten husks
> of what they were, and began to view people in a different way... Spirits in a
> flawed container. He blamed nature for what had happened, and intended to study
> the art that defied nature, and spat in its face. He intended to destroy nature.
> He sought out the famed Tower of the Five Magics with little training or experience,
> but with determination and a passion for the extreme opposite of Nature, the flawless
> and limitless wonder that is Magic. Bhugoliara spoke with him, and gave him a chance
> to enter the Tower. He was to gather two potions that represent each Magic. Viscrinth
> completed the quest rather quickly, and when Bhugoliara returned, she was pleased
> with his determination and love for Magic... He was inducted by her shortly before
> nature destroyed his new leader, Bhugoliara.

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