Kick ass story..n/t:

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Posted by Oddjob on October 28, 2000 at 15:21:05:

In Reply to: An old role, for my assassin Veldrin.. thought i'd share it.. posted by Jhyrbian on October 27, 2000 at 16:27:50:

> An unusually cold day within the depts of the underdark, he wraped his fur
> skin around himself tightly to keep warm. Something wasn't right. The mist
> could be seen from his breath, as he walked along the streets of the city.
> He walked with uncanny stealth, his eyes ever so alert. Born, and chosen by
> the matron mother herself to be her personal assassin, Veldrin he was named
> ...drowish for Shadows. Trained by the houses best until he was ordered to
> 'prune the family tree'. He knew no other way. His loyalty to her was a matter
> of survival, the alternative was unthinkable. The slavemaster prodded a fresh
> crop of fodder to their dens to the east, the sound echoed loudly in the caverns
> " L'wael. " he muttered under his breath, 'The fool' indeed. Slinking skillfully
> into the shadows wanting to avoid any unecessary confrontation with anyone. He
> was not out for himself today, he had a mark to exterminate. A budding priestess
> who had fallen out of favor with the other houses, but who'se power rivalled his
> matron mothers.. so young she was, the matron mother took it as a slap in the
> face. When she declined to join the house. The house of D'lakten small with very
> few allies. Brought to favor by it's intense raids on the surface to destroy any
> and all surface ennemies. He approached the gates to the worship grounds, he
> deftly slipped through an open window. He nimbly untied an onyx black bag that
> hung by his waist. A small dart of lethal poison would make short work of this
> mark. Not a noise was made. He was sure of it, he never did. He filtered the
> deadly poison into the dark.. his favorite method..'Elash Elghinn' his eyes
> glittered. Silent Death was it's name. Death was near immediate after the blood
> vessels in the victims body began hemorrhaging, with blood flowing from their
> eyes, nose and ears before the cold mantle of death finally fell upon them.

> The temperature was getting lower, he felt it's bite on his face. He deftly
> walked through the halls to her chamber. He turned the doorknob. He felt a
> slight prick on his finger. His eyes blurred, he shook his head groggily. He
> knew then that he had been set up. V'dri elg'cahl he half muttered to himself
> a very potent sleeping drug. Before going under, he heard foosteps, he heard
> his matron mother's voice whisper into his ears, " Dosst streea orn tlu ultrin."
> Your.. death will be.. supr..eme. He could fight it no longer, darkness came.
> He woke up facing upward to the unholy symbol of Lloth's altar. His weapons
> gone, his eyes still bleary from the poison. The matron mother was chanting
> softly with the young priestess, a sadistic grin etched into her visage. They
> would sacrifice him as an offering to join together. Why not? He was male, he
> was 'expendable.' Veldrin thought differently. He was not ready to die. But
> where would he run? There was only one place he had a chance. However slim it
> was. The surface. He slowly felt into his right boot, ahh his knife was there.
> He would only have one chance. He smiled sarcastically to himself, no he was not
> yet ready to die. The young priestess came near him, started to paint runes of
> blood upon his chest. He was ready. In a flash he had his knife with him, spun
> around her and held it to her throat. He whispered seductively into her ear.
> " Z'hin xuil ussa.".. Walk with me. They walked slowly towards the door nearing
> it when the matron mother ceased chanting and turned her hate filled gaze at him
> He nearly faltered at the sight of the rage in her eyes. Now he knew, she needed
> the young priestess. She would harness her strength to further her own. A weak grin
> found itself on his face, he had a bargaining chip. The priestess was sweating
> heavily, apparently she herself was not yet ready to die. He walked slowly out of
> the door, there was no turning back. He neared the city gates when the matron
> mother caught up to him with a host of guards with the weaponmaster himself.
> He edged the knife closer to the priestesses throat. The matron mother stopped.
> As soon as he hit the caves, he would be lost, she knew this. But she was not
> willing to let the key to her power fall. He was in the caves now, the matron
> mother following slowly behind, he stopped a moment. She was in sight, she
> glared at him with such intensity that he nearly ran. But he had never missed
> a mark in his life. He whispered to the priestess.. " I've never missed a mark."
> She stiffened coldly. Grinning to himself, he yelled to the matron mother.
> " Usstan xun dos nindol uss bel'la.".. the words hit her like a thousand
> needles. She was fuming.. 'I do you this one honor.' As he slowly ran his
> knife across the neck of the priestess blood flowing out in sheets, she let
> a scream out that would never be heard. He darted into the darkness. They
> never even looked for him. They would find him, eventually. The world was a
> small place after all.

> The matron mother began chanting softly over the fallen priestess. The bleeding
> ceased. She was near death, but she was strong. She would survive. And the
> wretched male had given her what she needed most.. a bond with the priestess to
> work together.
> Days went by, he knew the caverns well, starving and dehydrated he found his
> way to the surface. His life was just beginning he realised. So much is gone,
> yet so much has arrived for him.

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