My role, since it no longer matters to hide it, and I would like to share.:

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Posted by Dralvoth on November 14, 2000 at 00:39:58:


First off, it does not matter any longer because either A) Zorszaul didn't want to play along, B) Zorszaul was being chaotic and wouldn't play along, or C) Zorszaul could not play along with it due to his own role. In any case, it was fun writing it and I will continue to keep the rest of my chars goals going. :)

This include all my studying and research before making the role...

Jualdhe Village
This small town huddles in the shadow of Tar Valon and the White Tower, it has
not grown more then is needed to have a small shop on Jualdhe road south of here
and a small garden or workshop behind. Here you see few travelers as they tend
to the main road, but more the village people going about their daily business.
All the buildings are done in while tile, reflecting the glaring sun in
brilliant color. To the north you see rows and rows of plowed fields where
most of the food you see sold comes from.

Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and the Erinin river to the east,
this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the land
seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the rivers
flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and realize
that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of all the
rocks that litter the ground. To the south you see a few houses.

Lush Farmland
Nestled between the rolling hills of the west and the Erinin river to the east,
this fertile valley supports a few farms and their families. Here the land
seems rich and the crops grow like weeds because this is part of the rivers
flood plain. As you cross this field you see a large pile of rocks and realize
that to work this land first it would have had to have been cleared of all the
rocks that litter the ground. A clear stream rushes along on its way east to
the Erinin river.

Inn = Sirine Inn
Laughter and music pours from every corner of this small common room. Alone the
north wall is a long bar with almost all the stools filled with travelers and
village people. On the south wall is a small staircase leading up to a few
rooms for rent and a doorway to the kitchens. In the back of the common room is
a small stage where the music seems to be coming from. All around you are
tables and chairs and friendly barmaids to help you. To the east is the door
leading out.

Bartender = He seems to be a friendly man, he smiles and listens with concern as his
patrons talk. He has a large white apron on and is well groomed.

Erinin River = A fishing pole lies here.
A young boy sits on a rock and dreams of Tar Valon.
A young boy rests on the banks of the stream hoping to catch a fish.

Zorszaul LICH desc = Your gaze falls upon a skeletal figure clad in dark grey plate armor. Theundead creature moves with a skilled warrior's thoughtless grace, more likea death knight or skeletal warrior than a lich. Closer inspection ofthe armor reveals signs of alterations made to it. What were probably oncepieces of a suit of full plate mail have been replaced in some places bylighter chain or nothing at all. The armor in general seems too big, likeit was fit to this man in life and made over large by death. Twin pinpointsof incarnadine light float in his hollow eye sockets. Several of his boneslook to have been broken in the long past. A large sword is slung acrosshis back, the hilt very ornate and well crafted, and what little of theblade you can see is shiny and appears well maintained. A blue tabard isworn over the breastplate of the armor, and it is decorated by what youassume to be some kind of family crest or other heraldry. The standardis that of a dark phoenix clutching bolts of lightning in its talons.Zorszaul, a male undead, has some small but disgusting cuts.

eyes- sparkling green
nose- stunted and blunt
mouth- small and pouty, semi-thick lips
ears- small
hair- blond
neck- short
finger- stubby and semi-thick
hand- semi-thick
torso- semi-plump
arms- semi-thick
legs- semi-thick
feet- average, semi-thick
waist- average, somewhat chunky
skin- average, semi-tanned and semi-pale

Esmarelda Aseladon
Mother = A tall plump woman smiles as you enter the inn. She has long blond hair and
sparkling green eyes. After you look at her the inn seems much nicer.
A barmaid is in perfect health.

