I still love you. You'll be missed.:

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Posted by Shermie on October 11, 2000 at 22:04:40:

In Reply to: Farewell ta da lads and lass's o Thera... posted by Trynth on October 11, 2000 at 18:25:37:

> Trynth was my very first Hero and I have had him for a long time now. I never did very much with him in the ways of RP. I never made a Role, he was Uncaballed and only Traveled around.

> I made him on a wim that I would just have a Hero and I made him quickly.

> He was my Traveling bard and my character that I would just explore the realms to get to know them alot better.

> I made alot of Friends with him. Met alot people and also helped out alot of people for no reason. Just felt like it and I had nothing better to do.

> I have made too many friends in game to name them all but some are Shermie of course for marrying me. Hehe.
> Kleea that crazy ass flirtatious cat of Entropy, Graleumm (sp?) that crazy thief that would always travel around with me as myself and just walk into my guild and scare the piss out of me. Yarnty and the Lioness and Grallon resurector of the Hall for helping me hero from that oh so young age. Arvam for always have some Fizzy, bubbly drink ready for me when I came in to the inn. I know there are alot of people whom I am forgetting to mention but I would like to thank all of you who interacted with Trynth and helped make him such a Fun Character for me to Play.

> Thanks
> Big Red

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