Posted by Sewlindon on October 10, 2000 at 21:00:41:
In Reply to: Xolthul {inactive untill auto delete takes him} a few words desc and role posted by Matthew Wilson on October 10, 2000 at 16:20:49:
> Hmm few things to say I supose, I have played cf for around four to five years. I concider this one of my best characters. I gave more of an effort to rp than I had ever before in my third attempt back to back to become a lich. These were also my first three mages ever. I felt I had a good chance with Xolthul but after I belive it was about 500 hours I have lost interest unfortunatly. It was takeing so much energy to hold out messing with cabal stuff and attempting to maintain a role I had set out, a role which was somewhat dependent on Immortal interaction. This never happened untill the last time I was on, the possiblity of gaining my quest was before me and I bungled it every inch of the way. At first I was simply not going to give up and then I belive within about thirty minutes I realized I was done with cf, at least for now. Masters sorry about the later part of my life, Shenara I enjoyed your existance and what I would not give to redo that surgery now that I have more of an idea of emoteing rp situations. Annabelle you truely made me feel ooc as tho I really did help the tower and so on. There are many others I am sure but at the moment you two come to mind for I interacted with you two the most in the end. This game is INSANE something to truely behold, very well done Imm staff and a fair number of the players. If any Immortal reads this I am curious as to what it was about me that did not lend to any interaction with me, I had made many branches of possible fates and such for myself some which I followed to the end and others simply fell by the way side as I grew more focused on the becomeing. In any case I know I faltered at times in my rp and whatnot, no gross offenses but Im sure some moral issue type stuff with his rp. You all have been some twisted society for me during the past many years, time to go partake in a different one something some call rl, but I think its all just lies. > yes there are plenty of grammatical errors and all. > <1205hp 627m 597mv> role > Added Thu May 4 13:34:47 2000 at level 11: > > Added Thu May 4 13:47:14 2000 at level 11: > within the homes badly decomposed bodys of men and their > Added Thu May 4 14:01:59 2000 at level 11: > > [Hit Return to continue] > Added Thu May 4 14:24:47 2000 at level 11: > They fail to see the depth of an ordered out look beyond the laws, > Added Thu May 4 14:50:14 2000 at level 11: > of eternity they are but a brief thought." As the hour drew near > Added Thu May 4 14:54:14 2000 at level 11: > [Hit Return to continue] > > Tho by design my true self is not a danger to the tower, it would > Added Tue May 30 17:56:39 2000 at level 28: > > Added Tue May 30 18:30:36 2000 at level 28: > placed to bind host and parasite. The notes of the surgery are > Added Sat Aug 5 12:22:54 2000 at level 47: > Shortly after my involvement with Shenara's surgery I was given > of stratigic mass manipulations, specific wars waged for the > Added Sat Aug 5 14:15:05 2000 at level 47: > I stand knowen to man as the stained looking glass. Myself the > <1231hp 705m 597mv> > <1231hp 705m 597mv>
> desc
> Your description is:
> Pits of immorality observe the immediate surroundings, his sunken
> eyes absorbing the light lending a disturbing darkness to this
> creatures leathery disfigured person. A mask of weathered crimson
> bloches the majority of his face trailing down his neck, it would
> appear a birthmark. From his cheek bones a misshapen beak takes
> form twisting painfully into his own flesh, it does not look as to
> have been broken and mended in this possition, one can only
> assume a defect from the fleshy tome of his mothers belly.
> Lurching across the ground he winces as he drags the left half of
> his body to follow what would seem his better half. Tho he wears
> many layers of rough poorly tailored cloths you notice a severe
> difference between the height of his left shoulder and his right.
> Glanceing down you cant help but notice the mangled stumps of
> flesh which he stands apoun. With the sound of dead leaves
> disturbed by a chilling wind unexpectantly large wings unfold from
> beneath his cloaks, dull feathers left to their natural color of aged
> bone make up his plumage. At first with great effort his birthright
> displaces the air around him lifting the would be gimp to the air
> freeing him from his body's shortcomings.
> Your role is:
> Added Thu May 4 13:09:55 2000 at level 11:
> It is said the best revenge is to live a long life, while others would
> claim it is a dish best served cold. I would tend to agree with both of
> these thoughts, yet they lack something. I write this now so I may
> never forget what has led me to this path I now tred apoun, and my
> true self.
> My first memorys are from within a cage, I must have been no older
> than eight years of age. The stench of stale meed, large unwashed
> men leering at me from within a fog of cigar and pipe smoke. Few
> came to merely witness " The most pathetic show in Bruhl" or to
> simply taunt the decrepit child. Rather most came to wager. Pain, I
> do remember with dream like clarity the pain. My cage opening ugly
> men grabbing me with sausage like fingers, to be held down. A slice
> of rancid animal fat was rubbed apoun my ankles and feet.
