That smart Imperial jumps at the chance to give a bloodoath. I'm fairly sure bloodoathing is like donations, the more you give the better of you are. He might not have to tell me politely, but who is more likely to be successful at recruiting, the one that's a dick, or the one that isn't? Ask a military recruiter if they piss on the on the possibility to sign another schmuch up. NT:

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Posted by A Lil' Thief on October 12, 2000 at 17:08:25:

In Reply to: Uh, yes it is. Imperials aren't Mcdonalds workers, you're not their customer, they don't owe you shit, the oath is a gift. In any case he probably didn't have the Codex and was under no obligation to tell you so politely. n/t posted by Random Imperial on October 12, 2000 at 17:00:28:

> .

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