Posted by triscketilian on November 12, 2000 at 01:42:59:
In Reply to: Ah Poopy, I'm dead posted by Dead [OLD-AGE]Astillian on November 11, 2000 at 04:51:41:
> Well I don't really know where to start but bare with me. Astillian is my second character. I'm happy they way he turned out dispite the rough times in real life that affect ic which it shouldn't have. I learned so much with Astillian from exploration with lots of people. > My first thanks will go to Tathlyn. He inducted me into my first Cabal ever, Troupe. I still don't know why as I look back at my interview it sucked really bad. Nonetheless you shaped my character in so many ways. > Next big thank you is to Lord Stellyx who went to bat for me. If it wasn't for him my character wouldn't have even lived. > Lady Poetry for always lending me a guiding hand. > Jaldean probably my favourite because he would always take the time to come and speak with me no matter where I was. Even in the good o'l inferno. > The other imms. You kick ass. Thanks for all the interaction in whatever form it took. > There are just way to many people to name of who I interacted with. After 926 hours trying to remember everybody is next to impossible. If you write something I'll remember you. > > Level 6: beautify 100% 10 mana > dagger 100% mace 100% sword 100%
> You are Astillian the Jingle Foot, Lyceum Scribbler, Mocked by a Comfortable Armchair, level 51, 1228 years old (926 hours).
> You are old.
> Race: elf Sex: male Class: bard Hometown: Darsylon
> You have 1002/1002 hit, 127/937 mana, 602/602 movement.
> You have 4 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 30/36 items.
> Your items weigh 271 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
> Str: 18(18) Int: 25(25) Wis: 21(21) Dex: 23(23) Con: 10(14) Chr: 21(21)
> You have scored 681767 exp, and have 53592 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 100 hit points.
> You are sleeping.
> Armor: pierce: -109 bash: -114 slash: -109 magic: -80
> You are divinely armored against piercing.
> You are divinely armored against bashing.
> You are divinely armored against slashing.
> You are superbly armored against magic.
> Hitroll: 16 Damroll: 22.
> You are good. You have a neutral ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Victory.
> You are affected by:
> Level 7: heal my heart 100% 10 mana
> Level 9: travel tune 100% 10 mana
> piercing sweet music 100% 20 mana
> Level 10: shield of words 100% 10 mana
> Level 11: we come we come 100% 30 mana
> Level 14: galadriel 100% 15 mana
> Level 15: life to the dying 100% 15 mana
> Level 16: cold be sleep 100% 30 mana
> Level 17: weak time of year 100% 20 mana
> Level 18: resisting 100% 30 mana
> Level 19: reveal all 100% 20 mana
> greensleeves 75% 30 mana
> Level 20: marriage song 75% 150 mana
> wake now my merry lads 100% 30 mana
> Level 21: better days 100% 40 mana
> Level 22: come hither child 100% 25 mana
> Level 26: life is a dream 85% 40 mana
> Level 27: tears 76% 25 mana
> Level 28: dance with jak o the shadows 100% 120 mana
> Level 29: heavy heart 100% 20 mana
> Level 32: wild west wind 100% 40 mana
> Level 33: nightmare 80% 40 mana
> Level 34: fire and ice 100% 30 mana
> Level 38: dome of illusion 76% 60 mana
> Level 40: when you dont see me 100% 20 mana
> Level 42: lifes tomb 79% 40 mana
> Level 45: frightful fiend 76% 150 mana
> staff 75% dirt kicking 100% disarm 100%
> dodge 100% enhanced damage 100% hand to hand 100%
> kick 100% parry 100% trip 100%
> second attack 100% roundhouse 100% pugil 75%
> fast healing 100% haggle 100 % meditation 100%
> pick lock 85% sneak 1% scrolls 78%
> staves 75% recall 100% lore 100%
> shield block 100% sing 100% toss 70%
> cease fighting 70% taletell 96% mix 97%
> XXXX 70% XXXXX 70% XXXXXXX 70%
> XXXXXXXX 70% scribe 70% a capella 100%
> pen 79%