All those names, and you don't even mention the guy who hero'd you. Sheesh. :P n/t:

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Posted by Gruxinbort on November 6, 2000 at 18:13:11:

In Reply to: Farewells posted by [SYLVAN] Erueaiq the Heroine of Alteration on November 5, 2000 at 18:23:22:

> Well it’s been fun! Had a lot of friends with this character and then they all disappeared cause I outlived them all. When that happened Erueaiq became somewhat of a loner. I fortunately made this character to explore and well that’s exactly that I did. An armadillo that has over 1400 hp is just nasty. I can remember tanking everything in hell and other places without worry. But enough about that, I enjoyed my interactions and learned hell of a lot about how to play and kick some serious ass.

> Arbiter: Never really liked any of you, never will, hehe

> Troupe: You guys are the best, always in role and made Erueaiq feel good bout herself

> Master: Had a lot of fun in my younger days, but nothing major towards the end

> Dawn: Only had a few interactions…. Can’t recall any worth mentioning

> Entropy: Only interacted with you a few times, I would post some names but seems you always like to become me. Can’t say I did not mind it, always liked having a twin.

> Empire: Where you go? When I was young we had some kick ass fights, I died a lot but hell it was fun.

> Battle: Had some good battles, I remember one when it was me against like 3 or 4 of ya and the fight went on for at least 5 minutes and still nobody died, hehe

> Gendo and Pariva: Thanks for the company at the end. Went a lot of places and dam near explored everything in Thera.

> Sylvan: Thanks Sadrach for inducting me. Pikel, Jheriohn, Saldarito, Asihara, Culhwch, Zimriphel had some really fun times. I always enjoyed all your company and how the pack ran as a whole back then. To all of my recent pack runners, Flontinot, Malaglen, Brakolin, Zverev, Hilaego, Shalvend, Auri, Nafalin, Delanan, Lewade, Pelnebreus, Rhycyn thanks for all the good times. Recently, there was at points when I would be the only one on…. then all of a sudden Bam! There was so many of you. Keep up the good work leaders! Erueaiq was a character of the past, as time when on her views were none the same of others and seemed out of place towards the end. Anyways all of you were the best and I had a blast.

> Now I’m sure I did not mention everyone, so I’m sorry but my life span was way to long…. little over a year. I think I’ll just most if not all of my cubs….Ponting, Sayrlias, Dashon, Qeli, Jaeru, Cellianeira, Sebrimbor, Ficorlae, Taraly, Landamaeraen, Jeana, Tathelok, Draakus, Kappavelli, Kijana, Kiac, Airellani, Beregond, Amahork, Erdioler and Richter. Thanks for the good times and bad that we traveled though. I tried the best I could to rp, but in the end I always botch it up. It seems I always start out strong and end up weak. Hopefully I can do better next time.

> Here is the only saved score I saved…as for the shitty stats…I pulled from the deck of fate…hehe

> You are Erueaiq the Heroine of Alteration, level 51, 378 years old (403 hours).
> You are middle-aged.
> Race: gnome Sex: female Class: transmuter Hometown: Hillcrest
> You have 1399/1399 hit, 1044/1066 mana, 554/554 movement.
> You have 10 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 25/22 items.
> Your items weigh 262 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
> Str: 17(18) Int: 18(20) Wis: 18(24) Dex: 18(10) Con: 12(17) Chr: 15(19)
> You have scored 533028 exp, and have 177491 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 100 hit points.
> You are standing.
> Armor: pierce: -135 bash: -149 slash: -145 magic: -121
> You are divinely armored against piercing.
> You are divinely armored against bashing.
> You are divinely armored against slashing.
> You are divinely armored against magic.
> Hitroll: 13 Damroll: 12.
> You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Fertility.
> You are affected by:
> Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 7 hours.
> Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
> Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 7 hours.
> Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 14 hours.
> Spell: 'slow' modifies dexterity by -4 for 6 hours.
> Spell: 'fly' modifies none by 0 for 5 hours.

> If anyone wants to, you can icq me #44453832

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