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Posted by Balrahd on October 24, 2000 at 15:10:10:

In Reply to: Never stopped you from attacking me on sight without talking to me though. nt posted by Tarakh on October 24, 2000 at 14:20:30:

I *did* stop attacking you on sight, especially after I spoke with you at length.

I would never admit it, or suggest it to you in character, or discuss it with anyone else, but as a player, I decided to cease hunting you until I could come up with a valid reason to view you as "evil" beyond the red aura (and then continue speaking to you). You can call that bad roleplaying for a Maran if you want. Hell, I think it's bad roleplaying - obviously it is, or else you and I would have had more interaction - but red auras like Tarakh (who really shouldn't have a red aura) present a certain conflict for me (whether or not I appear to - I don't have a vast store of fancy emotes like Cirianna or Sacer, for example - I take alignment and RP seriously when I'm playing). I'll just blame my failures on me not having much time to play anymore and Balrahd being my first ever Hero char.

I am not rejoicing at your deletion. Tarakh was a very interesting and possibly very threatening character.

Anyway, I really wish you'd try playing a Maran.

1. The mortal religion might benefit from your insight/presence (as long as it's not another Mishakar :P).
2. You might like it.

Blah. See ya.

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