and we don't perfect our skils? *bonk*:

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Posted by Rager on October 25, 2000 at 12:42:32:

In Reply to: Welcome to being a master and putting time into your skills, its not just thirst;bash to be strong. n/t posted by Anti-rager on October 24, 2000 at 23:46:34:

> > You were the only invoker of the tower (that I remember) before barid ranked up, so I gotta say it was annoying to have you around. even thought most of the time you were alone dying to us:P Luck with your next thought (SOMEONE PLAY IMPERIALS!!!)
> > ps: This 100% shit in everyfuckingspell just makes me shiver.
> > Kaejof

> > > Well, I've been around since early May. But I've just gotten sick of it. Being a walking talking shield dispencer. A pacifistic gnome who dies to everyone he meets. A moron to be mocked and mistreated. Strelno had few friends. He cherished them. He only wishes he could have done something important with is life. Ragers, thanks for handing me a whooping on such a regular basis. It helps me remember no one's perfect... Especially me. Sylvans... Most just annoyed me. Dawn: Friendly folk. Scarab *shrug. Empire, had a couple of aquantances. Immortals... I guess I didn't much try to get involved with you, but I never got interaction when I did. Just wish I could have been someone.

> > > [MASTER] Strelno: Yes, greetings indeed. Though not happy ones.

> > > <1082hp 925m 553mv>
> > > [MASTER] Shyntlara: And why is that?

> > > <1082hp 925m 553mv> cb *glances at the orb one last time*
> > > [MASTER] Strelno: *glances at the orb one last time*

> > > <1082hp 925m 553mv> cb Farewell. I'm sorry I never accomplished anything.
> > > [MASTER] Strelno: Farewell. I'm sorry I never accomplished anything.
> > > The adept closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

> > > <1100hp 984m 553mv> delete
> > > Type delete again to confirm this command.
> > > WARNING: this command is irreversible.
> > > Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.
> > > If you confirm the delete, this name will be unusable.
> > > You will need to talk to an implementor to use it again.

> > > <1100hp 984m 553mv> delete
> > > [MASTER] the Archmage: The Orb of Magic dims a bit as Strelno leaves us.
> > > Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

> > >
> > > airshield 100% armor 100% avalanche 100%
> > > buffet 100% cancellation 100% channel heat 100%
> > > charge weapon 100% conglaciation 100% controlled fireball 100%
> > > create spring 100% create water 100% cyclone 100%
> > > detect invis 100% detect magic 100% dispel magic 100%
> > > earthquake 100% earthshield 100% faerie fire 100%
> > > faerie fog 100% fireball 100% fireshield 100%
> > > forked lightning 100% frost fingers 100% frostshield 100%
> > > geyser 100% iceneedles 100% iceshards 100%
> > > identify 100% immolation 100% improved invis 100%
> > > infravision 100% invis 100% lightning bolt 100%
> > > locate object 100% pass door 100% teleport 100%
> > > ventriloquate 100% word of recall 100% dagger 100%
> > > mace 100% whip 100% hand to hand 100%
> > > parry 100% second attack 100% lash 100%
> > > fast healing 100% haggle 100% meditation 100%
> > > scrolls 75% staves 71% wands 83%
> > > recall 100% transform 100% scourge 100%
> > > trance 100% cone of cold 100% wind wall 100%
> > > spellcraft 100% wall of fire 100% tsunami 100%
> > > drown 100% icicle 100% engulf 100%
> > > nova 100% shield of flames 100% shocking touch 100%
> > > pillar of the heavens 100% lightningshield 100% shield of electricity 100%
> > > shield of winds 100% vortex 100% quicksand 100%
> > > pebble to boulder 100% stoneshatter 100% shield of earth 100%
> > > watershield 100% pen 100% magical control 100%
> > > tome 88%

> > >
> > > You are Strelno the Invoker Hero, level 51, 448 years old (423 hours).
> > > You are old.
> > > Race: gnome Sex: male Class: invoker Hometown: Arkham
> > > You have 318/486 hit, 788/1027 mana, 175/503 movement.
> > > You have 7 practices and 7 training sessions.
> > > You are carrying 23/29 items.
> > > Your items weigh 219 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
> > > Str: 18(18) Int: 23(23) Wis: 25(25) Dex: 20(20) Con: 17(16) Chr: 14(14)
> > > You have scored 533062 exp, and have 864 gold coins.
> > > Wimpy set to 100 hit points.
> > > You are sleeping.
> > > Armor: pierce: -127 bash: -126 slash: -124 magic: -72
> > > You are divinely armored against piercing.
> > > You are divinely armored against bashing.
> > > You are divinely armored against slashing.
> > > You are superbly armored against magic.
> > > Hitroll: 7 Damroll: 22.
> > > You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
> > > You have chosen the sphere of Fire.

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