I remember the only time I actually got you, I logged in and you were attacking the Stern. Heh, The gold I got out of your corpse was enough to keep me rich for the next three months....nt:

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Posted by Grallon on October 12, 2000 at 18:59:21:

In Reply to: I have left the building posted by Graeluumn Thief Hero, Stooge of Maquiavel on October 12, 2000 at 18:29:05:

> Hey All,

> I made Graeluumn last December, and have not played
> him too recently enough for my liking. As others
> know you loose touch with a character after a while,
> and just dont want to play them anymore. I held
> equipment that just wasnt needed if i didnt show up
> so I'm off like many others these days.

> There are too many people that i will probably forget
> but here goes best i can remember.

> Entropy:

> Many of you i never saw much of. Zorszaul was amusing
> following you around. Kleea Well I never saw either of
> you in a long time. Lots more, but i didnt interact with
> many of them much. But who could forget Jeurno.. heh.

> Arbiters:

> I hated most of you. You all seemed stuck up and trite
> to me, but I was your "opposition" so thats ok. Kelbecso
> Nice job killing me. And no that was not the reason i
> deleted.. I was going to tonight anyway.

> Troupe:

> Ahh there were lots of you that were fun. Too many. I can
> never remember all of you.. I spent so much time getting
> drunk there. Arvam was a pleasure. Gadinias thanks for all
> the drinks. Curly, remember M.A.R.A.N. As for the rest of
> you i'm sorry i dont remember just now.

> Masters:

> Annabelle thanks for drinkin with me that day. The
> rest of you i dont remember to much of. Sorry.. My memory is
> just bad..

> Battle:

> Minalcar... I stole so much from you.. It was funny..
> You would walk into your guild, i'd doppel a warrior, follow
> you in.. and steal your best item.. Til i got caught.. heh.
> Sorry i dont remember the others..

> Empire:

> I hated you as much as Arbiters... Mostly for having
> the equation.. but thats the game as well.. No hard feelings.

> Sylvan:

> Malaglen.. I thought it was funny you thought Maquiavel was
> a demon in hell. I fought a couple more of you.. because you
> got mad when i'd steal from ya.. Ahh well. Such is life.

> Dawn:

> I remember a lot of dawns always sitting in the Inn.. I stole
> from most of you.. Was profitable. I liked conversing with
> many of you.

> Scarab:

> Dont remember many.. I remember Ingvar always in Seantryn
> Modan. Sitting in his guild. Everytime i was there.. Which
> was way too often. Others.. Shinjoukei? Never spoke to any
> of you much.

> Well thats all.. If i forgot someone sorry..

> ICQ number is 86214250 i think

> See you all in the Fields

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