Posted by Pointy Fang on October 14, 2000 at 17:47:20:
Well, I finally croaked, and to a mob no less! I started this guy last May when I moved out to Ottawa to article at my law firm, and am just about to finish my Bar exams so this guy has been my stress relief for the last year and a half. She was the most fun I had since my buddy and I started CF in Edmonton in September '94. When I started out, I had great plans, Zorsaul was rocking the house and I was one of those aspiring Liches. After I hit 41st I got into a monster hole from trying to animate elites, and it all went down hill from there. I'm actually glad I stayed at 41 because I would have just been another chump spectre in a long line waiting to get his knees dirty to become a Lich. Lets face it, after Zorsaul, I think the Imms realised that they had massively unbalanced the game and would never let another necro Become, none have since. How do I know, because if a roleplayer as good as Avendella can't do it, no one can. Besides, most of the Liches have been Imms anyways. I had whacked a few guys on my way up, but at 40th rank I started to PWK people and saw how brutally easy it was. Before this, it was getting the guy asleep then maladicting him to shit, only to have your kill stolen by some lowbie or some IRC buddy of his. I got tired of how cheap some people were playing so I started to zap people for fun. I died...lots, sometimes I would have 2 zombies of myself walking around. But I had the most fun as a suicidal Necromancer. I've done the cabal thing and hero thing several times, so this character eventually turned into a means to piss myself laughing night after night. I loved to see how beligerant people would get after dying, their roleplaying would go out the window, and I could just imagine them putting their fists through their screens. Later in the year, things at work got busy between the firm and the Army, and I was only able to log on a couple of times a month. I found no one asked me to hunt with them, though I would have gladly. Many just typed "save" "quit" when I logged on, thinking that I was just a solo PK'r. There were a few that took the time to talk to me in game, and I appreciated the interaction. I never walked around in quiet mode just frying people, dispite several others I have seen. Is PWK to powerful? I think so, it harkens back to the days of Charm Person and the Dwarven Master Cleric. When you can end a fight against a Dwarf Warrior with 900 hp and a full set of Pwent in 4 lines of text, that's pretty bad. But I would trade it in to have acid blast again :) PWK is infinitely better than assissinate, God I don't know how many times Kosedran tried to get me and failed, i was never assassinated in about 40 attempts. I never had any gripes with the Imm staff, they were always cordial and fair, even when they told me to stop grouping with Strohm (A-P) and Vargus (Warrior), the only 2 guys I could find who weren't afraid to walk around with me. Personally, I think they didn't want us to keep decimating our PK :) A few players were the only ones who had a problem with me, and only after I told them they weren't getting their gear back. Maybe I did something right, or wasn't doing something wrong, but the Imms never had any problems with my role or my play-style. I never sucked it to join a cabal, been there done that, and that may have had something to do with the lack of interaction I received, except for the odd "Join the Empire Dark Lady or we will slay you." It sure made it hard to find groups. Getting 300k with an uncaballed necro is practically impossible, they are useless for anything except PK. Anyways, it was a slice, and I'll be back in another incarnation once I'm done my exams. I don't think I'll make another necro again for a while, but I commend the master-class to anyone who wants to PK naked and really piss off the many double type A people who play the game. Anyways, here is a list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)Quazan yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 2)Obik yells 'Die, Desanguina you sorcerous dog!' 3)Brantstin yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 4)Nailis yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 5)Jarrett yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 6)Raldigen yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 7)Kilk yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 8)Alehail yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 9)Axrinth yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 10)Elgadon yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 11)Vulthoom yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 12)You point to Engimous and say 'Die'. 13)Adaryln yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 14)You point to Salidehn and say 'Die'. 15)Altrael yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 16)Syphax yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 17)You point to Flontinot and say 'Die'. 18)A sea snake swims up to you with amazing speed then stops suddenly. 19)You point to Khrytkiran and say 'Die'. 20)Amallyn yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 21)You point to Khrytkiran and say 'Die'. 22)You point to Paratus and say 'Die'. 23)You point to Raythgar and say 'Die'. 24)You point to Senjin and say 'Die'. 25)You point to Cyrus and say 'Die'. 26)You point to Cyrus and say 'Die'. 27)You point to Tumock and say 'Die'. 28)Wran yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 29) You point to Vhoram and say 'Die'. 30) You point to Akivasha and say 'Die'. 31) You point to Akivasha and say 'Die'. 32) Xlaq yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 33) Redov yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 34) You point to Pomfret and say 'Die'. 35) You point to Escudeira and say 'Die'. 36) You point to Alrucus and say 'Die'. 38) Strannik yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 39) You point to Perrten and say 'Die'. 41) You point to Draackh and say 'Die'. 42) Saerith yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 43) You point to Devlel and say 'Die'. 44) Solkar yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 45) Jiijjustan yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 46) Pyriel yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 47) You point to Anthias and say 'Die'. 48) Chasek yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 49) Jeana yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 50) Vilkokin yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 51) Hallien yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 52) Musubi yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!' 53) Jarans yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 54) Gruntock yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' 55) Sanicam yells 'Help someone is attacking me!' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ohh...wait...what's that sound??? That's the sound of 100 necros being rolled up right now, enjoy Thera.
of all my PWK kills for your perusal. Flames or praise to the undersigned. I'm out...