> Shouting, money passed back and forth as the anticipation grew as
> another cage was brought near mine. Famished, wild with hunger a
> large rodent would join me in my home. Once a week I fought for life
> aswell as my meal.
> As time passed word spread to a distant cloister of this game.
> Members of its clergy stepped forth to deliver me from one hellish
> [Hit Return to continue]
> exsistance to the poisons of their self gratifying pitty and ignorant
> piety. In this environment I was rebellious, violent and hateful at
> every turn. They believed through patience I would come around to
> their profane ways, time proved them wrong. A year passed, one
> day they stood before me with a pleaseing sorrow written across
> their faces. I was released from my second prison with what
> knowledge they had gained of my mother. As I have understood it,
> from the womb of a drunken whore, a knot of undesired flesh was
> left in an ally to breath the foul night air until vermin or starvation
> would claim me, but in this seaport of Bruhl ruled by hedonistic
> pleasures, one man had thought of a better use for me. Years later,
> I would be "rescued". That was all these men of the cloth could
> discern.
> My trek began, survival my goal, seathing hatred for all who had
> taken part in shapeing my exsistance fueling me. To what end I was
> unsure and did not care. After months of relatively isolated travel I
> came apoun a small village, the sweet pungance of death hung
> heavily in the air, many signs of neglect of a once beloved
> community stood out. The corpses of animals littered the streets,
> [Hit Return to continue]
> familys. I felt a strange sensation, nearly painful. I was smileing,
> for the first time I was comfortable with my surroundings, even
> pleased. I had no concern for the possiblity of contracting whatever
> had laid waste to this village. This was home I would name it
> Xolthul and take this name myself. As months passed I arranged the
> skeletal remains as I saw fit, for I was lord and they my citizens. I
> demanded absolute loyalty and recieved it. I was haveing my
> revenge apoun the world. Little did I realize the short sightedness
> of my desires. With little risk of a revolution I turned my thoughts to
> pondering the state of reality. I had come to understand life was a
> random occurance of events, yet true chaos did not rule the lands
> nor the universe. It was not mans law that prevented this, it was
> simply a reality. There had to be a base of order or all would cease
> to exsist.
> One day a man dressed in a dark cloak approached my kingdom, I
> watched threw a broken window as he thoughtfully glanced over the
> outskirts of the village and continued down the bone strewn streets.
> His refined mannerism angered me, how I wished my skeletal
> guards would raise and crush him, in time his remains joining my
> [Hit Return to continue]
> citizens. Uttering a few words of gibberish one of my citizens did
> rise to what seemed life, yet it made no attempt to strike him down.
> I came forth from the building screaming obsenitys at the man, my
> voice cracking, a natural occurance for one entering puberty. He
> merely smiled, uttering a single word of a language I did not
> reconize, I found myself physically alseep. My mind was concious
> yet my eyes and limbs would not respond to my insticts. Within
> what seemed an hours time my viens burned, boiling with extreme
> pain, a sence of impending doom washed over me. Tho my eyes
> were shut I could no longer sense whether they were or not, I was
> left to suffer for what seemed half a day. When I "awoke" I could
> hear movement about me. A chilling whisper spoke. " Assumeing
> you survive these maladictions, I wish to speak with you child."
> Within a breath of my life the sickness subsided, my eyes were
> once again my own tho the impending doom of the unknowen
> remained. It did not surprise me I was not slain, from what I had
> learned of life it was about suffering, death was a release none
> seemed interested in giveing me. The man I had eariler seen was
> nowhere in sight and so I retreated to the crumbling structure I
> refered to as home to rest my bones.
> The following eve I noticed a light illuminating a home on the far side
> of the village. I approached cautiously takeing to the air I spied
> apoun him. Another of my citizens had taken animated form, both
> standing as true guards at the door. Why they had not done so for
> me, I was unsure but deeply desired to fine out. Landing at an open
> window he casually glanced at me, greeted me and invited me in.
> Strange symbols had been traced into the dirt floor. Black candles
> lit the desk at which he worked. We spoke of my desires, my
> discust with the wastes of flesh I had knowen, my need to fullfill the
> the revenge I so sought apoun the world. He smiled and whispered
> mockingly, " Wastes of flesh? You may come to find there is no
> such thing." He went on to explain he had seen my rage plainly
> apoun my face, and that this was a road block in attaining what I
> spoke of. We continued late into the morning, he spoke of the
> arcane language I had so ignorantly refered to as gibberish. As
> months passed we continued our discussions, Aldous my guest or
> so he allowed me to believe. Another conversation which sticks out
> in my mind was of my belief in an ordered exsistance while living in
> a relm strongly influenced by chaos. "Your choice may serve you
> better than you had realized boy." He said. "Options for one, trust is
> granted by many to those who are believed to relate to man's laws.
