[DELETED] Mirotrem the Warrior Hero, Hunted by Battle, Dances with Bugs:

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Posted by [Gabe] on October 23, 2000 at 18:15:37:

Welp, had a blast. Definatly did better with this guy than with Vintak. I think Vintak had 14 con when I heroed, and Mirotrem had full con, with like 2 trains. I believe I rp'ed much better and actually fought worth a damn. Well anyways, here they are in no particular order!

Arbiter: Khartos, you were an enemy from the start, great time fighting you. Kelbecso, one time friend, now insane choking giant. You were a blast to fight.

Master: Farin, I felt so bad for killing you as much as I did. You really should learn how to run..:P Shyntlara, never actually got a kill in on you, but fought you alot. Valgurerena or however you spell it, never got to fight you, although you were a spectre..you and that C spectre were not in my range.

Troupe: Erkihal, had a frickin blast rping with you. My best imm interaction ive ever had. Doing that made this character all worth while.

Sylvan: Miiot, you were fun to talk to...forget the others.

Entropy: hmm..never actually interacted with any.

Empire: Had sooo much fun dying to Vonaxim and Kol it wasn't funny..:P..You punks. Riebold was definatly an interesting character.

Tarakh - First real friend I had in the village, had fun.
Mokkan - Didn't get to interact with you much, considering you were a hero when i was inducted i believe.
Bahal - Hope i didnt ruffle your feathers..heh
Ginue - Mainly ranked with you a bit, didn't run around with you much.
Thyzial - me and you had some good times hunting people and stuff..:P
Others that i forget...

[Gabe] is out, cause he is hungry.

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