Dralvoth Aseladon
role + "Easy now.. Esmarelda... easy... now push!" came the somehow soothing words of
role + the local village mid-wife as she tended to the woman giving birth. Standing in
role + the shadow of the doorway a rather large but well groomed man muses, "Surely it
role + is not that hard, or all these woman would not be having children!" Glaring
role + back towards the door a moment, the mid-wife exclaims, "Dreylok! If you aren't
role + gonna be helpful, begone with ye, worthless man." Laughing the man turns and
role + leaves the shadow of the door as the mid-wife returns her attention to the woman
role + in labor. Later that evening the mother and her newborn child were together in
role + her small room within the inn. Nobody came to visit or congratulate her on her
role + successful birth. Not even the childs father...
role +
role + Several years later the barmaid, Esmarelda, was waiting a table when a skinny
role + little boy came running through the doors to the inn, tears streaming down his
role + cheeks. "What be the matter with you child! Didn't you even hear me words this..
role + Oh!" Upon noticing his tears she quickly left the table to see what the matter
role + was, instead of scolding him. She quickly glanced him over to see if he was
role + hurt somehow, but seeing no visible harm she asked, "what's the matter my boy?
role + Where are you hurt?" The boy simply answered, "Am I a bastard mommy?" "Are
role + you a wha... who told you that?!" The boy seeing he was not in trouble for being
role + a bastard quickly answered, "The other kids outside! They said I was a bastard!"
role + A few tears still rolled down his cheeks, but began to slow at his mothers
role + loving embrace. "Of course you are not, you have a father... he is just gone
role + for a time, he will be back someday, you will see." The boy, obviously a bit
role + confused asked, "Who is my father?" The mother, quickly looking around, told
role + her son to wait until supper and go back out and play. Smiling, again Dralvoth
role + ran outside as quickly as his still child length legs could take him.
role +
role + Outside the Sirine Inn Dralvoth found many things to do. The Jualdhe Village
role + was a farming community with the Erinin River to the north irrigating the many
role + fields of varying crops and produce. The Sirine Inn provided shelter and food
role + for weary travelers who traverse the Jualdhe road between the two cities of
role + New Ofcol and Tar Valon, Tar Valon being the closer. The great White Tower
role + itself dwarfed the tiny village, even at a fairly good length of distance, its
role + brilliant white walls seen from many many miles away. Most of the buildings
role + within the village were built with white tiles on their exteriors. The children
role + played in the fields during the morning. When the hot sun baked them during the
role + afternoon, the majority of the children would then swim and fish in the large
role + Erinin River in order to cool down. Often in the evening, many of the children
role + would climb atop a roof and watch the stars and strange shows of magic that, on
role + occasion, could be seen atop the White Tower in the distance, each child
role + dreaming of dragons, sorcery, and knights. Dralvoth often found himself
role + thinking of the sorcery. The children didn't all together shun Dralvoth at this
role + time, but often they played cruel tricks on him and excluded him from some games
role + that they played together.
role +
role + His mother often found him home crying because of the mean things the children
role + did to him during the day. The other villagers shunned him and his mother, as
role + his mother was rather free with her bedroom after her barmaid working day was
role + over. Most of the village populace believe the child to be the son of any one
role + of the numerous bed friends Esmarelda has had. The Innkeeper found Esmarelda
role + desirable as a barmaid because, to most of the customers, she was rather
role + attractive. Her smiling face often brought extra tips and customers in from
role + off the road. A satisfied customer will always return after all. Dreylok, the
role + Innkeeper, was a very large man who had a rather loud laugh and sense of
role + humour which he shared to everyone. A few of the townsfolk even suspect that
role + he could be the father of young Dralvoth. In a sense, he was his father. He
role + often took care of and played with Dralvoth, thus being Dralvoths only father
role + figure in his life.
role +
role + That evening Dralvoth came back home, and was more than ever eager to hear who
role + his father was. It was a desire that burned within his soul, like nothing he
role + had felt before. He simply had to know! Walking up to his mother, he asked,
role + "Mother, will you tell me who my father is now?" Looking up and smiling his
role + mother answered, "Why of course I can, your father was Zorszaul." The boy had
role + never heard of the name and was obviously confused. "Who?" he asked. "Well,
role + Zorszaul was a mysterious patron, middle-aged at the time... all in dark clothing
role + and wearing a very fancy set of armor." Esmarelda stares at nothing in
role + particular for a while, then returns to talking, "I waited on him and overhead
role + his discussions with someone else, who I did not really get a look at... his
role + conversation was so deep and intelligent sounding! I was just amazed. and so
role + I asked him... to.. well.. to join me upstairs for a conversation. Which he
role + agreed to. The conversation was... simply amazing. I fell in love and he had to
role + leave, later I gave birth to you, my son." Dralvoth looked amazed, "So he was a
role + knight?!" "Why do you say that?" "Because he had fancy armor!" The mother