> [H
> it Return to continue]
> and so great leverage is easily obtained. One who realizes all
> communications are based on the manipulation of the written or
> spoken word is at a great advantage. Be it for purposes of deceit or
> expressions of love none could attain their desires without such
> manipulation of another, intentionally or not makes no difference.
> The wastes of flesh as you so call them are blind to this truth."
> Within months we began the study of the negative energys which
> untill then had coarsed threw me unfocused, I soon was obsessed
> with these studys. In two years time Aldous spoke of his art and
> what was now mine, how the evolution of my studys would lead
> ultimatly to what he described as the becomeing. This more than
> anything I had heard previously awoke a hunger in me. He informed
> me I would need seek out a guild in one of the larger citys of Thera
> to continue my work. The day of my departure was apoun us, my
> mentor had one last conversation with me concerning the society
> I was to soon join. " To speak true of your desires cannot assist you
> whichever path you may take, guard your true self well and use
> others as your tools to accomplish what you seek. For in the eyes
> [Hit Return to continue]
> which I would again sojourn across Thera to find a new home,
> Aldous appeared again in my door way. " My son." he spoke. "A
> church once held Thera in a grep of veiled fear. It is thought to have
> have been abolished by the Immortal lords themselves. If these
> mortal beliefs are untrue, seek to let your true self slumber within
> the shadows it casts." With a nod I began my journey to central
> Thera. In time I found a tolerable guild in the city of Galadon, the
> most vigilantly protected city of Thera. Since takeing up residence
> here I have come to learn of many exclusive groups operateing
> under their own agendas. Of them I belive the masters of the five
> magics will serve my desires best with their extensive librarys
> and knowledgable students to assist me in my becoming. I must
> truely guard my base motivations from them, for they would not
> approve. To be the lurking fear in mans wakeing dreams, if attained
> I will have wrought my vengeance.
> It is said the best revenge is to live a long life, while other would
> claim it is a dish best served cold. I would have to say it is a dish
> best served cold as the undeads touch, eternally.
> Added Tue May 30 17:41:13 2000 at level 28:
> People tend to see what they want to see, simply placed words
> augment such thoughts to personal realitys.
> Once settled in Galadon I continued with my studys at a furious
> pace. My nights spent in the meat locker of galadon, refineing
> the base of my art, and many days in the lyceum devouring thier
> texts of history. Learning what has shaped the world I am bound
> to. The church which Aldous spoke of was mentioned in one book,
> I will seek the remains of this faction, offering myself to the
> shadows, to be the unknowen wakeing fear, which mortal man
> creates. This fear must be channeled and manifested, it lays
> about me waiting to be harnessed.
> Nearing the end of my second year within Galadon I felt it time to
> arroach the tower. Composeing a missive derived from my
> imagination, a picture painted of a pleasant childhood. My young
> mind admired and cared for within a school devoted to the arcane
> arts. My teacher within this veil of lies, none other than Aldous.
> Soon after I sought the acceptance of the magi Hifflio apprentice
> of the dragon tower and now leader of the tower, I gave him no
> reason to doubt my story, and seemed to impress him with my
> insights, as he wanted.
> [Hit Return to continue]
> not be accepted. I do seek to master my art and expand the known
> limits of it, they respect this as an end, yes this is a means to the
> end I desire. I presume those I study beside would hold such
> arrogance to see my vengful nature as a danger, weakness an
> imperfection, but they do not suspect this.
> Aldous had taught me well of others perceptions, I would not allow
> myself to be read so easily. So they see what the wish of me. My
> first year in the tower was spend in solitude, rarely if ever
> engageing in discussion of interest. During this time I found my
> choice in Hifflio was well made indeed. He was looked apoun as a
> leader of minds by many long before he was given the
> appointment of such. I belive he will prove a vital asset to me. I
> suspect I have burrowed a place within his mind and he therefore
> holds a special interest in my progression.
