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Posted by Vilkokin on November 7, 2000 at 21:28:43:

In Reply to: [DELETED] Vilkokin the thief hero, reborn of the Phoenix, anathema to the Empire (was also grey athema at one point)... posted by Vilkokin on November 7, 2000 at 21:12:22:

I know it sucks, all of you that speaks more then one language will understand,

<674hp 448m 675mv> role
Your role is:
Added Wed Jun 7 18:50:45 2000 at level 26:
Born in New Thalos from an Imperial father and humble mother, Vilkokin was raised in the Imperial ways
since he could walk.
When he took the bloodoath, it was a simple formality and becoming a citizen was as easy.

Added Mon Jun 19 16:06:07 2000 at level 30:
Being a citizen.. this is what Vilkokin was raised for.. now anathema.. revenge will come.. not only on
empire, on all evil ones

Added Sun Jul 30 19:21:59 2000 at level 39:
Time has passed since the taint was removed. Now that he wears
dwarven armor, many have called Vilkokin 'dwarf' and ask the same
question : 'What made you turn to the light? What happened?' All
Vilkokin could answer was vague and uncertain. Then he became
aware of the dream, always the same one. A group of duergars
torturing a dwarven woman. By the armors, one would say that
occurred many centuries ago. The dwarven lady is covered with
bruises and is chained to the wall of what seems to be the wall of a
dungeon.She shows no fear and keeps a stern look on her face.
Facing her, a strong duergar, scepter in hand, sits in a crude throne.He
stands suddenly and with a gesture, he orders the duergars to leave
the room. A sadistic smile, a knife, still no fear in the
dwarven lady's eye, even when he grabbed her arm and cut a piece of
skin on her forearm. She spat to his face. With a growl, the
[Hit Return to continue]

duergar tears her robe apart leaving her naked. At this point, the
dream starts to fade. A piece of skin lies on the ground. On it,
the tattoo of a bird. A woman's voice shouting. The cry of a new born
child. A pale duergar child, alone on a road, fleeing. The
same duergar, much older, wearing imperial armor. Generations of
duergars, war, crime, filth. Vilkokin's father teaching him the
Imperial laws. The aura of light. Blood. Death.

Added Fri Aug 25 14:30:35 2000 at level 39:
After many prayers, many death... many battle lost and no sign, no answers to his prayer the taint star
ted to grow once again in Vilkokin's heart.

Added Mon Aug 28 11:04:15 2000 at level 39:
But the Skyborn was watching him all this time, testing his faith...

<674hp 448m 675mv> l selrf
You do not see that here.

<674hp 448m 675mv> l self
Before you stands Vilkokin. Short but muscular, he seems covered with oil.
His skin is very dark and you notice scar almost everywhere except on his face.
A greasy black beard woven with what seems to be small bones falls on his chest.
His right hand rest on a small dagger at his belt while the other moves while he talks,
punctuating everything he says.
His voice his harsh and cold. You know he will show no mercy.
But deep in his eyes, the light shines from within his heart.
The duergar looks like he needs some sleep...
Vilkokin, a male duergar, is in perfect health.

So you see? one can have a great time without being a novelist, but my new character has a better one and the next will be even better and so on. The way I see that role command is that you SHOULD had things in there when your character changes his point of view, find a way to make it fit, so many people asked me why have you turned to the light, hehehe because I don't want to lose all those hours of practicing, I had to come up with something, not the best thing but it was still working.. well any comments and tips on english would be appreciated.

See you in the field

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