Dioxide's Log Formatter
You point to Quazan and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Quazan's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Quazan's death cry.
You point to Obik and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Obik's mind and she dies instantly!
Obik's hand is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Brantstin and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Brantstin's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Brantstin's death cry.
You point to Nailis and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Nailis's mind and she dies instantly!
Nailis's finger is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Jarrett and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Jarrett's mind and she dies instantly!
Jarrett spills his guts all over the floor.
You point to Raldigen and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Raldigen's mind and she dies instantly!
Raldigen's severed head plops on the ground.
You point to Kilk and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Kilk's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Kilk's death cry.
You point to Alehail and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Alehail's mind and she dies instantly!
Alehail's eye pops out of its socket.
You point to Axrinth and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Axrinth's mind and she dies instantly!
Axrinth's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
You point to Elgadon and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Elgadon's mind and she dies instantly!
Elgadon's arm is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Vulthoom and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Vulthoom's mind and she dies instantly!
Vulthoom hits the ground ... DEAD.
Your word of power vaporizes Engimous's mind and she dies instantly!
Engimous spills his guts all over the floor.
You point to Adaryln and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Adaryln's mind and she dies instantly!
Adaryln's arm is sliced from his dead body.
Someone slowly fades away.
Your word of power vaporizes Salidehn's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Salidehn's death cry.
A transplendant archon slowly fades away.
An earth elemental slowly fades away.
You point to Altrael and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Altrael's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Altrael's death cry.
You point to Syphax and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Syphax's mind and she dies instantly!
Syphax spills his guts all over the floor.
A giant mercenary slowly fades away.
Your word of power vaporizes Flontinot's mind and she dies instantly!
Flontinot spills his guts all over the floor.
You hear a strange bubbly hiss that puts your nerves on edge.
You point to a sea snake and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes a sea snake's mind and she dies instantly!
A sea snake splatters blood on your armor.
You have become better at power word kill!
Your word of power vaporizes Khrytkiran's mind and she dies instantly!
Khrytkiran's ranger's staff disappears.
Khrytkiran splatters blood on your armor.
You point to Amallyn and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Amallyn's mind and she dies instantly!
Amallyn's foot is sliced from his dead body.
Your word of power vaporizes Khrytkiran's mind and she dies instantly!
Khrytkiran's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
Your word of power vaporizes Paratus's mind and she dies instantly!
Paratus spills his guts all over the floor.
Your word of power vaporizes Raythgar's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Raythgar's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Senjin's mind and she dies instantly!
Senjin's finger is sliced from its dead body.
Your word of power vaporizes Cyrus's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Cyrus's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Cyrus's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Cyrus's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Tumock's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Tumock's death cry.
You point to Wran and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Wran's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Wran's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Vhoram's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Vhoram's death cry.
A transplendant archon slowly fades away.
Your word of power vaporizes Akivasha 's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Akivasha 's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Akivasha 's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Akivasha 's death cry.
You point to Xlaq and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Xlaq's mind and she dies instantly!
Xlaq's leg is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Redov and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Redov's m
Your word of power vaporizes Pomfret's mind and she dies instantly!
Pomfret splatters blood on your armor.
Your word of power vaporizes Escudeira's mind and she dies instantly!
Escudeira's leg is sliced from her dead body.
Your word of power vaporizes Alrucus's mind and she dies instantly!
Alrucus's severed head plops on the ground.
A swarthy mercenary slowly fades away.
37) Teksaro yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You point to Teksaro and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Teksaro's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Teksaro's death cry.
You point to Strannik and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Strannik's mind and she dies instantly!
Strannik's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
Your word of power vaporizes Perrten's mind and she dies instantly!
Perrten's heart is torn from his chest.
40) Rendak yells 'Die, Desanguina, you sorcerous dog!'
You point to Rendak and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Rendak's mind and she dies instantly!
Rendak's heart is torn from his chest.
A radiant angel slowly fades away.
A water elemental slowly fades away.
Your word of power vaporizes Draackh's mind and she dies instantly!
Draackh's hand is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Saerith and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Saerith's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Saerith's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Devlel's mind and she dies instantly!
Devlel's leg is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Solkar and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Solkar's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Solkar's death cry.
You point to Jiijjustan and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Jiijjustan's mind and she dies instantly!
Jiijjustan's leg is sliced from his dead body.
You have become better at power word kill!
You point to Pyriel and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Pyriel's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Pyriel's death cry.
Your word of power vaporizes Anthias's mind and she dies instantly!
You hear Anthias's death cry.
You point to Chasek and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Chasek's mind and she dies instantly!
Chasek's leg is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Jeana and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Jeana's mind and she dies instantly!
Jeana spills her guts all over the floor.
You point to Vilkokin and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Vilkokin's mind and she dies instantly!
Vilkokin's heart is torn from his chest.
You point to Hallien and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Hallien's mind and she dies instantly!
Hallien's severed head plops on the ground.
You point to Musubi and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Musubi's mind and she dies instantly!
Musubi's severed head plops on the ground.
You point to Jarans and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Jarans's mind and she dies instantly!
Jarans's ranger's staff disappears.
Jarans's leg is sliced from his dead body.
You point to Gruntock and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Gruntock's mind and she dies instantly!
Gruntock's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
You point to Sanicam and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes Sanicam's mind and she dies instantly!
Sanicam splatters blood on your armor.