> Over the next few years, I came to know the carnage war. I knew
> many would seek my destruction, a mindset which seems a virus
> plauges the mundane masses. Seeking an end to the use of the
> arcane by mortal minds, for various reasons. Tho dangerous these
> people are rather amuseing. the village of battle tho borne of
> [Hit Return to continue]
> magic now despise it, and still young mundanes quest to sleep
> wihtin a hut and for what would seem corruption of themselves as
> they suckle at what lingers from the ancient weave that has now
> been perverted to abilitys granted them. Those knowen as the
> warders I know very little of to this day, other than they protect
> that which I wish to exsist outside of. They to seem a liveing
> contradiction, no matter.
> As time passed I continued my studys, one day the magi Shenara
> approached me and doubtfully placed her trust in my hands to free
> her of her burden. It would seem an attempt to live outside of
> natures laws was made, with her being a focal point. A course
> taken by a magi mad with desire for immortality. Mithadris, once
> lord adept of necromancy now feeds what he was not able to
> surpass, nature. A horrid fate to be sure. As I understand it
> Shenara is host to his twisted desire of a feeble limited form of
> his true goal. Two seeds of his taken from the natural mother were
> imprisoned within crystals to mature untill their possible birth. Yet
> the bitch of this reality, nature would not allow this, and so the
> crystals were placed within Shenara's body and a dark weave
> [Hit Return to continue]
> simplistic at best and nothing as yet has been seen of the
> rituals performed to complete the deed. As her body fails her and
> these children feed apoun her I have been looked apoun to bring
> this to its conclusion. I found myself compelled to take part, the
> perverse nature of this problems many layers drives my curiosity.
> And so I am assumed, student, teacher, surgeon, midwife, healer
> and warrior.
> Many events have continued to shape my path, though as time
> has passed I only recall that which held importance to my desires.
> the appointment of Lord Adept. At first I encountered doubt from
> many students aswell as resentment and blatent disrespect from
> many rather green students of necromancy. A result of my youth
> coupled with my relative inexperience with the more complex dark
> weaves. I devoted myself to progression within my guild as was
> requested/demanded by our once leader Hifflio. This coupled with
> simply chosen words and actions soon allowed me the political
> leverage, respect and loyalty I desired.
> The burden of corporeality staggers you.
> [Hit Return to continue]
> Added Sat Aug 5 14:02:10 2000 at level 47:
> I began to seek out what man had refered to as 'the cleric', a once
> priest of the city of Arboria. It is belived he can offer the guidance
> needed to live outside of natures grasp. Of all my desires I
> needed to focus apoun this singular goal, so I might hold eternity
> to satiate my hungers......As years passed in the solitude of my
> purpose. I felt the silence which my mind will one day know of, if
> fail. I must not. With no progress made it was clear to continue in
> this routine I had adopted over the years would be the definition
> of insanity. I knew I must approach this problem differently.
> It came to pass that Hifflio would stand down as the mortal leader
> of the tower in order to persue his personal studys. This moment
> of time allowed for the testing of political waters for many
> headstrong students, the chaos of indepent thought ensued.
> I saw a possible future for the tower, one of strength fueled by
> subterfuge. I openly made my desire to lead the tower clear to
> the majority.
> I had spoken with many notable faction members choosing my
> my words working to many possible ends. I found there was room
> to work within the confines of their morality/beliefs, I had dreams
> [Hit Return to continue]
> the underlying purpose of the harvest. In any case this was not to
> be.
> Of recent times, age old wounds of the tower have reopened and
> begun to weep. We had recieved information quite obviously most
> valuable to us from an entity knowen to us now as A-, we belive
> this being to be a helping us. Tho I have not placed my full trust in
> this possiblity. The tower still in a turbulent point of time was not
> prepared for what was to come, and so matters concerning this
> information and situation were handled with bullish ignorance.
> This has resulted in a complete loss of leverage for the tower,
> many conspire against us at this time. Had I absolute control once
> this senario began I belive we would stand in a far stronger
> position. Time will tell how badly we have hindered ourselves.
> embodyment of the reflection seen within this glass of mores.
> Stareing them in the eye it is plain to see none has reconized me,
> allowing the impending harvest to linger every closer.
> I belive father Aldous would be pleased.
> [Hit Return to continue]
> Added Sat Aug 5 14:21:38 2000 at level 47:
> I must now refocus my efforts to the becomeing, it has been a
> very unsure path. I have heard dark whispers, I suspect now they
> may have come from the one knowen as the biomancer. Whats
> more a priest healer of the grey horn I belive, claims to have had
> a divine converstation reguarding my desires and put forth a task
> which he claims I must perform so as to ensure my spirits safe
> journey through the becomeing. I was hesitant to begin with and
> at this point have chosen to not belive his words for various
> reasons, I can only pray I have chosen wisely. I will again
> concentrate apoun speaking with this skeletal priest of Arboria.
> May Aldous guide me in my second rebirth.