More then worthy man, more then worthy. nt:

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Posted by ShadowKnight on October 26, 2000 at 08:17:43:

In Reply to: I wrote this poem IRL, but I'm going to apply it to a bard I'm playing. I just want to know if you all find it worthy to be on CF posted by The Champ o Hearts (if you know the title you know who it is) on October 25, 2000 at 22:21:04:

> Everything in here has happened to me. I've had what seems at times to be an impossibly hard life... and recently the girl I've dated for five years basically said "I love you to hell with you I love you to hell with you." Again and again. I was on an emotion rollercoaster because of my high school sweetheart. I'm not sure this poem is very good, but its from my heart.

> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

> This world has called me owned;
> A slave and prisoner to hurt and pain.
> Sorrow and adversity the only friends I've known
> Have kicked me while I'm down.
> Slashed, cut, burned, bruised and raped me
> To get me to the ground.
> But through all of this, hateful world
> I am still around.

> This world tries me be fire!
> Why I can not say.
> To see if I am strong?
> To see if I'll kill myself today?
> I won't! Cruel World my hell,
> You can not kick me when I'm down
> If I have never fell.

> Slashed, cut, burned, bruised and raped...
> Now you seek to rob me too?
> To steal from me my childhood love?
> I add it to the things I wish I knew.

> You show me her eyes so cold...
> You give me her heart hardened and alone
> You grab her hands and make her strike me bold!
> Can I live through this, cruel world?
> That answer I have already told.

> Slashed, cut, burned, bruised and raped;
> But today we add a new crime to your list.
> You steal the heart I just got back
> To see if I will take the razor to my wrist?
> My head is clouds of cold, dark rain
> But these feet are on the ground.
> So send your bloody hated pain,
> You can no longer push me around.

> My heart is HARD and mad at you,
> An armor you can not penetrate.
> I'll bite my lip till it bleeds through,
> And I will press on - Treating each day like new
> So make me cold and bitter
> If that is what you wish.
> But you will never be my better,
> Cruel World, you hateful bitch.

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