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Posted by Trasthe on October 28, 2000 at 18:46:21:

In Reply to: [con-die]Merious/[delete]Caranry posted by Jento on October 28, 2000 at 18:31:31:

> well uhm, since I got bored of both of these characters a LONG time ago I decided to lose 10 con in a few days with merious, and it worked.. and I con died, I had fun fighting ragers at the end and the like,

> and for caranry I decided since I never play him it would be better if I deleted him to concentrate on bigger and better things.. im not even going to try to list people because both of these chars have been around a while and I made a little friends.. I probably should have deleted both of them before but oh well..
> Merious was my first hero and I learned alot from him started an arbiter, married cielera(sp?) and than I got kicked out because I was stupid, and astein gave me a near impossible to do quest to get back in : P
> oh well, some of my other chars that no longer exist..

> Lealner
> Doiran
> Jerprata
> Jento

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