Desert, shut up:

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Posted by Cothurak on October 7, 2000 at 13:04:10:

In Reply to: Let me guess before I read this - You got bored with the character? *chuckle* Yes, yes you did. n/t posted by Desert Rose on October 7, 2000 at 09:31:34:

> > Well, what's to say. I've so much to say, and so
> > little space to do it. This is gonna be long, so
> > bare with me.

> > Let me start off with why I made Cothurak. I will
> > always love to be the underdog, and Empire was
> > hurting. So I decided I would play a shaman, the
> > one class I've learned to love but never really
> > knew much. Thinking it would be neat to add a small
> > twist to my story, I picked sphere Fire and went
> > to Zulghinlour for Empowerment. To sum it up, the
> > empowerment didn't go over well. Frankly, I don't
> > care for his religion, IC, but liked my own ideas
> > of the Fire, etc. He didn't. It ended in me getting
> > empowered with the rules I would need to be in the
> > Council of the Empire by the age of 45, and to meet
> > him every 10 years to "pay my respects". From that
> > moment on, in Cothurak's life, he pretty much said
> > to hell with Zulghinlour.

> > (Little side note to Zulghinlour. Well roleplayed,
> > and your always a neat Immortal to deal with - done
> > a few others - but when ya don't like my empowerment,
> > don't tell people on ICQ how lame it was. It gets
> > around eh? Just a little tidbit to try and remember.
> > It didn't really change my view of you, but I did it
> > as Cothurak would, not some cookie-cutter Imperial I
> > could have done)

> > I was empowered around the rank of level 16 or about
> > that, and I quickly ranked, knowing if I stopped, I
> > would have never continued. I ranked and ranked, VERY
> > fast and hit 41-2 in around 40 hours or so. Gotta love
> > the silver spirits, and water majors + necros. Along
> > the way I met some people that very much changed my
> > life: Shyntlara and Sevrik.

> > Cothurak met Sevrik when
> > he was around the 35th title, and he was of the 11th,
> > saying he didn't really have a goal to join Empire.
> > I get to around 45 and I'm still oathed, and I suddenly
> > see Sevarik an Imperial Priest, when Zulghinlour told
> > me to wait until someone could induct me. Sevarik says
> > the power of the High Priest spoke to him, and well,
> > convinced him to join. How ironic. In Sevarik's goodbye
> > note:

> > Cothurak, my initial opinion of you was low because Z/Aga wouldn't induct you,
> > but you turned out to be a pretty decent guy. Keep sticking it out, and hero so
> > you too can get light of heaven'd and pincered to death (mwaha). :P
> > Anyway, peace out, have fun.

> > -Sevvy

> > Never forgot the things Sevarik tought me, your a good
> > man. See you in the fields.

> > Shyntlara well, I'll get on about that later.

> > During this entire strive to hero, I'm still the oldest
> > bloodoath I think to ever walk Thera. Riebold and Khayr
> > are both debating on who wants to be Emperor, while the
> > two of them both agree I will be made High Priest as
> > soon as one does. I relate this to Zulghinlour, and
> > he laughs. Expected, I'm only oathed at rank 45.

> > Riebold finally takes power, and instantly inducts me.
> > From then on out, I'm out to prove myself as the High
> > Priest. Easily I prove myself, as I had before I was
> > even inducted, since Empire was in shambles. Riebold
> > says he's in the process to make me High Priest, and
> > the WarMaster writes a note about me wanting to be
> > made High Priest. I'm waiting....waiting....waiting...
> > Then it suddenly dawns on me, "Oh ya I forgot to bug
> > Zulghinlour. Well this isn't gonna be pleasant."

> > I show up, mind you I never planned on it anyways, to
> > make Zulghinlour happy so I can get High Priest. I knew
> > from the start, that wouldn't happen but you gotta try,
> > eh? Oh ya, I was 36. I saw him last when I was 18.

