Ok, so maybe the formatting won't be all screwed up. The semi-colons are there because I write my desc in Word then paste and they keep me from having to hit return after every line. NT:

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Posted by Polemachus on March 30, 2000 at 06:02:52:

In Reply to: Here are some descriptions from my previous chars. I'm an American who likes to think his grasp of English is above average. posted by Polemachus on March 30, 2000 at 06:01:18:

> The formatting is going to be all screwed up cause I pasted from Word, but that's something you'll have to deal with. Different descs are separated by space, it's not all one long description.

> Desc + Sun-darkened skin and a face like a thundercloud catch your eye, both belonging;
> Desc + to a sinewy warrior clad in natural tones of brown, gray, and red. Close-cut red;
> Desc + hair frames his well-tanned visage which is bejeweled with two emerald eyes that;
> Desc + serve not as windows, but blockades to his soul, showing nothing but the quiet;
> Desc + cold of control. Strong hands, like those of a veteran blacksmith, lightly grip a;
> Desc + a spear as if it were a fragile child with broken bones. His armor is both light and;
> Desc + and unhindering, allowing him a full range of movement while affording him the;
> Desc + maximum available protection. Numerous spears and staves criss-cross his back;
> Desc + in loops designed for easy access. Belt-knives cling to his waist in simple sheaths.;
> Desc + You notice his lack of sword, odd only because the sword is the weapon of choice;
> Desc + for many Therans. He wears what is known as a shoufa in some parts of the world;
> Desc + and a black veil hangs loosely in front of his neck. His overall appearance, and the;
> Desc + the presence of the shoufa and veil lead you to believe he is of Aiel blood, though;
> Desc + their kind are infrequent visitors of these lands.;

> desc + A towering behemoth stands nearby. He stands at least 16' tall, slightly above average;
> desc + for his kind. He's clad in stone gray robes which are trimmed with silver and gold streaks;
> desc + along the edges. His skin is an odd reddish color in most places, with the usual blue of;
> desc + the storm giants peeking through here and there, usually in places that are not often ;
> desc + exposed, like the palms of his hands and behind his ears. His face looks as though it were;
> desc + carved from solid granite, all planes and sharp angles. A brand is on his forehead, but it's;
> desc + difficult to make out because it looks to have been vigorously scrubbed with some kind;
> desc + of rough object, scabbing slightly and even bleeding a little. Knowing eyes of green;
> desc + set upon you with their piercing gaze. He carries a large axe in his right hand, knuckles;
> desc + whitening as he flexes his hand around the haft, which is easily the width of a human's;
> desc + wrist. A sword hangs in a bejewelled scabbard at his hip, the brilliant gold hilt of the sword;
> desc + held down by a colored leather strap. His green hair is closely cut and barely visibile around;
> desc + the edges of his battle helm.;

> desc + A cold-eyed stare catches your attention, calculating and analyzing everything;
> desc + within sight. Those eyes are steely gray and set apart by a thin and prominent;
> desc + nose. A hard-angled jaw and squared chin look to have been carved from rock,;
> desc + giving this man a stern appearance, almost emotionless. He's clad in fine attire,;
> desc + mainly silks and velvets of dark blues and browns, although some leather and;
> desc + wool is also noticeable. His armor is unobtrusive, certainly not that of a warrior;
> desc + or guardsman, but appears to provide at least fair protection. Wands and staves;
> desc + protrude slightly from a blue velvet bag and the crackling of old parchment gives;
> desc + away the presence of scrolls as well. His weaponry is unusually large for a mage;
> desc + however, consisting of thick bladed axes and other sizeable blades. Even with all;
> desc + of the large weapons, hard features, and cold stares, this man still seems to give;
> desc + off a warmth, almost as if surrounded by an aura of goodliness.;

> desc + A petite young lady stands nearby, clad in armor that she seems to think more a burden;
> desc + than necessity. She looks horribly out of place in this land of warriors and wizards, as if;
> desc + she'd feel infinitely more comfortable on a farm or at school. A very real looking doll is ;
> desc + tucked in her belt, which in and of itself is quite the oddity. Under her armor she wears;
> desc + peasant's garb, all tattered rags and baggy cloth. She's very pretty, in a worn out and;
> desc + umkempt kind of way. Her brown hair falls in tangles to her shoulders, shining with grease;
> desc + and grime. Her face is marred by fresh scrapes and scratches, but even so you imagine;
> desc + that underneath it all she's quite striking. Her lips are full and pouting under a slender nose.;
> desc + Eyes of emerald gaze at you in an absent and hollow way, as if she were daydreaming. She;
> desc + grips her weapon as if it were a sewer rat about to bite her, but you figure even she could;
> desc + manage a fatal slice every once in awhile. It looks as though she might be crying, at least;
> desc + within.;

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