Chaldaie, Chris...let's not go down that road m'kay? Mr. Hat hates seeing people fight m'kay? You know each other in real life, flame each other over email, m'kay? M'kay. nt:

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Posted by Imbrogno(VIP) on October 18, 2000 at 06:43:49:

In Reply to: Tirilueve posted by Iracundur Maneiurllach on October 17, 2000 at 10:34:55:

> Goodbye Note:

> [ 49] Iracundur: Tirilueve
> Tue Oct 17 12:06:55 2000
> To: The Haven of the Dawn Arbiter Battle Entropy Master Troupe Sylvan Empire Scarab
> Servants, and friends, it has been a great adventure together.
> In the past 800 years of my life, I've accomplished all I think I can.
> I've lead the haven as an apostle, and have grown to watch
> two new ones take the lead, I've watched wars come and go,
> friends born and die, and my life speed by faster than I could imagine.
> I do believe in the light, and the faith it has given me to
> live my crusade. I sought Victory for the light, above all. I sought
> to bring hope to all, and grant the faith of the gods, the light unto them.
> -
> In the final days of my life, I attempted to find peace with the sylvans,
> for I found that binding those of the light, and fighting those whos goals
> were similiar to mine, was not of what a servant should be doing. So I followed
> my heart, and gave up my art, and all it had afforded me.
> -
> I've found that an 800 year old habit.. is quite difficult to break,
> and while my heart seeks peace, my voice and my hands find
> familiarity in the art, and my mind seeks to hear the loving
> voices of the archons. I also miss my dragon terribly.
> Annoying as he was.
> -
> I shall travel to the north, far past my vale, and try to
> return to the days I loved the most. The simplicity of childhood
> [Hit Return to continue]

> and the peace of solitude. Perhaps I will raise my own family
> in the mountains, and return to my roots of music, wine and laughter.
> -
> I thank you all for the times of war, friendship and compassion.
> I will never forget the times I've stood, axe in hand, ready to fight
> the darkness at anycost, to ensure victory to the light, and faith to all.
> -
> Ele, Atar Shokai, I am returning to you.
> -
> Tirilueve
> Iracundur Maneiurllach

> Never having to practice anything except word and dismissal

> prac
> armor 98% cancellation 99% detect invis 100%
> detect magic 100% dispel magic 91% faerie fire 96%
> identify 100% infravision 76% invis 93%
> locate object 100% magic missile 100% pass door 96%
> teleport 95% ventriloquate 78% word of recall 100%
> axe 100% dagger 100% staff 100%
> whip 100% hand to hand 100% parry 100%
> second attack 100% lash 100% fast healing 100%
> haggle 93% meditation 100% scrolls 76%
> staves 78% wands 87% recall 100%
> guard 81% tesseract 100% golden aura 99%
> trance 100% shield block 100% resist negative 90%
> flash 100% conjure elemental 100% clairvoyance 100%
> conjure angel 90% conjure archon 99% conjure devil 1%
> conjure demon 1% deny summoning 95% phase door 75%
> celestial circle 100% thaumaturgic circle 100% lightbind 100%
> darkbind 75% bind elemental 100% clairaudience 100%
> dismissal 100% sending 100% resist positive 86%
> bind nightgaunt 94% conjure nightgaunt 89% projection 80%
> pen 95% altruism 100% spirit sight 70%
> succor 100% contact other planes 84% familiar 100%
> You have 7 practice sessions left.

> Buttnaked with no spells enhancements

> <1hp 1m 503mv> You are Iracundur the Planewalker, Servant of the Dawn, level 51, 818 years old (500 hours).
> You are middle-aged.
> Race: elf Sex: male Class: conjurer Hometown: Tar Valon
> You have 1/384 hit, 1/988 mana, 503/504 movement.
> You have 5 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 0/31 items.
> Your items weigh 0 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 307 pounds).
> Str: 17(17) Int: 25(25) Wis: 20(20) Dex: 18(18) Con: 4(4) Chr: 20(20)
> You have scored 592452 exp, and have 0 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 0 hit points.
> You are standing.
> Armor: pierce: 70 bash: 70 slash: 70 magic: 70
> You are barely protected from piercing.
> You are barely protected from bashing.
> You are barely protected from slashing.
> You are barely protected from magic.
> Hitroll: 2 Damroll: 3.
> You are good. You have a neutral ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Victory.
> You are affected by:

> Me wearing my set
> and aged description.. lost my young desc.

