With Soryssor I pk'd two people and got inducted into Empire while high, so there :P (a bit of text):

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Posted by Cathoir on October 28, 2000 at 13:51:33:

In Reply to: And what's even worse is... posted by Proud Blade(VIP) on October 27, 2000 at 13:46:45:

Have you ever been high before? Video games are quite fun while high... and a computer is a good place to find em. Mudding kind of sucks while high, though, I just logged on cause somebody told me they finally had somebody in Emp who could induct and i'd been waiting for quite a while.

> ... it's not even IC arrogance. A lot of roles call for your character to strut around proclaiming their shiznitness. That's cool. If I kill someone, and they spout threats at me, more power to 'em. I'll look forward to Round 2.

> But so many people step OOC, or just rant here on the Forum. Nearly every person that "estimates" their own PK ratio claims it was 10:1 or so. Everybody can't be 10:1, kids. Someone's eating some PK deaths out there. You know who you are.

> If you're even trying to be honest, you end up guessing low. Why? Deaths are easy to remember. If you PK someone, you grab some goodies and move on. If you got PKed, you're often looking at some re-equipping time during which you can think about what went wrong. (*)

> Oddly, the -really- good people don't seem to have this problem. It's usually the "above average" people who like to toot their own horn the most, and the occasional 1-31 Dawnie.

> - PB, who has never died to a PK because he was riot looting, drunk(**), or legally dead, but certainly has the rest of those bases covered.

> (*): And rest assured, unless you actually were link dead, 99% of the time, you did something wrong. Even if "something wrong" was "being on Eastern with your PK range looking that damn bad". The worst reaction you can have to being PKed is saying "There was nothing I could have done."

> (**): I will never understand the vast plague of people who come to the forum to tell us how drunk/high they were while playing. Who gets high to use a computer?

> > There's a damn lot more arrogance flying around out there than is warranted. We have many decent players who think they're good, good players who think they're great, and no small number of absolutely terrible players who think they're the bomb. Rather than stick with it when faced with dissonance, some delete.

> > Countless times over the years I've killed someone and heard a rant in reply along the lines of "You just got lucky there because I was lagged/distracted/already half dead/on the phone/out of mana from a previous fight/riot looting/drunk/legally dead. You have no idea who you just messed with and I'm going to kill you over and over again for this." To the best of my recollection, no one's delivered on that promise yet.

> > Folks, most of you aren't as good as you think you are. When you come right down to it, the Arcane isn't as good as you think you are. Everyone makes mistakes and gets themselves killed sometimes. Everyone has off days. Everyone walks afk thinking themselves incorrectly safe. Everyone has days where only they seem inexplicably lag. Everyone takes chances that end up not paying off. Suck it up and move on without deleting and wasting all that time over something stupid like your own pride.

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