Posted by Dahya on October 11, 2000 at 12:34:20:
In Reply to: About the stereotype.... posted by Flontinot on October 10, 2000 at 18:23:57:
> It's never going to go away. I posed the question, but didn't really believe in the whole deathsquad mentality. I know it existed among some in the past, and probably still exists, but probably to a much lesser extent than people think. I had idiots in the game accusing me of ganging for equipment, killing everything that walked... pure fabrication... but the stigma marks us all, and it's a pity. The two who just deleted, and complained about the quality of Sylvan roleplay... I believe they just didn't give it a chance. While roleplay should take place consistently, it does improve at the higher levels... just a fact of life in Thera.. give it a chance. Now I'm rambling completely. Up untill now I have been of the opinion tha tabsolutely no way no how uh uh not gonna happen im not playing another sylvan. Because I didnt like the way the cabal had gone. I have played masters and tried to speak to the well known death squads, and the RP wasnt there. I have played arbiters and tried to keep the death squads out of town or whatever..the rp wasnt there (unless you consider bearform and comeinto town and kill everthing including me RP). BUt under FLotinots seemed to take an obvious turn towards what I had loved way back when. SO I thought ok..if there is any time its now. Flont gave me an ok interview, rather short but thats fine. And the RP was just as I had expected in the cabal at first glance. BUt I do see it creeping back in as FLontinot is now gone, sadly. I am a terrible killer. I cant even pk with sylvan skills for cripes sake! THe point being..I am not here to pk. I am here to have fun.Sylvan is stillvery fun but I would put in the category RP wise as every other cabal but Empire, yes even ragers has moderate RP. FLont, thank you for bringing me in. Im not around as much as Id like but I try. And to Laelynn, you didnt really give it much chance eh? If your having personal problems thats one thing but you ranked with me a while and we had some nice interaction but you couldnt have been in long.
Sylvan was the first cabal I was ever in..WAY back in the time of Arkands leadership. Viviane, Beruigend, Hargrave, THeric, Kamysta..and a few others. It was without a doubt the best roleplay as a whole I have ever seen no matter what the critics think of these chars or their players. We were not there to pk. We were there to hug trtees, sniff flowers etc...