Desc and role:

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Posted by Belaran Athdorirel on November 2, 2000 at 01:02:54:

In Reply to: The most memorable and fun character I'll always remember posted by Belaran, Maran Shaman Hero on November 2, 2000 at 01:00:41:

* Desc :
A white-robed man, with broad shoulders approaches.
He has deep-set green eyes, with long wavy auburn hair at shoulder length.
Smooth pale-skinned face with high cheek bones;
and a spourting goatee makes him look mature and wise.
Yet he moves quietly and nimbly like an elf,
and his pointed ears betrays his heritage.
A bastard of the elven kind, not belonging even to humans,
though they tend to tolerate his kind.
Those eyes have a flaming fire of strength and determination,
full of wisdom and an unquenchable holy zeal burning within.

Upon his forearm, you see the mark of the silver phoenix.
Gazing at you, he stares deep within, searching if darkness dwells inside.
Those found so will shun him; His Lord's wrath will be poured upon them.
But those who seek the path of Light and goodness
will he embrace with love, friendship and protection.

* Role :
Born the only child of an elven paladin father (Soranfelir) and human healer
mother (Lil), Belaran Athdorirel was despised by his elven kin from his
father's side. Cast out from his own, his father and mother lived near Ofcol
among humans for they tolerated misfits more so than the proud elfs. Being
warriors of the Light, their happy marriage were often interrupted by the dark
ones who seek their lives. Knowing that their lives are always on the edge,
Lil gave birth to Belaran, their son, among the wood-elfs and left him there,
hidden and unknown to many of their enemies. Fearing their child will come to
harm because of them, they left the place and was never seen again. Some say
they were slayed, while others claimed to have seen them together but never
did they step into Eryn Galen to be seen.

The blood of a warrior of Light runs deep in Belaran's veins, and when he was
of age in choosing his life, he took the path of a cleric warrior of Shokai.
Since the wood-elfs prefered neither good nor evil, Belaran had to leave his
hometown and seek his kind elsewhere. Thus he stepped out into the world and
began his learning, preaching of repentance and his god's wrath against those
with dark hearts and vile intents.

It was in a city called Galadon when his faith was tested. An assassin was sent
to dispose of him. While preaching and calling all to walk the path of Light
along the dark alley street, the drow assassin stabbed him in the neck. Suddenly
there was a flash of light as his Lord's wrath poured upon the drow. Thrashing
in agony, he fled below into the sewers. Before anyone could pounced on the
weakened preacher, a paladin named Grenlanque dragged him to the city healer.

Three weeks passed and Belaran recovered. His life was saved as the stab missed
the major arteries and in no time, he was up on his feet again, preaching and
proclaiming his Lord's wrath against evil even stronger than before. Now, he
seeks his Lord's blessing and mark as His chosen. That encounter with the
assassin has made him more zealous for his Lord's work.

* Note to all Thera :
To : Dowanhowee
Subject : A Vision of His wrath

Please send to all Thera with these holy words :

Let him who have an ear, hear what His servant has seen.

I was in deep meditation at a quiet place, seeking the face of my Lord Shokai.
Fervent prayers of intercession were made for the lost; as sweat beads rolled
off my face. Suddenly, a vision came upon me :

I saw myself walking along a narrow path towards the a large mountain.
The skies behind were dark and gloomy, the billowing clouds were filled with
frequent bouts of lightning and thunder. The top of the mountain
was sprewing rocks and debris, and it rumbled threateningly.
There was a mass of people, different races, tongues and tribes, gathered at
the foot. Their eyes filled with fear, hands trembling at the beholding sight.
"Who shall go for us? Who will withstand His wrath?" they cried.

Let him who have an ear, hear what His servant has done.

Pushing myself through the mass, I began climbing the thin trail to the peak.
Coughing from the ashes, I slipped and fell, but my faith is strong to endure.
I pressed on. After what seems like eternity, I reached near the peak.
The heat was unbearable, the smoke thick. I could barely see myself. My robes
and clothes were torn and tattered, armor lost during the climb. A ragged and
tired man, I rested behind a big boulder. There I knelt and awaited, with fervent
murmurs of prayers. My faith arose as I began to intercede. Soon my fatigue
body gave out into slumber.

Let him who have an ear, hear what His servant has encountered.

A sudden shaking of the mountain awoke me up from my sleep. I sprang to my feet.
Huge boulders were thrown out from the mouth of the peak, lava began to
trickle down the slopes. I felt myself burning both outside and within, a holy
fear beyond my experience. This continued for sometime, then it stopped.
Peering from the boulder, I looked, scared stiff. Suddenly, the top burst
open, showering the the mountain with lava and molten rocks. A large silver
Phoenix emerged, fire enveloping it; a victorious cry spoken from its mouth.

Let him who have an ear, hear what His servant has experienced.

Words beyond description filled my mortal soul. I am dead, I cried!
I have seen my Lord in His glorious form! The Phoenix was perfect, light radiated
from it like precious jewels, majestic in power. I fell, quaking with fear.
Turning to look at me, the Phoenix opened its mouth and a gush of searing fire
engulfed me. I screamed in agony, yet my heart burned with joy. The rocks melted
around me, but I was not harmed. I felt my soul cleansed and free, every trace
of darkness consumed by the holy fire. With every being in me, I forced myself
to kneel and received the baptism. The Phoenix then flew triumphantly into the skies.

Let him who have an ear, hear what His servant will speak.