role + thought a moment and answered, "I suppose he could have been." The boys eyes
role + were wide with delightfulness at the thought. To be the son of a knight, what an
role + amazing thing to learn. Dralvoth kept thinking this to himself and hoped his
role + father would come someday and teach him to fight.
role +
role + Many years later, a proclamation was sent through the lands, and reached the
role + ears of a now teen-aged Dralvoth that the Lich Zorszaul was a criminal and shall
role + be killed or captured on sight. Dralvoth hearing this was ecstatic, his fathers
role + name had reached him by others than his mother. The it hit him... a criminal.
role + No, his father was no knight. Then what was he is all that crossed Dralvoths
role + mind. Then he remembered they spoke a word he did not know, 'Lich'. What does
role + that word mean? He knew of one man that knew a lot, Dreylok, the Innkeeper. And
role + so he went and asked, "What does lich mean?" "Lich? hmmm you heard about that
role + dangerous criminal did you?" answered Dreylok. Dangerous? What does he mean by
role + dangerous, thought Dralvoth. Obviously noticing Dralvoths curiosity, the
role + Innkeeper continued, "Well, he is what is called a lich, this Zorszaul. A lich
role + is an undead mage of them darker magics as I have heard it. They kill without
role + a thought and then they go and do things to those corpses! It's very spooky.
role + I even hear they make those corpses come to life!" Dralvoth was now more
role + interested than ever. "Where can I learn more about lichs, then?" he asked.
role + "Oh, you don't want to do that, it's an evil and dark magic that will consume
role + your soul, just stay here in the Inn and help your mother out." Dreylok said
role + and turned to do some work, but worried nonetheless. For a few days Dralvoth
role + simply muldered over his thoughts and helped his mother about the Inn.
role +
role + A few days later several white cloaked men entered the Inn to rest from their
role + journeys. "Knights of Lord Shokai," Dreylok told Dralvoth nodding in their
role + direction. His mother being busy, Dralvoth was able to serve them, listening
role + in on their conversation. "Can you believe that! It's an outrage that they
role + would think to include such vial and dark magics in their Lycaeum." Another
role + of the white cloaked knight answered, "I agree, and to think they even included
role + a document on the becoming! As if anyone should know how to become one of those
role + unholy lichs!" A library? With information on lichs? This is it, thought
role + Dralvoth to himself. So he interrupted, "excuse me sirs, where is this library
role + you speak of?" One of the knights looked up and answered, "It's just off of the
role + East Dairien road, within the Inn of the Eternal Star." "Thank you sir."
role +
role + "Mother I am leaving, I think I am old enough to be out on my own and find my
role + own life now." Answering in jest, "Sure you are, my child. Go ahead and see
role + Tar Valon for yourself if you wish, just be back for supper." "No, mother, I am
role + really going out to find my father." "You are what?!" "Goodbye mother..."
role + "No... my son don't go! I love you!" With that Dralvoth shut the door and set
role + out to find the Inn and his father. A long journey and many stops for more
role + directions brought him to the Inn, within he proved himself to the librarian
role + and gained entrance to the great Lycaeum. Once within he studied all he could
role + about what his father had become, as well as some of the other magics. Dralvoth
role + learned about necromancer, the negative plane, and the becoming. He learned
role + about the other magics as well. He studied the histories and the theories.
role +
role + After a time he had studied all there was to study within the Inn. He wanted
role + more though. He asked the librarian where he might find more knowledge and
role + learn about the art. The librarian looked at the young man and answered, "there
role + is a well learned guildmaster residing in a crypt within the graveyard in Hamsah
role + Mu'tazz, perhaps he will be able to help you learn..." Dralvoth replied a thank
role + you and turned to leave, the Librarian quickly told him that there was also a
role + Tower of Magic, that enlisted smart young men and women to learn the arts in a
role + much more highly enlightened condition and handed Dralvoth a pamphlet. Again
role + thanking the librarian, Dralvoth took his leave and found a merchant within the
role + Inn who was also heading to Hamsah Mu'tazz, from Dagdan. Following along with
role + the merchant, Dralvoth saw many sights and heard a lot of stories. They passed
role + through Tar Valon where Dralvoth finally had the opportunity to see the great
role + white tower in person. It was beautiful. They continued down the Osreian road
role + and took a turn on the great Eastern road, it was the largest road Dralvoth had
role + ever seen. Eventually they ended up at the great gate of Hamsah Mu'tazz, with
role + it's huge palace piercing into the sky. Dralvoth and the merchant parted ways.
role +
role + Dralvoth eventually found the hidden crypt within the large graveyard, and after
role + some long discussions was admitted into the Hamsah Mu'tazz guild of Necromancers.
role + At first the gruesome details were to much for Dralvoth, but he knew if he ever
role + wanted to find and be approved by his father, he would have to master this magic.
role + After a while he became use to his new found art and found it exciting instead
role + of gruesome. It became his love and his life. The guildmaster stated once that
role + he was his prize pupil, but he can no longer teach him from a class room. It was
role + time fro Dralvoth to go out and gain some experience on his own.


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