Technically, that's an improper flag. Something I'd take up in character, instead of whining OOC about it.(not to say you are whining here) n/t:

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Posted by Mal on October 13, 2000 at 13:31:14:

In Reply to: Explain this one. posted by Feirshay on October 13, 2000 at 12:42:58:

> He would flag me for retrieving when this happened.

> 1) He is sitting at the stern.
> 2) I rush in, attack the stern guard.
> 3) He attacks me right after.
> 4) In one round I redirect to him.
> 5) He flees and flags me for intrusion,
> even though they have the equation and he
> started the fight with me.

> Me and you have talked a few times via email,
> so I know you aren't a moron and hopfully you
> likewise. But doing stuff like that really
> pisses people off, myself included.

> Feir

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