Was Thror ever freed? (n/t):

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Posted by The First Apostle on October 13, 2000 at 16:16:37:

In Reply to: We had fun times, Fuath managed to get under Vizarsh's skin. There went Thror's quest again. (Which I might say, is the worst run quest in the history of cf) Good luck. N/T posted by Kadsuane/Vizarsh on October 12, 2000 at 20:21:39:

> > Well, where to begin. My fifth or sixth Arbiter. I made him purely for RP goals. As a Dwarf Hand to Hand specialist, I never thought I would rank to 40. It was tougher to get groups then most poeple would imagine. My role will be posted after this note, in another thread, so you can read the events of his life, and maybe understand a little more about him.

> > Farewells:

> > Empire: Way to cozy with you guys than a Warrior of the light should have been. But I guess it's ok, if you are an Arbiter. Riebold, lead on... you may not be as fancy as some of the past Emps, but you still do well.

> > Master: Narlock, I took a chance and spoke to you out of the blue one day, and we were friends there after. Thanks for all the free ranks *winks* Annabelle, you were another good friend.

> > Entropy: You all got hosed. Took advantage of a loophole in the Laws, well, an interperted loophole. Almost felt bad about it. Almost. Think Rualmalu(sp?) was the only one to actually kill me, oh, I think Caranary got me with a Fiend once. Barons the only Cabal I never got to play. Man, the possibilities.

> > Dawn: Solian, Feiriel, thanks for getting me into the Thror thing. Chaldaie thanks for all the times you removed my confusion after I'd gather equation.

> > Sylvan: Plebnerbrus(sp?) got another kill on me, with a damned fiend. A tiger got one too. Killed the ram once, but I had help, ofcourse. Never really had any other interactions with you fellas.

> > Troupe: THANKS FOR ALL THE BOOZE! Ankla, missed ya.

> > Arbiter: Bria, my love... WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST DANCE WITH ME!? I know I must have been a thorn in your side, a sweet precious thorn. Heh, did you really hate me that much? Calarathiel, good luck. Didn't like you at all when we were young, because it seemed to me you were never around, but you prooved yourself, and rubbed Bria in all the right places (the ones I missed, eveidently). Good luck girl. Kelbecso, keep trucking and good work. Trasthe,
> > Y-y-you made me wanna m-m-make a Sylvan and k-k-kill you. Well roleplayed, but it was annoying. Fuath didn't like you, but ah, who cares now.

> > Battle: Vizarsh! The only rager I had an ounce of fear of. Unlike you though, I never really hated anyone, because of Fuaths RP... Kaejof! Nice kill on me. Rest of you should be ashamed.

> > Selric: Damn you.
> > Thror: Damn you. Thanks though for the trying.

> > Now for the why... Got a job. One of those "real" ones. heh, A sellout job. Oh well. Maybe when I become the boss, I can play cf again. *sighs*
> > Zero time now for CF.

> > Signing off, from the wayward low life, tavern and Inn...

> > Clemenzcia, Semaul, Kryn, Ioanis, Ioiyhar, Fuath.

> > fta

> > ps. Airborne, and stuff...

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