> > Let me give you some highlights:

> >
> > Zulghinlour says 'I've been waiting for you'
> > Zulghinlour spits in utter disgust!
> > Zulghinlour says 'You call yourself a priest?'
> > A bolt comes down out of the heavens and smites you!
> > You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
> > You are unable to commune such a powerful supplication.
> > You have been KILLED!!
> > Zulghinlour says 'You are a priest....or claim to what priests do, preach'
> > Zulghinlour says 'Prove your worthy and you may fight again as you once did...time will tell'

> > Fair enough, Cothurak deserved it. Now, though, my
> > plan was going to get executed.

> >
> > To: jullias
> > First, let me explain who I am. My name is Cothurak, and I am a supposed priest of Lord
> > Zulghinlour, and a follower of the path of Fire. Recently, I've been deemed unworthy
> > to be empowered by Lord Zulghinlour, for simply not agreeing to show up every ten
> > years to report my status, as I didn't care to when I agreed upon it.

> > As the true follower of the flame, I've used Lord Zulghinlour as a fuel for my own
> > flame and ambition, and in reality, decieve him to believe I am truly his follower.
> > To fix this "foolish mistake" I supposedly made, I'm to preach and will be holding a
> > sermon in the Inn of the Eternal Star....mostly to make Lord Zulghinlour happy enough
> > so I can hold the position of the High Priest, which everyone in the Empire council
> > wishes me to hold.

> > I've attempted contact with you few times, though I must admit, I would care not to
> > be found within your shrine by his eyes, at this could prove, unhealthy. As I
> > was told from my teacher, Udgaard Loke, you would be the one to speak with about the
> > true path of the flame. After studying what little is known of your ways, I've begun to
> > notice and agree with Udgaard Loke.

> > Now the time has come for our meeting, for I cannot continue on much more with this
> > Lord Zulghinlour...though I will continue my prayers and with the Sermon, in truth I
> > will be seeking you, for obvious reasons...the one that understands.

> > I will stop by your shrine frequently, as the Empire does little to keep eyes on a
> > powerless shaman. In time, that will all change and our meetings must become...patiently.
> > If you are to see my walking the lands and I am not within your shrine, perhaps a sign
> > nof some sorts can draw my attention away from the repetitive dealings of the Empire and
> > what not. Perhaps, a black crow.

> > I'll be honored to find out if you attend my Sermon. Although I will most likely not
> > see you, you can see in person, the one ability and true aspect of the fire that I will
> > always follow : feeding off the gullible minds of others, like a wild flame through a
> > dry field.

> > Until then, King Jullias.

> > Next note....
> > To: Jullias
> > After some thought, concerning mostly myself, I've come to the
> > conclusion that most importantly is survival. In time I can
> > always deal with my goals with Zulghinlour or what not, but
> > for now, I must survive and there is one group that has begun
> > to prove annoying : the Maran.

> > After getting killed, I decided it was about time I dealt
> > with the situation. After talking with them, they concluded
> > they would only stop killing me if I saught redemption. Easy
> > enough. The Empire is in shambles and is falling under the
> > pressure of the Light, so would it not seem the best motion
> > to slide in within their ranks for awhile, and bide my time
> > to plan their destruction?

> > The plans have been made. All the Maran and I prayed at Shokai's
> > shrine, them to Shokai, and me to you, hoping I would recieve
> > an answer, though I know I will recieve one in time. At the
> > Sermon of Fire, I'm planning on revealing to Empire and all
> > who come the truth of my actions, and how I have been "running
> > from the truth for so long". It seems, since birth, I've been
> > born with the ability to tell people just what they want to
> > hear.

> > Tricking Shokai is going to be no easy task. Perhaps a litle
> > intervention from yourself could make this more...fruitful.
> > As of now, I'm avoiding the Empire, as always, and the Maran
> > and those of the Dawn, are helping me. Is it not enjoyable
> > when your working both sides to your advantage.

> > Cothurak the Flame

> > Then I confess my sins and such to the hordes of dawn
> > servants and Maran that seemd to have swelled the CF
> > hero ranks. On my knees praying for redemption at
> > Shokai's shrine, Belaran and Chayan pray to Shokai,
> > while I pray to Jullias. Talk about your deception.

