Posted by Zepachu on November 13, 2000 at 23:36:20:
In Reply to: [autodelete] Amahork - wont be coming back [long] posted by Magtograme on November 13, 2000 at 19:06:36:
You killed me a few times with Oblanaider and I interacted with some of those characters you listed. Any interaction I had was cool. You've always added something to this forum, a cool little interjection or whatever, and some threads we exchanged some info in. Same can be said with your characters... a productive RPer/PKer well played. I seem to remember a time you gave me some constructive criticism about my posting, or my manner of posting, so I believe I expressed appreciation back then, and I also think I followed the advice. Cool man. Good luck with you, your marriage and all of life's endeavors! I've said my peace... one last *tip*, P.S. Still gonna be on the forum? > well I have got too much real life stuff to do lately like renovating the house and settling into this new married life thing and havent and cant be bothered playing cf anymore. > Amahork was an elven ranger in sylvan - cos I always wanted to hero an elven ranger. I dont really have any doubts that I couldnt after playing oblanaider - but I started getting bored again, didnt play for a few days and then couldnt get any enthusiasm to play again. > Delan???????, as you saw in that other post waaay back I really loved the induction interview - I would like to post that if you have no objections (please say if you do). > Ive played cf since about 3 or 4 months before the knights cabal was first introduced and lately cf has just lost appeal to me. I think I can attribute it to real life as above and in no particular order - > 1) practice - you never needed to practice alot before and now it seems that you are required to eg invokers, shapeshift - tons of special restrictions on how you can practice (apparently cant do flurry when thirsted - but I dont remember seeing that in a help file... only lost a few hours doing that).. Im not sure what purpose it serves especially if standard player has no idea on what the learning restrictions are. I dont see how it improves the game and its just a chore (and begs for people to start using triggers). > 2)its a lot more antisocial than it ever used to be, you used to be able to log in have a bit of fun and then log off. Now you get booted from cabals from not turning up enough, you cant quit when you need to (eg someone knocks at the door or you get a phone call) - because of the time delays etc (not that Im disagreeing as prior it sucked to have people quit if you were smacking them - but it does make it more antisocial). If I want to play now I feel obliged to stick aside an hour plus without interruption. > Now dont get me wrong - cf is a great game but requires imho too much time which I can better spend doing other things. The level of rp has increased massively and its great to see that, and the calibre of the players and fights increase. I think the IMMs do on the whole a damn good job (sidenote the numerous chars over the last few months from my site have been my brothers not mine - I got him addicted and hes majorly pissed at me cos of it - though he thinks hes quitting too) > Id like to say thanks to all the players - Ive probably interacted with the majority of the core base of players having been in most cabals at one point or another - its all been good - apart from those people playing ragers who think that theres no way you can log in if theres no leader in the village :P > a few chars Ive played (not in very good order): > buckets of others that dont spring to mind... > Finally a small list of things that I would change if I could. > none of which I guess will happen (Ive requested all before). > anyways - think thats about it, theres still lots of things I would like to do in cf, but cant afford the time (not the least of which would have been heroing Amahork). > Have a blast everyone and I wont be seeing you in the fields.
> Ive had great fun being killed as Magtograme and killing as Oblanaider and others - interacting with you in grat stuff like Minalcars betrayal, various quests etc.
> Tank [knight - when lame names where the rage]
> Jachyra [battle]
> Jachyra [entropy thief a year or so later, and the most fun I ever had as a char]
> Owldazzist [arbie ap]
> Niblaznacker [battle thief]
> Fermnathe [entropy war]
> Mormagataig [entropy/uncaballed trannie]
> Frrthistz [battle assassin]
> Magtograme [battle war]
> Oblanaider [battle ranger]
> Amahork [sylvan ranger]
> Ellynuins [dawn bard]
> 1) pwk - get rid of it, necros dont need it - they dont have an exp penalty and it just seems far too easy for it to be used on chars that are lower ranks.
> 2) necro sleep - reduce it, its too long.
> 3) conjies - still say they are overpowered, reduce damage done by area attacks by elementals and the damage or healing potential done by archons.
> 4) make more forest ranking areas for good people (to alleviate boredom if nothing else).
> 5) make critical hit automatic once every two rounds
> 6) make double block automatic, and allow increased defensive capability for defenders