Re: I am gone.:

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Posted by Driaset on October 27, 2000 at 11:12:23:

In Reply to: I am gone. posted by Jerith on October 26, 2000 at 17:45:40:

I knew you were up to no good when you were running around with Melvin before you joined arbies. First time I saw that you were an arbiter my thoughts were something along the lines 'I'm fooked' :P. You were the one I really tried to avoid. It was funny to hear others say 'Bah, I'll kill him' and come back as ghosts... A giant with big axes, wands and detect hidden is bad news for an assassin (especially when the assassin isn't wielding a weapon :P, thanks for not looting by the way).

Anyway, thanks for the ouchies.

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