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Posted by Zepachu on October 30, 2000 at 09:28:44:

In Reply to: An old role found in the depths of my hard drive...comments? posted by Nirgal on October 30, 2000 at 07:49:18:

> role + Isham Ironsword was born Kelethanos Khelios, the only child of two talented warmages.
> role + At a young age he moved with his parents to Mortorn, part of a legion of elf wizards
> role + sent to help the dwarves in their battles with the duergar. Kelethanos had already
> role + shown promise and was to learn first hand the art of war magic. On a routine patrol
> role + with his parents and a group of dwarf warriors there was a swift and bloody ambush.
> role + After a furious battle only Kelethanos and his father remained alive, the latter
> role + fading fast from exertion and grievous wounds. He told his son to run fast as he could
> role + back to safety. Kelethanos, with tears in his eyes, begged his father not to make him
> role + leave, but was interrupted by the clatter of boots from below, duergar reinforcements.
> role + The young boy tried gamely to create a fireball but could not concentrate from
> role + fear and inexperience. His father, with a quick spell hurled Kelethanos several yards
> role + up the hall just before the duergar rounded the corner with hate in their eyes. With
> role + his last breath the warmage uttered a defiant word of power and collapsed the tunnel
> role + on himself and the evil warriors. Kelethanos had no time to mourn his parents for one
> role + of the duergar survived the massacre. Wounded but still dangerous he closed on the
> role + defenseless boy. An unearthly rage siezed the elf's mind as he grabbed the nearest
> role + sword and stabbed and hacked the poor duergar to pieces. He ran back to the dwarven
> role + halls still covered in his foe's blood and holding tightly to the blade. The dwarves
> role + were shocked at the wild, berserker's glare the child had in his eye, and in awe as
> role + they saw he wielded one of the dwarf swords, forged from iron. As Kelethanos looked
> role + down for the first time at his weapon it burned his hand as if on cue.
> role +
> role + An orphan, he was raised by a dwarf healer and gave up his sorcery training to be a
> role + warrior. From his adptive mother he learned a bit of clerical skill and was given the
> role + name Isham. One day many years later she told him that perhaps his encounter with that
> role + fateful sword was not some latent magic, but a blessing from the gods. Isham needed to
> role + know the truth of that day, needed to have some meaning for his devestating tragedy.
> role + She then told him of the Paladins, and how perhaps they could shed some light on his
> role + situation, and with a sly smile, how they sorely needed a dwarf like him. Isham went
> role + to his knees and hugged the old healer tight, whispering his gratitude. He got up
> role + solemnly, packed his few belongings, and left the mountain that day to find his truth.

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