"Who is he that comes down?" Who is he that withstood His wrath?" The people cried,
as I walked down the path, naked. My skin smooth, with a silvery tinge, my
steps confident. The people turned their eyes away from me, for the glory of His
Light still surrounded me. "Your eyes, they are pupil-less! Your face shining!"
Turning to face them, I 'saw' many with vileness within. Opening my mouth,
I proclaimed, "Repent of your evil ways, for His wrath is great!" Even while
speaking, holy fire engulfed them with dark hearts. Eyes melting within the
sockets, skins peeling off leaving bones, as the fire consumed them. Many
fell to their knees, convicted and vowed to renounce their ways.

Turn from your path of selfish desires, murders and coveteousness. Seek His face
and let His fire consume your darkness, cleansing you free. Bow before Him,
and acknowledge your sins. Repent, for His wrath is great and unquenchable.

Beleran Athdorirel, the Prophet of His wrath.

The day of vicotry comes as the Light shines brightly!

The words spoken was like a sword, piercing upon the heart, bringing conviction
and repentance. The preaching was strong, words of wisdom flowed out from the
abundance of goodness within my heart, the people listened intently with awe.
The message was simple, turning from our evil ways but to walk upon the path of
righteousness. Contents included adultery, selfish manipulation, the darkness of
the heart and total repentance. The weather was fair and the city bustling with
people. Many turned to look at the masses before me and soon stood transfixed
upon the power of the word preached.

The words of judgement brought many to their knees and with tears of conviction.
Sobs were heard even before the preaching was finished. Many stood, shuffling
their feets, eyes looking down as I spoke on the vileness of the heart -
full of unforgiveness, bitter roots and lust. About an hour later, I gave an
altar call, urging those whose hearts did repent to come forward as a sign of
faith and thereby laying hands upon them, blessing them with the favour of my Lord.

Two persons caught my eye from the common folks coming forward - an elf and an
ex-Arbiter, whom I recognised, having travelled with him before. Their names
were Dremesti and Amphila. One a master of mutation and the other a dwarven

Imagine my surprise when they stood in front of me with tears in eyes. Amphila
no longer wears the Badge of Justice - a dispute with his dark drow Lord, Astein.
But thru' the eyes given by Shokai, I see their hearts were right and full of
goodness. I blessed them, and sent them to seek Lord Shokai's favour, for their
talents are invaluable to the cause of Marans. They will lend a strong arm to
pierce the dark night over the land.

I learnt something that day : many are called, but few are chosen. Many follow
with their hearts only - these are Followers. Few rise high with their spirits -
these are Disciples.

I seek Disciples not just Followers. The Light sent that they are Disciples.

Today is a day of hope and victory! Praise the name of my Lord! In my earnest
prayers before the altar in the Temple of the Phoenix, a voice spoke out :

"Your prayers and petitions have been heard. Your spirit steadfast, your faith
strong! Your Lord sees the work upon your hands and blesses you. The sacrifices
offered reached his ears and he is pleased. Thereby, your title has been changed,
The Voice of the Phoenix parallels your spirit! I shall speak more with you at an
opportune time..."

Tears fell like rain, joy complete. My Lord has spoken at last since the begining
when I felt his favour. Thru' the journeys of life and darkness, my faith stood
strong at the darkest hour but at times, I would want his presence, more than
just his blessings. And he has heard. It was a tremendous increase of faith for
me. I stayed within the sanctuary, meditating and praising. With hope and victory
over darkness in sight, knowing even if I bite the dust, my Lord has not forsaken me.

A day beyond words that will be inscribed upon my heart. I have finally seen the
glory of my Lord. The majestic awesome of his presence fills the temple. The
shimmering aura of silver that extrudes from his being, yet his voice soft and
gentle like the breeze.

I fell before my face, too fearful lest I get struck down, but he calls my name,
"Belaran, get up. We are warriors of the Light with a purpose and cause." I arose,
yet the holy presence makes my knees tremble. Pointing to the ground, he beckons me
to sit, which I did hesistantly. He spoke about victory and defeat in the Light,
the true purpose of victory and being a Maran. As time passed like a few grains of
sand, even quickly, he beckons me forward.

Standing naked before his holiness, I knelt and there a searing pain of fire burned
upon my arm. Gritting my teeth it passed and a warm throb pulsating with life filled
my being. My Lord smiled at me, and blessed me with courage, faith, hope and strength.
Then just as the vision I saw, the Phoenix flapped his wings majestically, a triumphant
cry of victory emerged and flew into the skies.

I stood gazing, longingly. And collapsed in tears of joy and worship. My Lord has
chosen to favour me, not by my efforts, but by the power of his wrath and judgement.

Another event marked a worthy cause of mention. Cothurak, the Imperial Priest, stood
and bowed her head before the Light. The Light enveloped her being, as she withstood
the pain of consumption of darkness within as I preached to her. The words came out
boldly and strong in power, filling her heart with wrenching knowledge of her vile
nature. The bondages around the spirit snapped, I believe, and her soul is free from
darkness hold.

We knelt and prayed together, she agreeing with every word of encouragement and
strength. She will begin her path with a sermon of Fire in the Inn and the Light
bless her soul. She will convict the hearts of many and turn them to the Light,
this I'm quite certain.

Great comfort when I left her, trembling body, sobbing, in her prayers of repentance.
I pray her spirit is strong and will overcome the temptation and powers of the dark
gods. She will be victorious, I pray, and show others that no one can be far from
redemption. All it takes is a little faith and hope, the rest with sheer discipline
and will of the spirit.

My eyes teared when I am alone. The world is not lost and will never be, as long
as the warriors are willing to carry the Light.

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