> > To: Balrahd Belaran Garenth Shokai Dawn Cothurak

> > ****************************************************************
> > ** **
> > ** Greetings to ye all, **
> > ** **
> > ** Belaran has spoken with Cothurak and it seems indeed **
> > ** that Cothurak, Imperial Shaman seeks redemption. Many **
> > ** probably will be weary if indeed this is real. But as a **
> > ** Servant of the Dawn, I believe in Belaran and I also **
> > ** have faith and hope in Cothurak. **
> > ** **
> > ** Belaran has advised the Dawn to not attack Cothurak as **
> > ** while this redemption process unfolds. I beg you all to **
> > ** heed the advice of Belaran as the Maran will begin the **
> > ** process needed for Cothurak. **
> > ** **
> > ** My point of view is again we must have faith and bring **
> > ** hope to Cothurak as she prepares the change she is about **
> > ** take. I wish you well and may hope bring you what you **
> > ** are seeking in your life. **
> > ** **
> > ** Scribed by Chayan Koi, Servant of the Dawn, On the **
> > ** Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Grand Struggle. **
> > ** **
> > ****************************************************************

> > To: Shokai Dawn Balrahd Garenth Cothurak
> > My Lord Shokai and all warriors of the Light,
> > Cothurak stood humbly before the Light and seeks redemption. I have spoken with her
> > and so far, her actions and attitude shows repentance and willingness to
> > forsake the dark path and turn herself to the Light.

> > She is willing to preach a sermon of fire, which she tells me are words
> > that will convict the hearts of dark and strengthen the spirit of those in
> > Light. She sounds sincere and earnest in her words and I prayed with her,
> > blessing and refreshing her spirit with words of strength and encouragement.

> > However, I cautioned her that the Lord Shokai, is not one to be trifled
> > with and he remembers those who call his name in vain. She is willing to abide under
> > the shadows of his fiery wings of wrath and be cleansed and whole once again.

> > May her spirit be found worthy and zealous in faith.

> > Under his wings,
> > Belaran Athdorirel

> > And many many more. It was working...everything working
> > as I wanted it. Well, the Sermon comes by, and I think
> > everyone remembers that Sermon. Pretty much I spoke
> > real long and in depth about Fire, then said to hell
> > with the Empire and to hell with Zulghinlour, the Maran
> > is my home. Well, Zulghinlour kills me, Empire attempts
> > to, and the Maran wipe the floor. Typical. Well, now
> > I'm safe for awhile.

> > Here is one hella funny moment I'm never gonna forget:

> > <660hp 761m 619mv>
> > Chaldaie says 'He was your god , right?'

> > <660hp 761m 619mv> smirk
> > say For a time, yes.
> > You smirk.

> > <660hp 761m 619mv> You say 'For a time, yes.'

> > <660hp 761m 619mv> say I prefer to call him a stepping stone.
> > You say 'I prefer to call him a stepping stone.'

> >
> > <680hp 771m 619mv>
> > A rain of stepping stones fall from the sky to strike you, leaving you feeling nauseous and diseased.

> > <340hp 771m 619mv>
> > You can no longer find the strength to wield the Battleaxe of Mondurian.
> > You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.

> > Zulghinlour took to sending me plagues everyone once
> > in awhile, which added one helluva rememberance of
> > "Don't fuck with the gods".

> > Well, time travels on, Marans and Servants are nice,
> > I think the Emperor is the only Imperial left, and
> > I meet with Shokai who says we'll meet again, yadda
> > yadda.

> > I wait, and wait, then Shokai posts that he wouldn't
> > be about for awhile. So I log off, and frankly don't
> > come back. College started, class and my job demands
> > attention so for the moment, CF is really on the back
> > burner. I think I didn't log in for like a week or so,
> > then just decided it was time to end it instead of
> > auto delete. My goodbyes was one of the times I've
> > actually sat and got emotional about a char. I had
> > about 4-5 servants and a few others come say goodbye
> > and beg for me to stay.

