Hey Vilk, drop me a line... had lots of fun with you ;) n/t:

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Posted by Dagabin on November 8, 2000 at 16:14:01:

In Reply to: [DELETED] Vilkokin the thief hero, reborn of the Phoenix, anathema to the Empire (was also grey athema at one point)... posted by Vilkokin on November 7, 2000 at 21:12:22:

> Well where to start, I usualy play on character at a time and the other is getting interesting.
> First, who am I? Vilkokin was my third char. tattoed by Shokai. The others were Tournevis and Brandeval (falcon transmuter). I think that they were all very diferent, hope they were... I am also Saltimbanko, yup the one that goes euk euk all the time *giggle* so many of you know that english is not my native language and if you put a very bad connection with it, yes! I sucked at pk!!! When I started Vilkokin, I had no clue I was going to be a Maran. I wanted to make a succesfull citizen but that war master got out of nowhere and had me duel a fire giant warrior... got anathemized for losing *grin*. I really can't make it as a citizen... So here was the situation, a duergar thief will all skills perfected, that took hours, delete delete? no way!! life is too short. Hopefully, my sphere was destruction and I always though that SHokai's religion was so nice. I had great time with Brandeval during Khiravn's time, so I went for it. Damn that was hard, not only to have those Marans hunting me everytime I approached the Shrine to pray but some cool immortals sent duergars from Mortorn for me, they wanted to kill me ( and they did a few times) for betraying my race. Well I don't know what immortal did it but thanks, that kept me running. Just imagine, you are evil, hunted by the empire, the sylvans for being a duergar, the ragers for using magic, the Marans for being evil, the arbiters for killing ( or at least trying to) evil in town, the barons because they feel like it, the scarabs for having been empire. You can't wear evil things for those are tainted but also can't kill a lightwalker mob for his gear.. get the picture? Then you are turn neutral, lose double backstab and cheap shot, then you are of the light, attack a necro and learn from your mistake on blackjack, hehehe it went down to 1% when I got tattoed *rofl*... well I'll post the role later, it sucks since my english sucks, my french is very good though.. :)

> People I remember :

> Dagabin : you kept me going with.. Zilco? was that it? we all live in his belly or something and when you told me about when you meet SHokai.. I laugh so much.. thanks man, you don't know it but you saved me from deleting

> Shokai : Comming to me just before I deleted, what can I say more then Thank you, you are doing a wonderfull job and if you ever drop by Montreal, me and you know who will surely make you have a good time, you are invited by the way, no clue where you are from

> Enli : You have learned so much since the first time I meet you, did you deleted? Hey!! I made it!!! I was truned to the light by the way :) was always nice to have you around, I'm sure you will become a very good player

> Laureolia : Hehehehe you didn't trust me at first hehehehe good roleplay there, e-mail me for more details

> Balrahd : *grin*

> Garenth : You were so damn stronger then a thief.. felt useless with all of you clerics around

> well what to say, that was a good character for me, I always thought I was so bad at roleplaying... but I had fun. All I want to say to all those who delete when something goes wrong, you don't know what you are missing. I thought I was going to con-die... I just lost interest in Vilkokin when I came back from europe this summer and I think that thieves suck at hero range. One can do it as a thief but I'm not that skilled, I am playing something much more powerfull now and I have to admit that I like it but I also like to play the underdog...

> Everyone I forgot, please forgive me, getting late here

> euk euk hehehe damn it is sad to delete...

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