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Posted by Santus on October 22, 2000 at 22:05:28:

Well This comes as a bit of a shock seeing as how this was going to be my character to either con die or age die... but I started working again and school and all I just didn't have the time I wanted to spend on this character or how much he deserved.... He was a faithful follower of troupe Though he could not serve drinks or yell across a bar nor stop fights. but he woulda if he coulda. Anyhow I had a lot of fun with this character . he was gonna be my first trouper but you know how theses things go espescially since im not creative enought to write an original story to tell. Well I know this is long and rambling but thats just the way this character was in life.. He was in or nearing old age when I deleted him After only playing him for like two months but what can be said this character was a lot of fun... And believe it or not this was not meant for a pking character it just sortof went that way for a time since The characters I was ranking with liked to kill a lot so I did. Well Any how. I guess Ill show some respect for those that deserve it or at least stick out a little bit.

Well first there Are the Troupe.
Astillian - I always loved grouping and traveling and talking with you it was always a lot of fun just running around killing things just to see if we could.
Arvam- I had a lot of short talks with you but none too long and we never traveled considering you just immed at ther wrong time so well Ill see you around I suppose
Selitha - You were the main person that made me want to become a trouper because with my last character had conversed with you several times and I just wanted to have a trouper..
Horstivo - I never really got to converse with you much but You know how some times that goes.
umm Jacynth Well I only crossed your path once I think and that was because I had a problem in the inn but it is always a pleasure dealing with you.

Solian - man sad to see you go you were a great guy pops.
Chayan - Sorry ya got booted and all because you were the dawnie that I interacted with the most.
The countless others of course.

Well I didnt like most of you but I had a few interactions so to speak with you
kaejof - once a friend then the rest of the time a foe. you always would give chase whenever you saw me but I was usually fast enough to get away... always gotta know how to run before you hunt.
tarakh - Hated you and I dont think you should have killed me in the inn without so much as a word of warning but your title fits...

Sylvans Most of you hated me at least at one point but I think we got most of that straitened out so on the whole I think you were mostly good rpers and stuff.

ummh well thats about all I can think of on comments if I forgot anyone let me know ya know but....

Also This was to be mentioned I never heroed for some reason and never got tatted or a title but considering my god that was to be expected but what good is a pole axe spec slow cloud giant with no good defenses good at defending an inn

oh by the way IMMS
astein - You know how I feel about your tactics to roleplay so ..... but I am still sorry never got to talk to you more but

anyway I have rambled for long enough so give me some comments or feedback feel free to email or ICw me

E-mail is
ICQ 19423312

See you all in the fields it was fun and I wish i didnt have to work... :(

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