Posted by Krestanor on November 3, 2000 at 09:49:30:
In Reply to: You know what chucklefuck? I didn't attack Lelana, and I wasn't grouped with Del and Pel, I was grouped with Krestanor who is ALSO a sylvan and that's how I found out you were underwater. Blah, retards. nt posted by Dardignac on October 29, 2000 at 16:38:42:
> > Hmm let me see, seems you like twisting the truth so
> > that it suits you, firstly I was in my guild on 400 hp
> > when the Sylvans striked, not oonly were you walking with the sylvans whhen you came down underwater to get
> > me. You also were walking with the criminals as they were attacking in town, I was told by a couple of
> > people that you attacked in town, so live with it dont
> > want to get flagged dont hang with criminals. Second
> > my guild gets broken so I run out to attack those breaking it. Given 4 criminals about and one arbiter
> > ie me, I thought it was pretty gutsy to do on some 450 hp. I get knocked about to 300 hp and then run into the thieves guild. So what I needed to bide some time so I could attack the criminals in Galadon again.
> > Complain all you want as far as my chars role was
> > concerned he was doing nothing wrong in such situations. I considered it a time of need so did what I had to to try bring the criminals to justice. But
> > you know I could have just teleported away .. so perhaps next time you have a little cry list out the full story, rather than the parts of the story you want peopple to hear.