Sad to see you go.:

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Posted by Ikemasuka on October 7, 2000 at 22:27:33:

In Reply to: Deleted posted by Chajede (Arbiter) on October 7, 2000 at 19:04:47:

Hey remember when the village took the book? *chuckle* oh wait, that happened a lot. Well, it was a blast interacting with you. Hope you role up a rage or something. Luck to your next char.

> Well it was fun but I reached a time when this character wasn't any more fun to play so I decided to say my good-byes.

> Danzareth you helped me with my first polearm spec and my first 30 ranks. I missed you when my being an arbiter made it impossible for us to keep ranking together. Than you for all the help just the same.

> Sirhilmas you were always there to help me even after they tossed you from dawn. Mostly for helping me. You helped me rank as well. I will miss you.

> Merious I have to thank you for helping me as well. All those raids to get the book back. You always said it was fun and even though you were tossed from arbiters you were always willing to help me.

> Telsri and Boraeus (I hope I spelled that right) you both helped me get that elusive last rank. We never did get to celebrate with a drink. Maybe my next character.

> To all the other arbiters thank you for your support when i was removed for a short time from the hall. To bria who removed me and then gave me a quest to get back in my thanks. It was challenging. ( I had help )

> I know I am forgetting ton's of other's. Especially all the ragers that made my time as an arbiter so hmmmm let's say interesting. Especially Ikemasuka I would have loved to have fought with you not against you.

> Good-bye for now. Never know as who I will turn up as next. See you on cf

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