> > Little tidbits from that (post the log if ya got it):

> > Chayan tells you '*mutter* dont give up!'
> > You tell Chayan 'The spark....just isn't there, Chayan'
> > Chayan tells you 'I am your spark'
> > You tell Chayan 'Chayan, to tell you the truth, you have been'
> > ......
> > Cothurak reaches into her cloak one last time and pulls out a small golden leaf.
> > Cothurak holds back the wave of tears fighting her eyes.
> > You whisper 'And this, Chayan, is for you. My shade.'
> > Chayan sobs in misery.
> > Chayan bursts into tears.
> > Labozqec sniffs.
> > Cothurak opens Chayan's hand and places the leaf in his hand, closing it slowly.
> > <740hp 771m 619mv> [I've come to love that which I will only be when I've been bathed in light.
> > You whisper 'I've come to love that which I will only be when I've been bathed in light.'
> > You whisper 'Goodbye, Chayan'
> > .....
> > Losing the will to live, you commit suicide.
> > (dying in style)

> >
> > I also had some side stories and such like the skull
> > that attached itself to my head, Shyntlara and me,
> > why I purposely ate the grapes, etc, but that's the
> > story of Cothurak. I hope you all enjoyed it up to
> > the end, as I did. I learned a whole lot and I'll
> > never forget Cothurak.

> > To Empire: Besides the Emperor and WarMaster, your all
> > the most pathetic people I've ever seen. You only show
> > in hordes and can't do jack. When I left (was always on
> > no matter what), almost empire did since they never
> > saw anyone on. How pathetic. (Also those people that
> > show up from Jorin's Emperor days that have been gone
> > for about a month or two).

> > Sylvan: Not much interaction besides my attempts to
> > fight you all. It was fun. Flontinot, your crazy.

> > Dawn: Chayan, your the best. The rest of you, you'll
> > be missed.

> > Maran: The greatest enemy, that became the greatest
> > friend, but always the greatest enemy. It was fun,
> > meet you again in the fields.

> > Entropy: Zorszaul, your sad. I've got a REAL good
> > idea who you really are since I got one question out
> > of you that really pinpointed it, but it's sad you
> > never show. Fienn, good luck with everything.

> > Arbiters: Didn't really know any of you, even Fuath the
> > Famous.

> > Masters: You were my companions more than any Imperial.
> > Barid, don't get discouraged even though invokers are
> > boring as hell (walking shield dispencers). Annabelle,
> > always fun to meet. Narlock, a die hard hate-evil guy
> > until the end, well done. Shyntlara....what's to say.
> > It was more fun than I could ever explain, since you
> > knew the Truth from the beginning to the end. Always
> > liked you when I was male, female made it complicated,
> > and in the end, my only true friend. Keep in contact.

> > To the Imms:
> > Zulghinlour - always a blast. With my other interaction
> > with you, I always played the die-hard leader. It was
> > a fun twist to play someone that didn't. It was fun.
> > Shokai - Only got that once, and your posting....
> > "Now if you're trying to decieve an immortal with praying to Shokai
> > trying to infiltrate the Maran while really serving Jullias. Well, you're probably
> > shit out of luck, since as opposed to dealing with a broad group of people that the
> > immortal loosly guides (a cabal), you're dealing with the very meat and faith of an i
> > mmortal (the religion)...and while I tend to view us much like the Greek Pantheon,
> > the immortals IC in CF would probably be able to see any attempted deciet."
> > -Made me shit a brick, heh. Wish we could have met
> > more.
> > The other imms I interacted with: It was fun and all
> > the times I play this game, I come to like it more and
> > more what a good job you've done. Keep it up.

> > Anyone else I forgot, I'm sorry, but trying to rap up
> > here.

> > Some of my better equipment days I think, just had this somewhere:
> > (before Ingvar said go hp not +dam)
> > a pitch-black ring
> > the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
> > (Glowing) a brooch set with blue stones
> > (Humming) the slavemaster's insignia
> > a breastplate of lobster plates
> > (Glowing) (Humming) the Helm of Supremacy
> > midnight dragon leggings
> > midnight dragon boots
> > a pair of titanium gauntlets
> > midnight dragon armguards
> > a diamond-shaped black scale
> > (Glowing) the Cloak of the Deep
> > a girth of lobster plates
> > a pitted iron bracer
> > (Glowing) a wide copper bracelet
> > (Glowing) a heron-marked blade

> > <836hp 639m 299mv> in
> > You are carrying:
> > (Glowing) a blade of flame
> > a black potion
> > (Humming) the shield of darkness
> > an unholy symbol of Lloth
> > a two-headed pickaxe with tips of diamond
> > a green flail
> > a ragged cloak
> > a large saddle bag

> > And my three descriptions:Last to First.

