Posted by ShadowKnight on October 28, 2000 at 14:45:31:
In Reply to: Quite interesting... I'd run a quick spell check on it, but other than it's real nice. (n.txt) posted by I choose you, Zepachu! on October 28, 2000 at 14:09:13:
> > Role > > > > In the blink of an eye he was in a forest. The first forest he had ever layed eyes upon. > > His vision blackened and he was in a place he loved very much, but left long ago. As he looked > > Thrashing he awoke and heard screams surrounding his hole. He dashed to where he left his dagger > > Looking at the devestation all around him he quickly saw his love. He ran towards her to aid but just > > Desc > >
> > What did I come to this place?" said Khazhar as he walked through
> > the city streets. Looking this way and that, he began to realize he was in the
> > same city in which he was born...oh how he hated it. Suddenly a merchant ran by
> > shoving him to the ground. Reaching for his dagger..."What?...Where is my weapon?"
> > Shruging to himself he went back to his own business.
> > As he walked down the street he saw a red brick house, all fancy and tall. Unknowingly
> > he walked right inside and to a room where a birth was taking place. It was.."It's me" he
> > said as he looked upon the child.
> > "Khazhar, come here" he heard behind him as two young lads came running up to a large tree.
> > He sat upon the ground watching them, a young man child, and dwarf...himself as a boy.
> > As he watched the boys he heard a loud *CLANG* and the city gates were closed locking them out.
> > He walked up to the gates as he watched them pounding and scraping, he tried to help but could
> > do nothing. It was like he was a ghost or something of the likes. He remembered that long cold
> > night in the forest, but as he looked further within, it was at this point he wished to leave
> > his city home, to prowl and hunt within the forests of Thera.
> > upon the forested area his memory of good times replaced those of the city he hated. He heard the
> > ringing of bells and thought to himself.."It can't be...It's jamboree season!" As he ran to
> > the sound of bells he stopped by the one tent. As he looked inside he saw a small dwarf fooling
> > around with one of the lady felars..a very beautiful one. Seeing her pained him much, because
> > that dwarf was he, and the lass, his lover. Turning his attention back towards the ringing of
> > bells he hurried along untill he came to a large fire, where he remembered his family.
> > Those who brought him out of the rain and called him brother and love. This was his home.
> > He sat and thought about this forest society of felars and the love they had for him. He just
> > wished he could stay....He was pulled into from the forest to a place where there were no trees,
> > or living things. Blood and ashes defiled the ground where his home once stood. Turning around a
> > duergar leaped at him, and he screamed in terror.
> > and shirt only to find them gone. In it's spot sat a large set of robes...Covered with symbols hes
> > never seen before he gently lifted it up. As he touched the soft fabric he could feel an energy flow
> > through him. Looking to see what held the robes elevated, he gasped at a large, glowing sword. The
> > blade etched and marked yet still seeming razor-sharp caught his eye. A green vine covered with thorns
> > encircled the hilt and unknown marks went up the blade. He quickly threw on the robes and cleanched
> > the hilt of the sword a burst of energy knocked him to the ground. Standing up he stared at the weapon.
> > half dazed he brought himself to his feet and grabbed the hilt once again..This time the sword came
> > from the ground and he lifted it and roared as he fled his hole into the battle.
> > before he could take her hand a duergar split her head with a large axe that gleamed red in the sun.
> > As if he'd been with the sword all his life it swiftly cleaved the head from the duergars body. As he
> > sat looking at the corpse he had just created his eyes drifted to his love. Once again his eyes glared
> > at the duergars body, then to himself he snickered softly and swiftly went off into battle. Swinging
> > his mighty sword, Khazhar killed many but nothing was left of his home...But he did not care, all he
> > cared about was that the intruder's died, after the battle only a few felar lay alive. He looked at them.
> > They pleaded to him to stay but this was no longer his place...He was not a village, lover or cooker, he
> > wanted to be much more, he wanted to be Sylvan. The forests of Thera were his, and they needed defending.
> > Shimmering is he who stands before you.
> > A small, blue ball of ice sits for his left eye as the other is missing.
> > Long, ceremonial robes cover his entire body.
> > As green as the forest they are covered with symbols of Lore.
> > A swollen sun swallowed by the moon covers his front.
> > Long, flames seem to reach up the left sleeve while ice crawls up the right
> > A shadow of mist is his hood.
> > A long necklace drapes down from his neck lined with Drow and Duergar teeth.
> > A celestial circlet surrounds his head, and upon his forhead sits an Emerald Sunburst.
> > With a grin of sharp teeth his beard is shown. Long and red as the inferno.
> > Black clippings of hair can be seen under the misty hood.
> > With a last gaze he is...