Soryssor's Role:

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Posted by Cathoir on November 5, 2000 at 03:38:08:

Looking for Arelath's role I came across this one. Enjoy and or flame!

Disclaimer- I really can write better than this. Problem is... i'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, so it's all or nothing. Most of the action scenes are done in a sort of weak second person (I think it's second person, I always get it confused with third person though) style. It was just easier that way. Oh yeah, and this is before proofreading.. here goes.

Somewhere in the heart of Arkham, a wealthy merchant's house remains
lit in the dead of the night. Numerous servants bustle about an
aristocratic woman in the midst of labor. Nearby her husband wrings his
hands, his face creased with worry. A single cry pierces the still
night air, heralding the birth of their child. Immediately the husband
is at his wife's side. Ten fingers, ten toes, sparkling blue eyes, a
suitable heir has been born. Letting forth a sigh of relief, the man
motions for his servants to ready the nursery.


'The child shows great promise mi'lord. He is already well liked among
the other children and seems to be their leader. His tutor has informed
me that he excels in all his studies, especially the art of healing'

'Excellent, I will apprentice him to the finest healer in Arkham. It will
serve as an excellent backround when he runs for political office. I will
make the arrangements immediately'


The wealthy merchant works quietly in his study. It is the end of the
day and he has shed his usual jewelrey and fine clothing in favor of
something more comfortable. A hollow knock sounds upon his door.


A middle-aged servant rushes in, his face pale and taut.

'Mi'lord.... something requires your attention, immediately'

'This better be important, I have a large shipment of valuables
arriving at the harbor tommorrow and I must go over my figures'

'It concerns your son, Soryssor... I think you had better come with me'

'Very well, but you had better not be wasting my time'

Behind the estate, under a large oak tree, stands a small storage shed
filled with various gardening tools. The lock to the shed lays broken
on the ground. Stepping through the doorway the wealthy merchant
recoils in horror. Soryssor sits in the middle of the shed, covered in
blood and gore. His curley blond hair is caked with dirt... other things.
In his hands he holds a bloody knife, stolen from the kitchens. Next to him
lays a dead puppy, its innards scattered about. Enraptured by some
shapeless and mangled organ sitting on his thigh, Soryssor does not even
notice his father's arrival. Turning to the pale servant the merchant
attempts to regain his composure.

'You tell no one of this, understood?'

'Yes mi'lord'

Soryssor, his blue eyes sparkling with glee, does not even see his father
standing above him, hands clenched into fists, face red with anger. A
sudden flash of pain and then darkness.


The waiting room outside the Healer's sanctuary is neat and quite
comfortable. The heavy wooden door to the sanctuary is closed, but the
muffled sounds of a conversation can still be heard.

'.....quite personable, one of the most well mannered......'

'That's all well and good, but....... I hardly think .... is normal.'

'.... my professional opinion.. that... only curiosity..... to worry about.'

The door opens and an aristocratic man followed by an elderly healer
step out.

'You have my thanks, my wife and I were quite worried.'

Nobody notices a wry smile flashing across the face of a young boy
sitting in the corner.


The night is cold and misty. The doors to the graveyard creak slightly
as the wealthy merchant pushes them open. Directly in front of him stands
the crypt of a nobleman's family.... the door hangs open, a crowbar
laying on the ground nearby. The air in the crypt smells of must and
decay. Bending over an open tomb, Soryssor holds a ceremonial silver
knife in one hand and a decaying tome bound with human flesh in the

'I've always known the healer was wrong, the slaying of that puppy was
not driven by your curiosity...'

'No father, it wasn't'

Slowly, Soryssor begins crossing the crypt, a small smile upon his face.

'You're a disgrace, i'll...'

'You'll do nothing father'

With a flick of his wrist Soryssor sends the knife flying towards his
father. A sickening thud sounds as it embeds itself in the merchant's thigh.
Leaping forth, Soryssor knocks down his father and withdraws the knife.
With a quick, practiced motion Soryssor turns the knife sideways and
drives it into his father's side, piercing his kidney. Stumbling back, the
merchant falls to the ground, howling in pain. Slowly, Soryssor turns
him over and firmly plants his foot on the man's the chest.

'What will people think father? Found dead in a nobleman's crypt with
a book of necromacy laying nearby, I wanted you to know this before you
die.... father.'


The streets of galadon bustle with activity in the warm afternoon sun.
Soryssor arrives at the steps of a desecrated shrine, carrying nothing
more than a few robes and a small pouch of gold. With carnal hunger in
his eyes and an unusual display of emotion, Soryssor grins as he stares
out at the throngs of people walking to market.

'This will do nicely'

So ends what I wrote and saved. The actual role consisted of about another 2 pages or so. One entry was a torn diary page written by a serving girl who was smiten with Soryssor, and then a scene from an abandoned crypt with various chained diplomats and politicians. The crypt one was about him torturing them for information on administration and controlling the masses, wrote it right after I joined Empire. The final one was about some plan he had for using Empire to achieve some goal or another, but I don't remember anymore.


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