> > Once upon a time, this one was stunningly beautiful, but time has
> > dealt the damage as it does to all. Her hair, once a deep pitch
> > black, now has it's touches of silver strands. Small wrinkles
> > decorate the pale ivory skin that stretches over her face that is
> > a constant expression of silent peace. Glowing ivory tatooes snake
> > and slither around her entire body, and meet upon the back of her
> > neck, depicting two serpents, eating the other's tail. Around her
> > blood-colored lips and dark purple eyes, are deep red rings that
> > could only come from a skull that had covered her entire head.
> > Oddly, around her neck is a deep cut that is opened, yet does not
> > dbleed - as if the wound is healed, but will never close.
> > Lithe, slim, and graceful in build, her features and movements are that
> > of her past as a male Jaette. Bigger and stronger than her past, her
> > pride and zealous attitude shows in her seductive walk.
> > Her clothing depicts of a fantasy of most men: black leather stretch-
> > tight pants hugging her femine curves and a low-cut black leather shirt,
> > pushing her divine breasts forward, making this lustful dream of men
> > almost unbearable, despite the dried rivulets of mixed blood that run
> > down her arms.
> > Covered in a tight mouse-colored robe, you notice she wears:

> >
> > Stunned by her awesome beauty, you begin to examine. Her hair is black
> > and soft as the night wind, flowing like honey from beneath a strange
> > white skull with horns that covers her face. Forming to her face, the
> > skull seems to have grown into and connected itself to her face. Deep
> > dark purple eyes glitter from within the skull, and full lips the color
> > of blood through the skeletal jaw and fangs of the strange skull. Her
> > skin is the pale hue of the silver moon covered in glowing ivory tatooes
> > which snake and meet upon the back of her neck, depicting two serpents,
> > eating the other's tail.
> > Lithe, slim, and graceful in build, her features and movements are that
> > of her past as a male Jaette. Bigger and stronger than her past, her
> > pride and zealous attitude shows in her seductive walk.
> > Her clothing depicts of a fantasy of most men: black leather stretch-
> > tight pants hugging her femine curves and a low-cut black leather shirt,
> > pushing her divine breasts forward, making this lustful dream of men
> > almost unbearable, despite the dried rivulets of mixed blood that run
> > down her arms.
> > Covered by a revealing midnight colored robe, you notice some writing
> > around the collar:
> > ==========My heart, my soul, my life for the Empire==========

> >
> > Towering near eleven feet tall, this huge Jaette stays in
> > complete silence unless bothered by combat. His pitch black
> > skin stretches tightly over his monstrous muscles that could
> > easily squeeze the life out of any human. Along the rivulets of
> > mixed blood that run down his arms, intricate ivory tattoos
> > snake and weave around his body - markings of a savage tribal
> > beast. His feet, partially buried within the path, slam into
> > the ground when he walks, leaving behind a trail of wreckage
> > and thunderous noise. His face is an ebony mask - firm and
> > unmoving. An undistinguishable expression, his face only moves
> > for the menial tasks of eating and breathing. Dark wrinkles
> > ring around his colorless eyes - white orbs that hover in a
> > maelstorm of blood streaks. His hair is only comparable to
> > the nature and color of a deep blue flame that whips within
> > the wind, turning and rising slowly, lashing in its rage.