> Your description is:
> A shimmering veil of holy light enshrouds Iracundur Maneiurllach,
> sparking and dancing about him in great wide archs of brilliant light.
> Deep translucent lagoon green eyes set upon strikingly perfect
> cheekbones and an aging and smooth brow give a strong
> feeling of hope as your gaze settles upon them. A very
> delicate and age wrinkled smile crosses the very exotic and
> full lips of this elf, leaving small creases in his cheeks.
> As he walks he seems to move as if floating upon a cloud
> of mystical air, no movements betray him as he glides seamlessly.
> His perfectly shaped pointed ears move slightly as the wind blows,
> as if he can hear what it has to say to him.
> -
> A red and silver robe is wrapped tightly about his body,
> a pheonix embroided on it's back is seen with the fiery
> wrath of Shokai wrapping itself about the pheonix, and shielding
> it from darkness. Looking deeper into this image
> you see that Iracundur himself is shrouded with a similar aura.
> As if the darkness about him is being burned away, as the
> light is victorious over the dark, bringing hope, and faith.

> <736hp 1263m 554mv> eq
> eq
> You are using:
> (Magical) (Glowing) a Signet Ring of the House of Darsylon
> the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
> (Magical) an ivory unicorn pendant
> (Magical) an ivory unicorn pendant
> Five-Color Dragonscale Mail
> (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the helm of freedom
> (Humming) crimson dragon scale leggings
> (Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) boots of Electricity
> (Magical) a pair of fine gloves
> (Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
> an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
> (Magical) the elvish sash
> (Magical) (Glowing) a thin moonstone bracelet
> (Magical) (Glowing) a thin moonstone bracelet
> a flawless two-headed Pickaxe named 'Earthquake'
> (Magical) (Glowing) the pearl of power

> I accomplished a hellofalot with this char..
> I would like to thank all the people with whom
> Iracundur had a steady roleplay with.

> Dawn: Everyone in the haven did an exceptional job,
> It's rough to be a dawnie sometimes.. and everyone
> was right up to par... a few names that always stuck
> out. Eadric, Nicolette, Guliadkyn, Arasow, Vironas, Shadisdros, Shalandria, Nivek, Lyseria, Solian, Feiriel, my god, the list can go on forever.
> Solian, you had an awesome roleplay, I admired
> what you did.. and even when we spoke with Raisa, you just hung in there, even tho you were burnin to rail you know who...Feiriel.. your whole pregnancy thing in
> selrics tower.. awesome.. you were great.

> Master: Mithadris.. our whole roleplay was very rewarding.. I really enjoyed that part, and I even saved the scroll we made.. here is a copy:

> On this Day of the sun, 6th month of the sun.
> I, Mithadris Kad'Rikorean take this oath
> upon the crown of stars I wear. In order
> to truly bring hope and peace, I shall never
> harm another with the exception of defense of
> myself or my tower. This oath I swear to Lord Nepenthe.
> If broken, I ask my Lord to strike me down, for
> I have been unworthy of his blessings. Dedication
> to peace, and the hope of magic upon this world is
> my only true intention. I thrice swear upon my
> lord that this is true. I shall keep my word to him.
> -
> Penned and Witnessed by,
> Iracundur Maneiurllach
> Shalandria Ayshan Ven'Terrick Fer'Daral
> Eadric Inesson
> Signed and Agreed by,
> Mithadris Kad'Rikorean

> Other masters.. There was a transmuter of karachal..
> Can't remember her name... great job

> Empire: Not really anyone to mention roleplay wise.. except for Wanievre.. you all constantly hid and ran from me.

> Scarab: Ingvar was the closest I got to any real interaction.. besides scarab himself.

> Troupe: Astillian! My last oldest friend, and Gadinias! The champ! We ranked up together and had quite a fun time... I still remember our first meeting at the gibberlings.. you were awesome...The other elf.. Ugh.. Psomething.. the one who did the whole harvest thing...Remember you from being defiant and conjuring in the inn anyway.. *hehe*

> Battle: Takashimi, by far the best roleplayed rager
> I've ever seen. awesome, just plain awesome. Dvorak, our whole roleplay at the inn with possession was great, wonderful job. Great Improv.

> Arbiters: Grislan is about it, but that is from a totally seperate char. Otherwise known as Fuerln.

> Entropy: Nobody really to mention, I always wanted to fight Z, but we never were around at the same time. I walked around half my life ready to fight him, he never shows.. traded in my prayer beads for some unicorn pendants.. *snicker*

> Sylvan: Good all around from the Sylvans.. I really never had a problem with them until Flontinot died... then they became really agressive to me.. this is where my last attempt to make something 'interesting' came about.

> If you noticed my con is real low.. I had not died to a pk in months and months.. But my familiar has died about 50 times...Hence, the low con.

> See you all around next char!

> To jog some memory.

> Iracundur/Fuerln/Xairiel/Lrzhrxnia/Eumenidies

> a.k.a. Chris Warren

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