A bitch is a bitch - N.W.A.:

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Posted by Firakrav on November 1, 2000 at 20:29:07:

In Reply to: [Deleted] Lelana - Elvis has left the building... posted by Ipsisimus on November 1, 2000 at 17:22:46:

You grossly over estimate the impact you've had upon Cf. It is one thing to roleplay, but it is another to create every character as an outlet of your true emotions. The only way you can get by is basic lying. Whether this holds true in real life, I don't care. But you actually held such a belief when you played this. You thought your interactions with others were incredibly divine, but you seem to miss the relevant fact that it was -the players- playing out their roles. Of course a muttering dwarf isn't going to see past the facades, but the player more than likely does.

Another thing, you accuse others of whining, of being poor players, and basically degrade their efforts at this game. I myself posted a while back about the downfall of playerkilling. I really dislike the fact that this mud is becoming more RP, and killing is thrown in when grouped or a large advantage is held. If you've ever talked with me, you know that dying doesn't affect me, it's the reason and justification of dying that does. You could pk my hide all you wanted, but if you did so (like you did) right after my unghosting, of course I'm going to be testy. My posts were posted because the people in mirc wanted -something- to read. I gave them that something, even if it was pretty much a worthless gangbang log.

Here is my final thoughts to you: you seriously need to step back (which you're doing) and evaluate why you should play. To have fun? Good, me too. To have fun committing awful grievances to others for your benefit and enjoyment? I truly hope you change from that mentality.


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