> > Covered by a midnight colored robe, you notice some writing
> > around the collar:

> > ==========My heart, my soul, my life for the Empire==========

> > And Finally my role:

> > role + Standing next to the throne of the one known as Udgaard Loke,
> > role + a young jaette man stands in silence with his arms crossed.
> > role + From the moment Cothurak was born, Cothurak was in training.
> > role + Not necessarily always combat training, but the art of war
> > role + and above all, leadership - mistakes were paid with life, and
> > role + his judgement was instant. Cothurak stood in complete silence,
> > role + something he had acquired and learned at a young age - talk
> > role + was useless compared to action unless completely necessary.
> > role + Waiting as the Udgaard Loke finished with the common Oneheart
> > role + attack, Cothurak studied the Jaette that spoke. A common general
> > role + that came in and talked, the Jaette was almost groveling infront
> > role + of Udgaard Loke. In Cothurak's eyes, this man was as bad as he
> > role + smelled. His judgmenet made, Cothurak begun to snarl lightly,
> > role + noting his position on the matter. The attention from the room
> > role + turned to Cothurak. Udgaard Loke was known for being a cold
> > role + merciless ruler that did not take interuption lightly, yet
> > role + everyone in the room knew he would approve of what was coming.
> > role + The Jaette general froze as he looked into the eyes of Cothurak,
> > role + which begun to swirl with an unholy fire from within. Cothurak
> > role + raised one hand as the Udgaard Loke begun to try and hide a
> > role + small chuckle as the Jaette burst into blue flames. Like trolls,
> > role + the Jaette had grown an extreme hatred of fire and the general
> > role + screamed his curses as his body begun to decay in front of the
> > role + others. No one else dared move as the body fell to the ground,
> > role + shattering into black dust that blew around the room with the
> > role + wind from the hallway. Udgaard Loke turned towards Cothurak
> > role + and grinned slowly as they met eye contact. Cothurak opened
> > role + his mouth slowly and spoke in a deep and prominent voice:
> > role +
> > role + "The penalty of failure is the cleansing power of Fire."
> > role +
> > role + The meeting ended swiftly.
> > role add

> > role + The time had come for Cothurak to leave his home, to leave his
> > role + mentor Udgaard Loke, and to use the training he had come to
> > role + love and master. Cothurak slowly walked out of the Palace. Not
> > role + one came and watched him go, no one walked him out, no one wished
> > role + him luck...for that wasn't the way of his people. His exit had
> > role + left the door open for others to try and eagerly please Udgaard
> > role + Loke - little did they know it would be their death. Udgaard
> > role + Loke took Cothurak in from the Jaette priests because he had
> > role + no intention of pleasing him - he was there to learn. He would do
> > role + his job with a perfection known by little, for it was his only
> > role + love - Power. Cothurak had learned of the Empire, and the recent
> > role + fall of control and knew what he wished to do. When Cothurak
> > role + turned to Udgaard Loke to speak of his leave, Udgaard Loke simply
> > role + nodded before he even spoke. With a slight nod, Cothurak walked
> > role + out of the Palace, alone. Sure of his abilities and his enemies,
> > role + Cothurak knew he would never return to live within Udgaard, for
> > role + his new home would be the Throne of the Citadel. With a wave of
> > role + his hand, his small house erupted in a howling blue flame as he
> > role + walked down the familiar roads of the city to the unfamiliar roads
> > role + beyond, on a mission that would demand success or his life.
> > role add

> > Through the course of life for Cothurak, the path has been made
> > and the way made new. Not many have walked the path of Cothurak -
> > being an Oathed until the rank of the 50th title and the lone
> > shaman has been a challenge, yet a welcome one. Cothurak's walk
> > has been strengthened through his drive to lead the Divine Sect,
> > and has met no to little competition, and the spoken word of the
> > soon-to-be Emperor that his position was secured. Cothurak, in his
> > time to ponder his move, has learned much of the "powers" of Thera

> > and has come to grow an interest towards the Drow City. A majority
> > of the Empire is held by men, yet Cothurak has found a new respect
> > for the female of the Drow City - their Leadership unchallenged,
> > and held with an iron fist. Through his study of the Drow City,
> > Cothurak has begun to travel the land looking for other females of
> > find the Sirine Island, and within an item of interest
> > that would change his life : the fabled grapes of the Sirines.

> > The last part, I wrote a whole role then it crashed,
> > never really replaced it...should have.

> > Well, there ends the story of Cothurak.
> > Hope you enjoyed it.

> > Ipsisimus (who would have guessed)
> >
> > AIM= AetherFire
> > icq#=5700924

> >
> > "'s something unpredictable, but in the end there's ride...(that's not right but can't understand him)
> > I hope you had the time of your life"
> > -Greenday

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