Posted by Grallon on March 21, 2000 at 05:18:37:
In Reply to: Not fair? You kidding? What is it too hard to space 30 minutes between changing characters? posted by Tat on March 20, 2000 at 17:00:42:
> > <72%hp 26%m 100%mv> role > > This was not her only agenda, however. Her father's refusal > > to consummate the Holy Marriage was part of the fulfillment of > > At the appointed night, she called upon the Mother Goddess for > > the night of the Anniversary of the Kings refusal, the Gods > > <72%hp 26%m 100%mv> > > <100%hp 26%m 100%mv> desc > > Under the ample, flowing cowl of her robe of shimmering
> > Your role is:
> > Added Sat Feb 26 07:57:19 2000 at level 1:
> > Born in the lost city of Ysce to the Gallicinae during the
> > height of its depravity, this young priestess grew up knowing
> > the privileges of being the daughter of the Nine Queens of
> > a powerful realm. Having completed her training in the ancient
> > arts of scrying and Magik, and completed the term of her vestalhood
> > at the age of sixteen, she began to plot to become Gallicinae
> > herself. Having contrived to have the youngest of the Queens
> > die in childbirth, she used her arts to procure the sanction of
> > the Gods for the vacant position. Her last obstable was her
> > beloved father, the King. Since birth, she had worshipped him,
> > loved him, and looked towards the day when he would take her
> > as one of his Queens. But being a foreigner as the Kings of
> > Ysce must be, he could not bring himself to consummate the
> > Holy marriage that the Gods had decreed between himself and his
> > daughter. At first enraged beyond belief at this utter rebuke
> > from he most beloved, she stole herself and decided to replace
> > her father. And by bringing in many young men, seducing them
> > and setting them to the holy Challenge of single combat, almost
> > succeeded in placing one of them on the Throne.
> > [Hit Return to continue]
> > an ancient and forgotten prophecy, given to the cities founder
> > by its own patron Gods, "There will come a time when the First
> > citizen will turn from our Worship, and the people will
> > follow him. For this, we will unleash the winds, and Ysce will
> > be no more". Embittered towards her own people by their support
> > of the King, and their hatred towards her for trying so
> > blatantly to replace him, she began to use the arcane arts taught
> > to all of the Gallicinae in the purpose of the fullfilment of
> > the Prophesy.
> > her sanction on the endeavor, but the Mother would not agree
> > without something of equal value in return for the destruction
> > of Ysce. Forsquillus thought long about this, for she knew that
> > nothing short of an amazing sacrifice would buy the aid of the
> > Goddess. At first, she thought to offer her soul....but she was
> > held back by the certainty that it already belonged to another.
> > Suddenly gripped by the hand of Fate, words came from her
> > that were not hers, but were a distillation of her wielded
> > by some guiding force, and she spoke the Eternal Promise. On
> > [Hit Return to continue]
> > did unleash the Winds in a tumultuous roar, destroying their
> > own most magnificent city, and allowing only three to escape.
> > Not wishing to face the Wrath of her Father and his one remaining
> > Queen, Forsquillus left those realms, in search of the one who
> > held her soul, and moved her to speak, and also in search of
> > the power and knowledge to make good on her Eternal Promise.
> > The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
> > You feel better!
> > Your description is:
> > Covered by a tight, form revealing robe of the purest white,
> > this shapely avian figure strolls into your sight with a most
> > feline grace and ease, lacking the swift, jerky movements that
> > characterize most of her race. Gazing closer, succeeding in
> > wrenching your eyes from her revealing curves, you catch her
> > eye....and immediately feel a chilling of your soul.
> > brightness, lies a pate devoid of all ornamentation. Of feather,
> > hair, or cap you find not a trace. This bare skin at her crown
> > contrasts in such a way with the darkness of the plumage on
> > her neck and hands to give almost the impression of a living
> > skull. But what rivets you to the spot, is the flame that
> > you can veritably see leaping from her Eyes, the flame of
> > intelligence, the flame of intensity, but mostly the flame of
> > a purpose driven onwards by a single concentrated and prideful
> > soul.